Rich's Forum Posts

  • There is a new version out, but we don't put it on the autoupdate for a few days incase of serious problems.

  • Template SDK.sln in the static SDK folder doesn't open in 2005, for me.

  • Nice work .

  • I've updated the original file to add 'get elapsed', 'get remaining' and 'get length' expressions for timers.

  • Here's a useful behavior until it's included in the next big build; it allows you to add timers in a per-instance controlled way to objects.

    Updated version uploaded

  • I've created this for the next build, the source should be on CVS very shortly for anyone interested.

  • I can't open this in VS2005..?

  • This is a bit unrelated, but I guess it'd help too:

    Can we get an iTunes-like effect for fading in and out of music tracks? So, a couple of seconds before the current track stops the volume of the track decreases until the volume is at 0 when the track ended. Then, we reverse the same effect for the new track. A couple of seconds into the next track, we raise the volume of it until it's at 100% again.

    That way, we'd not have problems with a track ending - pause - another one beginning, it'd be a much subtler change.

    It'd be cool if we could also have the option for 'ducking', whichs means that we could have a sample in a channel and set the ducking for the main music track. So, if I get to the boss and he says something or starts screaming, the main music track decreases it's volume up until the sample is over. I guess Wikipedia explains it better than I do:

    This'd be cool. It could help making the whole music stuff very dynamic, so we'd enter a boss area, he'd start talking or whatever and the current music track would decrease in volume, thanks to ducking. Then when he'd start attacking, we'd fade into a new music track for the boss fight without any abrupt endings. It'd be like the visual transitions, just for music.

    The first idea seems like it could be accomplished relatively easily already via events, but the second indeed sounds very useful; I'd suggest it in the feature request forum so it doesn't get lost .

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  • You're right, seems the source sharing program we use ommitted to send some changes, it should be fixed in the hotfix build.

  • First , lemme say "great work so far till 98.8 !" I shall now have to redo all the work I had done for my samurai game. It wasn't stable anyway.

    What do you mean?

    There's an example of Timeline.

  • I've added them all except the Pick by Variable one. I would like to add that but I'll need to check the best way to do it first.

  • I see your point, but it's out of our control (the library's an external component which we use, and has its own options and setup etc). Perhaps just mentioning it more and documenting it will ensure people know where it is. A lot of people seem to have used it already for setting up quick launch buttons (right click the small row of icons next to File), though.

  • It's a semi-advantage Python isn't well adopted yet by Construct users, as we can update to 3.0 and make some changes to the way we use it (behaviors, effects etc).

    It isn't broken per-se, but to use it you have to install Python yourself, which is obviously annoying.

  • <img src="">

    I hope it's there .

  • We've neglected Python a little for a fair few builds, but honestly, we want to see it as good as possible for 1.0. 0.99 should fix it up. I'll talk to David now about using 3.0.