Hidden features #1: importing images

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  • And I was the person Rich talked about

    Gee, I also didn't know about this. And the png transparency issue is an issue since I think everyone's using pngs. Smaller filesizes, alpha channel and a lossless look -> Feature Request!

    Oh, and someone in the chat talked about a hotkey editor - But I can't seem to find it now. If I go to file - preferences, I only get AutoSave in the prefs. A Hotkey editor to setup keys for, say, Run Layout would definitely be helpful.

  • The interface/ribbon/hotkey options can be found via the 'Options' button; I've renamed 'Preferences' to 'Construct Preferences' for the next build so it's a bit clearer.

  • I imported tiles from PNG with transparency without any trouble.

    Careful, as some softwares incorrectly save PNG transparency (some versions of photoshop do!!)

    Might wanna try saving copies in different programs and testing each in Construct.

    If that's the problem then it's not a Construct bug.

    I ran into this issue when coding with SDL_IMAGE and using photoshop 6 I think. The "save as" and "save for web" codepaths were different and only "save for web" made correct PNGs.

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  • The "save as" and "save for web" codepaths were different and only "save for web" made correct PNGs.

    When using Photoshop, you should ALWAYS use save for web (SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+S) unless you are saving a PSD file. Save for web not only stores correct alpha data, it optimises the file size of the image, reducing it by up to 1000%.


  • The interface/ribbon/hotkey options can be found via the 'Options' button; I've renamed 'Preferences' to 'Construct Preferences' for the next build so it's a bit clearer.

    Uhm. Maybe I'm really blind here, but where is that mysterious 'Options' button? I'm on 98.8 now and I still have the 'Preferences' Entry under file, but the only thing it addresses is AutoSave.

    So where can I set the hotkeys? There's no options button under File and there's nothing in the tabs.

    EDIT: Oh man, now I see it! You meant that little Arrow and then I have to go to 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar' so that I can set hotkeys - I _never_ would've thought of that. Why don't you guys just add this dialog through File - Preferences? It'd be a lot simpler to find and most apps I use use the File - Customize Dialog Box anyway.

  • <img src="http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/7317/buttond.png">

    I hope it's there .

  • I see your point, but it's out of our control (the library's an external component which we use, and has its own options and setup etc). Perhaps just mentioning it more and documenting it will ensure people know where it is. A lot of people seem to have used it already for setting up quick launch buttons (right click the small row of icons next to File), though.

  • Honest to god, I've used the app for a couple of weeks now but I've never even seen that button

    I always used the list to load up the recent file I've worked with, but I curiously never looked at the bottom of it. For me it's still kind of a weird setup to have the options box there. I'm so used to File - Preferences or Edit - Customize that I'm probably not used to seeing this stuff in other areas.

  • After slicing up the tiles, how would you go about turning them into objects?

  • It's of much more use if you cut your huge tileset into smaller tilesets, which can then be imported in this method.

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