The interface/ribbon/hotkey options can be found via the 'Options' button; I've renamed 'Preferences' to 'Construct Preferences' for the next build so it's a bit clearer.
Uhm. Maybe I'm really blind here, but where is that mysterious 'Options' button? I'm on 98.8 now and I still have the 'Preferences' Entry under file, but the only thing it addresses is AutoSave.
So where can I set the hotkeys? There's no options button under File and there's nothing in the tabs.
EDIT: Oh man, now I see it! You meant that little Arrow and then I have to go to 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar' so that I can set hotkeys - I _never_ would've thought of that. Why don't you guys just add this dialog through File - Preferences? It'd be a lot simpler to find and most apps I use use the File - Customize Dialog Box anyway.