rexrainbow's Forum Posts

  • sainsy

    This is a behavior, not a plugin. You might try this tool to download and unzip these plugin.

  • Update

    Please update nickname behavior.

    Add "Mode" property, It had 2 mode,

    • "Manual" mode is older mode, assign nickname by user.
    • "SID" mode will assign an unique number (sid, generated by engine actually) automatically.

    Demo capx

  • Update:

    Please update nickname plugin and nickname behavior

    • pick instances by invalid nickname now will clean the SOL of target family.
    • add condition: is nickname valid , return true if this nickname is valid.
    • add condition, action: pick instances by nickname matched

    Designer could pick instances (from more then one type) by nickname which matched the target string.


    In this demo, there are 3 object types, these nicknames are "[obj][A]", "[obj][\B]", "[obj][C]".

    Pick the matched instances with "[A]" will get the instances with nickname "[obj][A]" only.

    Pick the matched instances with "[obj]" will get the instances with nickname "[obj][A]", "[obj][\B]", "[obj][C]".


    Have a nice day~

  • paramgupta107

    CocoonJS did not support html5 video feature,

  • vtrix

    You might use nickname behavior to assign nickname(string) at properties table. It might be more clearly.

  • PixelRebirth

    Using official function plugin please. The official one is more powerful then rex_function.

  • Update:

    Support passing tween value into parameter of layer/layout effect.

    Set the property "Target" to "Layer" could control the parameter of the effect at current layer, since the behavior will be put in a sprite (or a rex_layer object) and this sprite will be put in a layer.

    Set the property "Target" to "Layout" could control the parameter of the effect at current layout.

    Make sure that the effect had been added in the target (layer, layout, or sprite).

  • bombak

    The performance of this behavior is depended on canvas, you might try draw something every-tick (for example, draw a circle and increase the radius) and see the performance.

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  • Using lua script to control sprite movement

    • Write lua script in the text area, then press "Run" button.
    • Press "Reset" button to reset the text area to initial script
    • Press "Menu" button to turn on/off text area
    SetXY(x,y) -- set position to (x,y)
    F(x) -- move forward x pixel
    B(x) -- move back x pixel
    R(x) -- turn right x degree
    L(x) -- turn left x degree

    The lua vm was reference from lua.vm.js

    Since javascript did not support coroutine, I used lua script in C2. It could call c2 function in lus script in my lua vm plugin.

  • Hi,

    I try to make a lua vm plugin to run lua sccript in C2 by using lua.vm.js module.

    It works fine in browser, but it will be failed at node-webkit exported, the window could not be opened. How to debug plugin (to see what's happen) in exe (node-webkit)?

    C2 could not support coroutine for all cases, javascript could not support coroutine either, that why I try to use lua which could run function(task) with coroutine style. I could create/resume/kill task in event sheet.

    using lua script to control sprite movement

  • GearGames

    Sorry, I had made other plugins first.

  • This is an old request.

    User will be suggested to create plugins if they want type some code.

    Again, the event + plugin system is perfect for me and my team member. I made plugins, and my team member used them.

  • Update

    Add "Call" to call official function object (condition:on function) just like "expression:Call", to get return value which calculated in event sheet. User could get data stored in other object like array/dictionary/csv through event "on function" and "action:set return value"

    User should set "Eval mode" to yes, to use this feature.


    Call('GetValue', MEM['s'])

    It will trigger condition:on function "GetValue" to get return value. The format of "Call" is

    function_name, param0, param1, ...
  • Update

    5,6,7,8 if, else if, else, end if


    if,MEM[0] == 0,
    else if,MEM[0] == 1,
    else if,MEM[0] == 2,
    end if,,

    User should set "Eval mode" to "Yes". The string "MEM[0] == 0" will be eval to get true or false. The start of if-block is "if", the end of if-block is "end if". Now it noly supported one level if-block, it did not support nested if-block.

    Note that, user should not put any tag in the if-block.

  • Centra

    This csv plugin did not limit the col and row count.

    The plugin could not create a scroll bar, it need to be supported by C2 editor (but I had suggested this request before). A possible solution is, putting the csv string into a external text file and using AJAX to read this file to be a string input.

    The advantage of using csv is, user could create/edit the 2d data in excel/google doc, it's visualize, more readable and easy to edit.