rexrainbow's Forum Posts

  • Ashley , there is no way to add persist behavior or no save behavior into an array object or a dictionary object since they are not allowed to have any behavior. (Or do I miss something?)

    An array or a dictionary object might need to be persisted when this object is in a persisted container.

  • Smolli

    Uh, thanks for these error information. I will try to fix it. This plugin only could be used in html and nodewebkit export.

  • Cool~ I like it!

  • synergy88studios

    These links work fine for me, which link was missed?

  • vtrix

    About the fail of instance creating.

    You might use nickname behavior to register the nickname (and it's mapping object-type), and it need to be run once. (In your case, it had not been run once.)

    A solution is using nickname plugin's action: assign nickname to force register the nickname. Or preload (run once) these object-type before create it.

  • Sheepy

    No, it could not do that, sorry.

  • argail

    Free edition could use all 3rd plugins, include this one.

  • tumira

    I will try to fix it. It's a little difficult since the web exported works fine, but cocoonJS exported failed.

  • Ashley Kyatric

    Just like Aphrodite said, user could not assign value by name index when calling a function. It will be difficult to pass values when the function has 20 parameters. (Well, I agree that a function with 20 input parameters is not a good coding style, but my team member still want to do that.)

    The consider of making name align in conditions instead of actions is, I thought it might be more readable since the parameter declarations are more closer to condition:on function , they are at the same block.

  • Some users (actually, it is my team member) said that it would be better to have a name parameter input (name align) for official function plugin.

    I try to propose a solution for this requirement.

    <img src="" border="0">

    1. Prepare input parameter by action:set parameter which gives a string name and it's value, stores them into a {name:value} table.

    2. Call function. In function plugin, put the {name:value} table into stack.

    3. In trigger event, using condition: declare parameter to align name to index, and it's default value.

    • The first declaration name will align to index 0
    • The second declaration name will align to index 1


    So that the function plugin will have a name to index mapping table.

    And it will try to fill the passing parameter value list.

    Now the plugin has a name to index mapping table, and an extended parameter value list from {name:value} table.

    4. User could use name (or a number index) to get the value under cond:on function.

    Source code of modified official function plugin


    This changing will backward compatible for original events.

    I agree that plugin maker should avoid to duplicated plguin from official one. So please consider to implement this name align feature in offical function plugin Ashley .

  • Cooldown mask by fan sprites

    Since the cooldown mask by canvas might be lag on mobile app. I made another cooldown mask which create fan shaped by fan elements.


    • click yellow button


    Designer need to prepare a sprite object which has 9 frames with fan element shaped in degree 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1

    fame 0 = 256 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 1 = 128 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 2 = 64 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 3 = 32 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 4 = 16 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 5 = 8 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 6 = 4 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 7 = 2 degree fan start at degree 0
    fame 8 = 1 degree fan start at degree 0[/code:3s1mjne2]
    Then use action: Setup fan to assign the fan sprite object type.
    Action: Set percentage will create the fan shaped by these fan element sprites. 
    This behavior will maintain 9 sprite instances with frame index 0~8. User might see the sprite count from debug panel.
    The start angle and fan direction(clockwise or anti-clock wise) could be set at properties table.rexrainbow2014-02-18 05:06:22
  • I found that there is a node-webkit item in the preview option. Thank to Ashley . Now I could see the error message on node-webkit.

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  • grossd

    I don't know, maybe you could ask Pode .

  • grossd

    Try to download them by this tool, it will put them into correct folder.

  • mrcgkh

    Do you mean that you want to transfer the excel to csv with other delimiter (for example "@")?

    But why you need it? I thought you might use delimiter "," and read them in csv plugin with delimiter ",".