remy-jay's Forum Posts

  • Glad you like it - but it was using a large sprite to hide the spotlight , no problem on a PC but might need a "few coats of thought" for mobile...

    Heh, and wouldn't you know that's my next problem.... I saw how you used the 'cut out' circle with "destination in" applied, however, in my context, I need to be able to dynamically switch the poker chip to other objects of choice. So, I can simply create a new object on the same "light" layer and set it's blend mode accordingly, however, if the objects aren't the size of the entire viewport I'm working with (which they never are), i get the light bleeding onto the background for any area in the view port that is outside the sprite's bounding box of the object created

    I've tried having another "mask_sprite" that is blank sprite as big as the viewport I need the object to move around in. It also has a 'destination in' blend mode and instead of having another object sprite in that layer, I tried to Load Image From URL on the "mask_sprite" to programmatically place my object of choice into the "mask_sprite" sprite, however, now NO light is seen at all.

    Any "coats of thought" on how I could either combine any give sprite/object with another background sprite in order to achieve the desired effect? OR if as mentioned about, I have one sprite that is the size of the viewport that I"m operating in that I can paste/load the object of choice in/onto?

  • You only want the light on the chip and nothing else ?

    Here is a test of what I think you are after. Using large sprite. If you move the mouse/light to the far left of the screen the light is no longer hidden. Needs work...

    RamPackWobble, this is exactly what I was looking for -- and the balloons brightened my day



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  • Hi All,

    I'm having trouble casting light on a single object and not the surrounding background. I think I have the layers right, but something isn't working quite right with all the blending modes. Ideally, the light sprite would only 'shine' on the poker chip itself and not the surrounding background or UI (drag the green dot around to move the light).

    If anyone can assist, it would be appreciated? I think I need a sprite in the masking layer that creates a mask of the object below, however I can't seem to get that working..

    Any assistance would be much appreciated!


  • Check out the LiteTween behavior here in the Behaviors section, tween the "opacity" of your objects/family and you should be set -- there are lots of "easing" functions to get some neat effects too.

    Once you start tweening, you can't stop

    Hope this helps.


  • Err c0105 cenerebianca

  • Each sprite has a "Web (section)" -> Load Image from URL function. Try that, HOWEVER, remember that some servers don't allow people outside of their domain to make image requests -- in which case, your image won't load.

    I don't think you need the user media object for this.

    Hope this helps.


  • Sooo, since it seems this plugin wasn't supported anymore (and I really wanted to use it) I tried to cobble together something myself....

    The GOOD: I WAS able to reproduce a similar effect using the Tweenlite Plugin without any of the quirky errors discussed in this thread also with much more customization

    The BAD: It's not as smooth, but it will definitely serve as a poor man's version of the flip Sprite plugin

    In short:

    -Still have a sprite with two frames (could easily add more too, I think someone asked about that earlier in this thread?)

    -On click, start a tween of the sprite's width down to 0 'absolutely' (give the tween a duration of about 0.5 seconds with an easing of your choice -- "EaseInBack" gives you a nice little pulsation at the beginning and end)

    -This is now considered the halfway point of the flip so now with the width set to 0, set the animation frame to the second image in your sprite

    -Call the "reverse" tween function

    Voila! Again, it's not as smooth as the Flip sprite plugin and there is a bit of perspective lost as it's not an actual 3D transform but it will do. Perhaps the smoothness is because it's not hardware accelerated? (SOURCE?)

    Enjoy all, and cheers to Pode for exposing me to this behavior and inspiring me to work around the issues I was having.


  • Try using the "Touch" object and checking Alpha,Beta and Gamma values to capture device orientation, then, simply translate this into commands to move your character...

    EG, if Touch.AccelerationXwithG > 3 THEN move player forward (with G takes into consideration gravity)

  • R0J0hound for the steal maybe?

  • rainmaker, the iScroll plugin can do this -- its a pretty rich HTML formatted scrollable table to!

    Downside, the author doesn't have time to fix any issues you may find, however, it's worth checking out.

  • Hi All,

    Searching the forum there seems to be a lot of people who want a 'magic wand' feature in the Sprite Editor -- this request is NOT about that.

    What I want to achieve is the following: I want the user to be able to take a picture of an object against a white backgroud (usermedia object -- check), have that picture saved to a sprite (again usermedia object -- check), at which point they can then use a 'magic wand' type feature to isolate an object in the picture in order to then cut the object out and paste it into a sprite with a transparent background (this part -- ???)

    Off the top, perhaps some sort of floodfill algorithm to 'select' all the white (however, there may be varying degrees of white in the photo -- so there would need to be some sort of tolerance). Next, I wonder how I could get the selected object into a transparent background sprite/image? Through the paster/canvas object?

    Maybe there is an easier way? Maybe the problem could be changed to achieve a similar result?

    If so, please let me know!


  • Hey septeven, while this thread has your attention...

    The "add a toggle line" UI element for the iScroll object doesn't seem to work on BlackBerry 10 handhelds -- it will render, BUT, it's not togglable -- which is an idea trait for any toggle to have

    It works in the Ripple Emulator (now depreciated) simulator for Q10 and Z10 handhelds but on an actual device. As a point of note, the rest of the feature for the iScroll object appear to function correctly.

    Any chance you could take a look?



  • Wow septeven, this is an truly amazing plugin with so many ways to utilize. I've been playing around with it and would love to be able to use it to display a list of rows from a db to scroll through. For this to work properly do you know if it's possible to modify to make the list dynamic? For example to create a new assign each unique row it's own option line or dynamically create new option lines as needed.

    The amount of rows I am displaying isn't much, just 100-500 records, but I've been able to use your plugin via a minor workaround since the max rows I need to display in iScroll object at any given time isn't more than 500. In my test I've placed 3 iScroll objects representing 3 different db tables that I can flick through wonderfully with your plugin. To ensure I can flick through the entire contents I just add enough additional option lines in each iScroll object since I'm just displaying the entire contents in one option line. I know not clean, but works for my needs for now. Being able to do it on the fly though would be much better.

    Great job on this plugin!!!!!

    I've been able to implement this in a dynamic fashion -- if you are still interested PM me.



    PS, septeven, great work!

  • remy-jay

    From manual: "Simply download the .c2addon file, then drag and drop the file in to the Construct 2 window. Construct 2 will prompt to ask if you want to install the addon. If you approve the install, you must restart Construct 2 before the addon becomes available."

    Installing third-party addons

    Bah, thanks

    All good now.

  • I'd love to try this plugin out, however, I'm having trouble installing it...

    From the C2 manual:

    To install a third party plugin:

    Close Construct 2

    Copy the plugin's folder to <install path>\exporters\html5\plugins. You'll see each plugin has its own folder here, so to add a new plugin create a new folder and add the plugin's files inside it. For behaviors, copy to <install path>\exporters\html5\behaviors instead.

    Launch Construct 2 and the plugin or behavior should be available from the editor.

    However, I only see one "Paster.c2addon" file to download -- perhaps I'm missing the rest of the files somewhere? Runtime, pluginIcon, etc?


    Paster 0.5 alpha

    Here's a new plugin that is like the canvas plugin in that you can draw (or paste) other objects onto it's texture. It's simpler though and doesn't have any additional drawing features. The big difference is this plugin cleanly uses webgl and allows pasting objects with effects.


    - Paste object

    - Set resolution

    - clear with color

    - Draw Quad

    Key features:

    - Works fast with canvas2d and webgl, without the slowdown the canvas plugin had.

    - Paste objects with webgl effects applied.

    As a side note it's labeled as alpha since the effect rendering isn't complete yet so there are cases where effects aren't drawn right. Also the eventual plan is to merge the webgl fixes back to the canvas plugin, but I'll need to come up with ways to replicate all it's features in just webgl.

    Download: ... er.c2addon

    pre r160 ... 60.c2addon

    Demo: ... index.html

    Example capx [broken]: ... 2014-02-09 19:54:04