rainmaker, I once programmed a solution like this, using text objects as well!
What you do is, instead of creating 10000000 text objects for a big table, create only as many as the user can see at once, then add a scrollbar to the side.
When the user scrolls, instead of scrolling the layout as you would do normally, just make the source text for each line advance by one.
Say your source data is a list of fruits:
[1] - Banana
[2] - Apple
[3] - Orange
[4] - Watermelon
[5] - Pineapple
[6] - Grape
[7] - Blueberry
And the user can see 3 lines at most
Line 1 -> fruits[1]
Line 2 -> fruits[2]
Line 3 -> fruits[3]
Now say the user scrolls 1 item down. Instead of seeing "Line 4", the lines themselves don't change, just the references:
Line 1 -> fruits[2]
Line 2 -> fruits[3]
Line 3 -> fruits[4]
This way, the objects remain fixed, nothing new is created, just their text is changed! The only downside is the scrolling appears less smooth, since you can't scroll down, say, "10 pixels. You must scroll in whole lines.