remy-jay's Forum Posts

  • Wow, thanks Gigatron, that site is awesome, albeit distracting given the task at hand... Now I'd like this one too: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    But back to the initial request... Perhaps these would work? (high pass) ... owpass.cpp (low pass)

  • Gigatron, is this something you'd be familiar with?

  • Same as dellong using Chrome and Firefox

  • Anyone?

  • Hi All,

    I've searched around the forum here but haven't specifically found a high-pass and low-pass effect/filter... Does anyone know if one exists?

    Like discussed here: ... ilters.htm



  • Can you pin(behavior) a bunch of rope sprites together and give them the platform(behavior) so they will then fall?

    If you stuck one of the rope sprites into the ceiling (solid behavior), then the rope wouldn't fall?

  • +1, struggling with this too...

  • ThePhotons I have a question for you and your framework...

    Using the Multiplayer C2 plugin, I've tried in the past to set up a peer-to-peer chat program. The first person to join a room was always the HOST broadcasting messages from a client to all the others. My goal was that this would be able to run on mobile devices, but, I found that if the mobile device acting as the server ever minimizes my app, I'd have about a minute or so before the connection is dropped all together, and as such, so are the rest of the PEERS in the room. Most likely in effort to save power/battery consumption.

    Now, where you come in....

    Can I use the Photon cloud plugin/service to maintain a connection between PEERS such that one client doesn't need to take on the role of HOST (broadcasting everyone's messages to the rest of the PEERS and taking the hole connection down when them minimize my app?

    It has been suggested in the past instead that I should have a dedicated physical (or virtual) server that mobile clients can connect to -- can your plugin provide this?

    Please let me know.



  • rexrainbow is your friend -- as well as many others

  • teacherpeter, is this what you are looking for?

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  • > Hi All.


    > This may well be described in one of the 151 pages in this thread, and if it is, my apologies...


    > I'm just getting started with this plugin and am trying to do something seemingly simple -- I'm trying to place a 2D image (.png) onto a 3Dplane. I've created an exported .obj file from Blender that uses a .png a file as texture for a Blender plane and everything can correctly in Blender. HOWEVER, when I try to load said .obj file into C2 (using the Position_and_Rotation_Actions demo this plugin comes with) I can't seem to get the Q3DModel to render -- the image's texture is not displayed. (I've set "Use Model" to Yes, and set "Model Materials" to Yes while also importing the OBJ file into the C2 Files folder)


    > Would someone be able to put a quick .CAPX together that accomplishes this? Perhaps this can even be done programmatically in C2? I'm not picky..


    > TD;DL: I have an 2D image I want to paste onto a 3D plane using this plugin


    > Cheers!


    > -Remy


    To actually Get a model in that is textured you don't need any code at all.

      You just need to import the model >> assign a texture to it via the animations panel Q3D Model object

      Double click your Q3D model object in the object viewer (so it brings the image viewer)

      Then go to file > open and find the texture you want to show on the model.

      The most important thing is that you name the default animation to "DiffuseMap" and then run your project and it should work fine.

    I can't post urls so put https:// at the front of the URL above for a CAPX



    Add https:// to above for preview

    Thanks for the awesome example nadakbar

  • Hi All.

    This may well be described in one of the 151 pages in this thread, and if it is, my apologies...

    I'm just getting started with this plugin and am trying to do something seemingly simple -- I'm trying to place a 2D image (.png) onto a 3Dplane. I've created an exported .obj file from Blender that uses a .png a file as texture for a Blender plane and everything can correctly in Blender. HOWEVER, when I try to load said .obj file into C2 (using the Position_and_Rotation_Actions demo this plugin comes with) I can't seem to get the Q3DModel to render -- the image's texture is not displayed. (I've set "Use Model" to Yes, and set "Model Materials" to Yes while also importing the OBJ file into the C2 Files folder)

    Would someone be able to put a quick .CAPX together that accomplishes this? Perhaps this can even be done programmatically in C2? I'm not picky..

    TD;DL: I have an 2D image I want to paste onto a 3D plane using this plugin




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    The page you are looking for is not found.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • Try asking rojohound, looks like he has this one down

  • Thanks for the responses Ashley and I didn't mean to imply that I'd want a mobile host to be a <b>persistent</b> server, but rather one <b>that persists shortly </b> (perhaps for a 10-15 minute game cycle? -- after that there wouldn't be any further server duty obligation)... It's not for even for a fast

    twitchy multi-player game, more like a glorified version of the WebRTC chat-demo that comes with C2... If the host minimizes and time passes -- they take the party with them.

    Perhaps the novelty of not requiring anything other than a signaling server was too good to be true in this mobile age we live in?
