Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

From the Asset Store
Template for a basketball game with a 3D aspect (illusion of 3D)
  • QuaziGNRLnose , I don't know too much about how alphtesting affects optimizations- I basically just re-enabled it. Your code had a syntax error with it, and a comment saying that having it enabled didn't seem to do anything- so I assumed the syntax error was the reason why it appeared not to do anything. Fixing the syntax error allowed alphatest to get applied.

    I think alphatest is useful if you aren't using a shader, since you can discard fragments in the shader to get the same effect.

    I wanted to try and get shadows working with alphatest using a custom depth material, like you said.

    When I was writing a shader, I wanted to use texture2D to grab color data from a texture, but there wasn't any clear way to specify the texture in the uniforms, so I had to force it to get picked after the shader was loaded from the qfx file.

    for example-

    I figured out that this worked in the uniform section:

    	var uniform = {
    		uniformCall : function(){
    			return {
    				texture: { type: 't', value: new THREE.Texture() },
    				amplitude: {type:'f', value: 0},
    				textureWidth: {type:'f', value: 256.0},
    				textureHeight: {type:'f', value: 256.0},
    				u_time: {type:'f', value: 0},
    				u_resolution: {type:'v2', value: new THREE.Vector2() },
    				camPos: {type: 'v3',value: new THREE.Vector3() }
    	return uniform;
    But I wasn't sure how to reference the texture, so I had to add the following in runtime of q3dmodel plugin to get it to work:
    [code:1mgxtn89]if(typeof _this.mat.uniforms !== 'undefined'){
    			if(typeof _this.mat.uniforms.texture !== 'undefined')_this.mat.uniforms.texture.value = _this.texturebank[0].frames[0].webGL_texture;
    			if(_this.matType !== -1 && _this.mat) _this.mat.transparent = ( _this.properties[34] === 0 );
  • wan der-q3d.do.am/games/q3d41/index.html

  • wan der-q3d.do.am/games/q3d41/index.html

    Oh shoot, how'd you make that skybox?!

  • Having 3d Model in very realistic but in Q3D it doesnt look like what it actual looks quality is not much good!

  • Hi Guys

    Been looking at this for a while and just bought it purely out the hard work that must have gone into (and still going into) creating this. I haven't received it yet but i was wondering if it will come with any documentation or examples on setting up a "hello world" scenario?

    p.s how long does it take to come through after payment, i'm guessing it isn't an automated system

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  • nadakbar

    It should be automatic but sometimes the emails get blocked. Did u check your spam folder? Otherwise you need to email davioware(at)davioware(dot)com with purchase details.

  • Just checked my spam and not had anything, forwarding my paypal reciept through now.

    update: email forwarded

    update 2: found the email, downloaded and ready to roll

  • QuaziGNRLnose i am expecting little reply from your side what issue it is?

    Why the 3d object doesn't look much in Q3D ?

  • Hi All.

    This may well be described in one of the 151 pages in this thread, and if it is, my apologies...

    I'm just getting started with this plugin and am trying to do something seemingly simple -- I'm trying to place a 2D image (.png) onto a 3Dplane. I've created an exported .obj file from Blender that uses a .png a file as texture for a Blender plane and everything can correctly in Blender. HOWEVER, when I try to load said .obj file into C2 (using the Position_and_Rotation_Actions demo this plugin comes with) I can't seem to get the Q3DModel to render -- the image's texture is not displayed. (I've set "Use Model" to Yes, and set "Model Materials" to Yes while also importing the OBJ file into the C2 Files folder)

    Would someone be able to put a quick .CAPX together that accomplishes this? Perhaps this can even be done programmatically in C2? I'm not picky..

    TD;DL: I have an 2D image I want to paste onto a 3D plane using this plugin



  • Hi All.

    This may well be described in one of the 151 pages in this thread, and if it is, my apologies...

    I'm just getting started with this plugin and am trying to do something seemingly simple -- I'm trying to place a 2D image (.png) onto a 3Dplane. I've created an exported .obj file from Blender that uses a .png a file as texture for a Blender plane and everything can correctly in Blender. HOWEVER, when I try to load said .obj file into C2 (using the Position_and_Rotation_Actions demo this plugin comes with) I can't seem to get the Q3DModel to render -- the image's texture is not displayed. (I've set "Use Model" to Yes, and set "Model Materials" to Yes while also importing the OBJ file into the C2 Files folder)

    Would someone be able to put a quick .CAPX together that accomplishes this? Perhaps this can even be done programmatically in C2? I'm not picky..

    TD;DL: I have an 2D image I want to paste onto a 3D plane using this plugin



    To actually Get a model in that is textured you don't need any code at all.

      You just need to import the model >> assign a texture to it via the animations panel Q3D Model object
      Double click your Q3D model object in the object viewer (so it brings the image viewer)
      Then go to file > open and find the texture you want to show on the model.
      The most important thing is that you name the default animation to "DiffuseMap" and then run your project and it should work fine.


    I can't post urls so put https:// at the front of the URL above for a CAPX




    Add https:// to above for preview

  • Hi All.

    This may well be described in one of the 151 pages in this thread, and if it is, my apologies...

    I'm just getting started with this plugin and am trying to do something seemingly simple -- I'm trying to place a 2D image (.png) onto a 3Dplane. I've created an exported .obj file from Blender that uses a .png a file as texture for a Blender plane and everything can correctly in Blender. HOWEVER, when I try to load said .obj file into C2 (using the Position_and_Rotation_Actions demo this plugin comes with) I can't seem to get the Q3DModel to render -- the image's texture is not displayed. (I've set "Use Model" to Yes, and set "Model Materials" to Yes while also importing the OBJ file into the C2 Files folder)

    Would someone be able to put a quick .CAPX together that accomplishes this? Perhaps this can even be done programmatically in C2? I'm not picky..

    TD;DL: I have an 2D image I want to paste onto a 3D plane using this plugin



    Make sure your model is divided into tris not quads (Q3D can only display triangles) there should be an export option to do this automatically. Also "model materials" should be off, it's a special feature to load material information out of the model and required special setup. Instead apply textures / materials with actions and the animation editor.

    heres an incomplete manual:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/vpn0mbh4m7lo9 ... .docx?dl=0

  • QuaziGNRLnose can you please convert your manual to a DOC or PDF Format, iam using openoffice and iam unable to open it.

  • totoe

    you should be able to view it online or convert it yourself using google docs. busy atm.

  • Tried rendering the 3d behind C2 canvas, still no luck with a 2d HUD. Any ideas ? Would it take a "3d sprite" being placed on the camera every tick ?

  • QuaziGNRLnose Are .Rx , .Ry, .Rz expressions working correctly? I remember you saying something about them returning radian instead of degrees a while ago, is this still happening? Because I seem to be having trouble with them at the moment..

    Tried rendering the 3d behind C2 canvas, still no luck with a 2d HUD. Any ideas ? Would it take a "3d sprite" being placed on the camera every tick ?

    Try setting "render mode" to "inside", add a layer for UI, make it transparent and that should work fine.

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