QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • revive potions are pretty buggy right now, and they dont revive in alot of cases. dav had to rush it out for the deadline, and with all the content and possibilities packed into it theres a lot of lower priority bugs that he didn't have time to fix. that worm one being one of them. the variable that attaches the collision box to a specific worm/fish ect isn't reset when the potion activates.

  • <img src="http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs264.snc1/9131_155525689007_597014007_3499628_7531721_n.jpg">

    I love Kangaroos

    Davo kissed kangaroo and gained +4 morale.

    Davo proceeded to get kicked REALLY REALLY REALLY hard in the stomach. -100hp

    Davo has died.

  • davio and i had been wanting to get on xbox live for ages, but sadly we only had dial up internet. one day, we thought "hmm why cant we go on with dial up?" well of course, dialup users cant easily do this because the cable cant connect to any router or anything, but we cleverly hacked it using the Ethernet port on our computer, and some network connections stuff.

    after alot of debugging we got xbl to load up VERY SLOWLY, i mean it took an hour to dload the menu for the 360 dashboard. so anyways, i needed to sign up for an account. loading the everything took so long, and eventually after all the sign up crap, its choose a nickname. so i try a name, it gets rejected after 30 minutes of confirmation, think of a new one, try again, same thing. i spend maybe 5 hours on this damn thing and get fed up, and start randomizing the hell out of things. i try another 6 times nothing. and then whoa, im really pissed so i choose three random things, and smash them together.

    in the end, i get left with Quazi GNRL nose, yea.

    i actually quite liked it tho, so i kept using it for stuff, and well it just stuck. i like the fact that i can quickly be referred to as Quazi, quaz, or wtv. they sound cool

  • i knew measuring camera distance was the way to go., are you calculating the distance to a 45 degree plane from the top edge? or to a point from the top edge? it seems the plane would work just fine, seeing as a 2.5d projection has no perspective, and therefore the view "frustum" would just be a box, if you know what i mean. it might solve some problems doing things this way.

    if you were doing this in iso, would you just sort from the closest corner, (bottom of top face) to the camera?

  • i opened this bitchy *** can of worms when i started work on my own iso game. its a real freaking pain.

    the only difficulty is getting sprites occupying the same space on the ground level, to sort correctly based on height. if one block exists things will go fine. if two exist, you can hack it so that any above thelower sprite go ontop, but if you add a whole bunch, it just starts getting too complex. y sorting works for objects when they dont share a space/dont cover up eachother. im probably just gonna hack it. yuck.

  • using this technique for my iso engine

  • theres some object that was akin to the canvas but the name eludes me. you should really add it

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  • oooh very cool indeed, i think im gonna make a game sorta like this for the gamejolt compo, would be nice to try out a new viewport type, i always seem to be doing side views.

  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/888303/autosave.PNG">

    Why save Davio, when Construct can autosafe for you!

    he already knew, we dont use this because there was once a cap destroyer bug associated with it, and its not worth the risk

  • animation previewing is a must in my book. it doesnt seem like it would be too complicated to make. i mean all your doing is creating an exe the size of the animations limits, putting a checkboard bg behind it, and placing the sprite where it needs to be. it wouldnt work any different than the temp.exe type thing thats used for layout previewing.

    i never really use animation angles myself, but i do remember back in the day, the radial view made stuff wayyyy easier and simpler to understand.

    a popup dialogue thats not intergrated within the image editor, but a tab thats part of the same window would be really nice. like you just tab between animation editor and image editor. it opens up the current selected frame and swaps to the image editor when you double click it, the image editor has the animation frame thing at the bottom like it does now, so you can scrub through frames of a specific anim quickly. and the best part of it would be that unlike the current system, where you have to launch the image editor every time you want to alter frames, then close it when you wanna add a new one or change animation, now you would be able to just quickly change what you're doing all in one place. without having to always relaunch the damn thing

  • ive always wanted this ability, nice job as always lucid !

  • ive had to remake a whole bunch of tiling engines like this, and not to mention each object being a sprite is rather slow. there really should be an optimized "tile" object, with the ability to do this and exist in huge numbers without much slow-down compared to using sprites.

  • im still waiting for you to do me and davio's robot model that i sent you in here ! stop getting distracted by hotdogs, jumping frogs, and Albuquerque. ;P

  • no i did that, it uses a filter, i needed davios help on it because it was for a weeklong competition, and i only had 5 days to make it, **** the engine part of the game wasn't ever finished sadly enough.

  • change sampling in application properties from linear to point. this WILL affect how your game looks, so if you want it to have linear sampling be sure to change it back when your done zooming, if you like the look theres no problem with that either