QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the info breh, I think I understand what you are saying, I may have to rescan that block of text a few times to let it sink in. And by the way... who did the **** pixel art on that robot? If I may say it is very, very nice.

    that was me, i always make everything from scratch, i feel like i cheaped out otherwise

    and thank you for the compliments on everything, they're much appreciated.

    i have so little time and so many things i want to finish, i really aught to finish the game with that robot in it.

  • I went to the wine engine website and saw the IK engine you were using for your engine. How are you managing to keep the feet from... uhh... how do you make them follow terrain?

    well, thats not really as math related as it is programming logic. its actually not that complicated, and dont worry its no secret, platform movements use the same kinda tech to keep a character from falling through the ground

    all it does is simply check for intersection, and if there is one, using a loop, moves the "end" up 1 pixel, then checks again, repeats until there is no intersection. and when there isnt an intersection, it moves the end down, checks and repeats, until its at the "surface". its a simple loop based system, but remember loops can be cpu heavy if you make them too long or use too many, or if they do complex things.

    now detecting surface points is easy, but making the walk algorithm over these surfaces is a diff story, and im soon going to go back to the whine engine and get that working properly, the canvas bugs are finally fixed so work can recommence work on the project! procedural walking animation, will surely be awesome when its up and running.

  • post it up in tutorials, im sure itll be of use to alot of ppl

  • <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/Untitled.png">

    i thought of this method, but don't have it in any practical form yet. basically you factor in y and fake object height (w here?), and compare the objects distance from the camera "plane", then you just sort through closest to farthest or vice versa. no idea how well it works, but its unorthodox so you might not of though of it

  • A few questions I have.

    1. I am trying to set this up with legs, similar to your robot. How did you get the feet to keep the guy in the air?

    2. How would you animate these limbs, like you have. I am setting the positions of the "end" objects to image points on a sprite. Are there better ways to do this?

    the feet don't keep him up in the air, his waist is animated separately from them with a sine oscillation, and it simply looks like they are

    theres literally, A TON of ways to animate them. if what your doing works theres nothing wrong with it, but in my cap it uses alterable bezier paths, which are kind of complicated to set up if you don't know how. for a walking animation, wtv looks good and suits your needs is fine.

    the robot also has a special routine to stick feet above the ground, which adds to the walking effect.

    i cant really say if theres a "better" way to animate them, my method is cumbersome and confusing in all honesty, and unless you want an adaptable walking pattern theres really no reason for it.

    i think the best way for you to do what you want might be adding the ends as bones to some big character object, and simply move them using bone movement and bone movement animations. all the tweening stuff and animation controls are set up for you already.

    i cant really say anymore, its all up to your imagination! the purpose of the tutorial is to show you how to make IK arms using my method, and i don't wanna show everyone how i do the animating itself in one single "model", because then a lot of stuff will just end up being a clone of it. i give you tools, you have to build the car/tank/airplane/giant spider robot with your own imagination

    anyways, i really think that bone movement ends method would be the easiest/best looking for what your trying to do.

  • I hate to double post. Alas I must. I have found a very unique problem, Motion blur seems to do more than just blur, it seems to speed up "every x milliseconds" events.

    I have also replaced my arm sprites with the IK system, the IK system actually lags when the character moves with motion blur set to x0.

    Everything runs flawlessly at x20. FLAW-LESS-LY.

    If anyone knows of anything I can do, I would be very appreciative.

    Also. Bump.

    your set position and ik solving events should run every frame update (Always), they dont have to be timedelta dependant (milliseconds).

    the only other thing i know is it works by rendering (blur amount (20x for example))*(vsync rate of monitor) of frames (increasing the speed of everything in non time delta things, tick speed dependant things) and averaging them out to 60 fps or wtv vsync is.

    a lack of timedelta for certain things and having timedelta on other things that shouldnt have them might be the problem. for example, you always want an object to set position to another one, so theres no reason to put it under a milliseconds condition, but if you have a character and you want it to shoot ever 10 milliseconds, you dont want a change in framerate to make him shoot faster/slower in relation to everything else, so you need to put that under time delta related events.

    i have no idea if any of this is of any help, or if its actually a bug

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  • Holy **** this looks amazing reminds me a lot of old good Commandos 2 (anyone know?) though a bit more better looking I have to say i'm really amazed and i'm pretty sure that it could be done in Construct but it would need master constructor and a hella lot of work

    yea thats the first game i thought of, and that game is really beautiful.

    i cant explain how awesome i think this is, it looks better than 3d ever could in a lot of ways (something i used to think of when i played commandos), and makes me wonder how awesome an rts with this would look, red alert 2's awesome 2d gfx on crack.

  • well, if you're not gonna be using the joysticks analog input, for now you could always package your game with a copy of joy2key and a predefined preset.

  • i highly doubt they'll remove those things, they're quick and useful little tools. but i wouldn't expect them to be finished anytime soon, they're probably low on the priority list of bugs.

  • FoRuM gEtTiNg MeAn To NeWcOmErS lAtElY?

    I'm telling you, this just further proves my hypothesis, on the subject ^^^.

  • i concur, thats actually a great idea

    oh and about the edit i made, its simply to show what id change, but i agree if the colors he had were a stylistic choice they work great. it just seems to give off a rainy day, depressive feel and i'm not sure thats what you'd want on your character all the time, not to mention that the palette and the way you don't share colours between ramps was indicative of a beginner and i wanted to help give you some advice.

  • Ok guys, finished!

    <img src="http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u86/Kaosjkm/Finished.png">

    I'll probably be posting this in the other thread as well, when I get around to it.

    although its nicely rendered for an anime character, your colour ramps are very boring/ugly colours. try using less linear ramps and hue shifting to cooler colors as you get into the more shadowed parts of the ramp, and warmer as you get into the highlights. also realize that you should NEVER, EVER render gold with a simple brightness decreased yellow ramp, it comes off as some weird greenish stuff, and its a really ugly color, i opened up your file in paint shop pro, palletized it, and changed up all the colours to show you what i mean with all this. i also through in a contrasted version of mine in case you wanted to see it in a well, more contrasted tone.

    (its an animated gif, wait for the frames to load)

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/girlsprites.gif">

    also the rendering on the skirt is very odd and showing a ton of banding. i made some minimal edits to it as well, and don't be afraid to borrow colours from different ramps for use in other areas,

  • i have no idea what this even means, you need to be more concise. try giving a picture/video of what you want and explaining it a lil better.

  • well i cant say for sure anything about the mesh stuff cause i haven't tested it, or haven't tried it, but i know that when i wrap a 20x20 mesh onto a sphere, it runs pretty damn fast even in a cap with other models, but i dont think having the 400? quads (im kind of tired and im not sure if my are of the mesh equates to number of quads) would be faster would it? it seems it would take up way more memory, and be a lot bulkier to handle, but like i said, ive only tried the mesh way of doing things, and im basing it on the good performance i got with it, not to mention i dont know how youre handling face wrapping, and that could very well be a contributing factor.

    anyways, i think anyones that dabbled with making models knows just how unsuited construct is to it.

    a mesh object would make it so much easier and better performing anyways

  • well construct can do 3d, but not in this sense, you have to scale back and using a sprite for each quad is seriously gonna cause some slowdown. i actually have a 3D game running WITH collision detection and a bunch of pretty smooth models, rudimentary shading and other stuff working along side the 3d engine, and basically no load time since models are created using loops and beziers and fancy tricks. and i get 120-145 fps.

    Construct wont be able to actually use real meshes, loaded externally at an acceptable frame rate until a mesh object is created, using built in direct 3D stuff, which ive heard rumors about btw ;P