QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • thats fine, all i really need it for is to stretch a sprite (as if it were a polygon since i cant do this using the canvas ) so that it make my soft bodied example a single piece

  • to paste a sprite at certain xy just do this

    first create/position a sprite at the point that youd like it to be at on the canvas, then paste the sprite in, and then destroy/move the sprite out of the scene before the frame updates

    and this is a faster non SQRT distance formula but it deviates from the true distance by about 3%

    ((Max(Abs((A.x - B.x)), Abs((A.y - B.y)))) * 0.941246) + ((Min(Abs((A.x - B.x) ), Abs((A.y - B.y)))) * 0.41)

  • couldn't you just add a parameter like find point of collision closest to (x,y)

  • i just started to play with it and it seems to be acting a little weird, when i tell it to set x and y displace to the mouse it moves in conjunction to the mouse but deosnt stretch to the point where the mouse is at, weird

    EDIT: why does it set the displace to the distance from the mouse to 0,0?

    it seems like it should set that origin to the center of the sprite

    nothin a lil maths cant fix

  • how do i use it, i just have no idea, no idea of what i even have to ask?

  • well it works, but i found a prob with it which im trying to fix, things on the ground layer can never be infront of things on the high layer so a tall object will get clipped, the only other way i could forsee this being fixed is by having a for each by sprite y for each ground level box, and then using subevents to sort through each of the ground level sprite's z children, from the bottom up, there for making the base of these z heights the bottom of the stack catch mah drift?

  • the trick for your zbuf problem is comparing the y coordinates of the boxes on their respective zhieght(from their base)then comparing the height of the stacked boxes and performing the layering from the bottom up(in z height) doing your zbuf for the base first, then for the progressively higher layers

    im not sure excactly how to do this, but im working on it atm

  • why dont you just paste the radar on a canvas, drawing blips take absolutely no time at all and you could use an erase effect which would be pretty fast and way less gpu intensive

    btw if youre aiming for speed, i suggest you avoid SQRT at all costs, its a pretty big drain if you have enough of them. there are faster, but less accurate methods (you dont need that much accuracy anyways) that you could use.

  • this would be usefull for a few things and itd be a nice little addition

    what this would do is first you have an event, like i dunno,sprite colides with sprite2, and then if you use this event you could add to a formula (retrieve point of collision x and one for y too) this would return to you the point at which to objects first touched, so lets say

    | _____

    2+ / /_____

    | / / \ 1+ / / \ | ````` ``````


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6

    we would get the coordinate 3 for X and 2 for Y (i suck at ASCII shutup lol)

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  • cant you force the gfx car to do calculations? im not sure tho, havnt ever seen it done or nor do i know if its possible.

    i think there should at least be a polygonobject, graphics cards can easily process polygons (imagine how useless they would be if they couldnt lawl), the object would render polygons based on shape i.d.'ed points,

    like lets say you could colour shape,set shape outline colour and thickness, create point and reposition point, for point based actions youd get the choice of shape id then another choice for point #, (so to make a square youd make shape id's of all for points "n" then youd create a point for each point in a square with number 1-4, relatively simple to use.) and then youd have point x and point y controls.

    for shape based actions you write in a shape ID then you get parameters like colour, outline, opacity.

    a polygon object would be fine, bezier curves arent that important all the time.

    we need something like this cause we have a lack of anyway to draw polygons, and instead of trying to package it with a vector plugin which may never come, package a polygon object alone.

    and could you guys plz add a fill bucket tool to the canvas object, just have params like fill x pos, fill y pos and fill colour/opacity

  • im in consensus with davioware who ever he may be (not that i would know who he is in any way)

  • i knew i could do it with UID, thats what i thought could work, and i dont need to know its true age, thats why an everytick adder wouldnt be good, and it seems like a waste. i use those when i need to time how long a missile can stay alive and stuff like that

  • Comparing the age of a sprite would be a useful feature, and i know mmf keeps age stored, so i assume construct does this 2?, it would be usefull to have a compare age feature so we could lets say make a for each ordered by their ages, if you needed something along that lines it would be nice 2 have. all its doing is storing and comparing the order they were created, not how long theyve existed btw.

  • ive seen that article before when reading up on verlet int, but i had lost it, was actually looking for it though.

    im trying those for sure when we get springs, but the disadvantage to these is things can pass right through the holes, meaning it can slide through thin objects

  • yea, compare two initial positions of every pair, parallel to each other on the circle, and if any are tooo close stop the force