QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • well, i guess i better post my junk here, ive made a few things that i have lying round on photobucket here we go

    first attempt at pixel art ever:

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/mandiblesmonstr.jpg">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/headtoplayeraa.jpg">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/shinyeye.png">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/mech2.jpg">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/alienlines.gif">

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/dial.gif">

    stopped workin on this

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/top.png">


    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/blobber.png">

    massive wall of spame i have goin here is what im guessin lol

  • and the option to set animation frame by indvidual particle age or/and as a whole

  • DAMN YOUUUU i was just about to make something like this

    it looks better than n64 graphics

  • it looks pretty sweet, but you should revise the controls a little, pressing space to jump is a little difficult, maybe set it to W so your hands dont sprawl across the keyboard so much, i have big hands and its annoying for me, i cant imagine what a small handy would feel lol.

  • orr you could make a custom movement

    but yea i agree this should exist

  • yes that helped alot, you should add what linkman said to the description of instant hit, its not very obvious

  • can someone please explain how the bullet instant hit works. i was messing around with the "on step" event but it doesnt seem to work well all the time. anyone know how to use this properly? post a simple example if u can.

  • imo games can be art, not in the same way as a painting but they can be, a game can be called art for a single element in it, or as a whole, they have more layers of depth than a painting and all of them dont have to be art to make the game art. Donkey kong country 2 is an awesome game, the graphics arent really art, the story is inexistant but the way the game plays feels and sounds (and omg it sounds good) can be considered art, like any art, a game can be interpreted as crappy art, not art, or awesome art. an abstract painting IMO is ***** but a leonardo painting is beutiful. dont compare games with paintings, its like comparing music to painting, both art, but completely different. a game which without a doubt could be art is oot, or majoras mask, the games are great and the effect they have on you is awesome. this affect is what sets games apart as an art form, the way they can captivate you. the way they give you the ability to become something you are not, be it monkey smashing barrels in a crocks face, or a weird elf kid slashing through the face of a spider while a timer goes down in days. games are unique because of the way they borrow elements from other art forms, smash them toghether and make a truely amazing experience that no toher medium can even compare to, an experience where you are in total control of something. games are the ONLY art form that can do this, the only art that can make something impossible seem real, and this is due to the fact that they are an oragnism of different forms of art. 3d modeling, painting texturing, spriting, writing, cinematics, music, sound effects and many more, are all the organs, cells of this organsism, and we are the mind, telling it what to do. that my friends makes it art.

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  • i tryed adding a simple shadow caster, it works pretty well, cept for the floating box

    all you have to do is add shadow caster to the red "base" squares and then create a light on the "shadow" layer which always postions to the player

  • all this does is draw boxes in 3D!!!!, yea really i wasted my time making this lol. well its not done yet, i plan on adding raytraced lighting and z buffering so its actually usefull, i even plan on making more primitives like triangular prisms and cylinders ,stuff like that.

    it basically works by using 2 point perspective and alot some linear beziers ect ect.

    download and tell me what you think

    i dont know if im going to use it or not, it might be cool to make a game using this, when the lightings implemented

    move the canvas at the top down to see wireframe

  • > No - not mode 7 itself - it's a software rendering engine. Construct is entirely hardware accelerated, so it would make sense to do the same thing but in true 3D. However, we are concentrating on 2D features for up to Construct 1.0. Have you had a look at 3D Box?


    The 3D Box is pretty cool but useless in my case. I've been working on a F-Zero style game and the mode 7 is a must. In real 3D it would look better but at the same time it would ruin the *16 bit game feeling* that is one of the key factor of the game.

    If Construct is aimed to 2D game developers, then someone has to made a Mode 7 extensions as it is one of the most used effect in 2D!

    maybe you could make a mode 7 effect, why dont you look at how its done and try to program it, but if youre not very experienced this may be problamatic, i have tried and failed once before. but with construct scaling and rotation ability it may be possible to make a mode 7 effect which looks decent if not better than acutal snes hardware.

  • > so how exactly do you guys have maya at home


    I got it from school.

    Oh look, a stupid box: http://www.fileshack.us/get_file.php?id ... pidbox.cap

    I just learned something else... I don't have to import images into sprite frames one at a time. I can just right click on the first frame and hit "Import frames" then select a whole list at once. Why didn't anyone ever tell me this


  • yea but what i want is something that will actually just mirror all the frames like lets say i made a new animation and drew everything, and then i wanted to make another one with those frames but reversed, imagepoints and everything, auto mirror is fine for somethings, but in more advanced things sometimes it just wont cut it.

    and also, there should be an action that when you perform (mirrors) the sprite so that charcters made up of multiple instances are a bit easier to rig for directional changes. so that means you wouldnt even have to have multiple animations for different directions

    all it would be is set mirror to on or off

  • i remember the games factory used to have something where you pressed a button and it mirrored a whole animation either vertical or horizontally depending on what you chose, this would be a useful feature

    whenever i have to mirror an objects animation which has about 15 frames and 5-10 image points, the task of mirroring everything gets down right tedious, and it doesnt have to be that way.

    a simple right click, then "mirror frames" would be very helpful

  • well my blober character is made using paper doll, but he doesnt really looks like it because of the way i set him up. if you make your character planar and flat looking itll, look bad, but if you make it right youll barely notice, and it'll come out quite nice

    and as you can see in my engine, the benefit to making sprites this way (and animated using construct) is that your character can be very dynamic (infinite aiming directions in this case) while still breathing and moving realisticaly, and arima, that game looks reaaallly sweet. i have to try that anim style sometime, looks damn smooth and i have lots of uses for it.

    its kinda like that worm boss in the new metalslug if youve seen it yet