QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • use zoom, or use magnify effect , its pretty easy, white means more zoom with magnify btw

  • wow, that traps game is awesome man, remake it on construct !!!!

  • Oh hell no. I'd never take the engine. I just would like to use the blob effect and I plan on simplifying your cubic bezier if possible so that people can actually read it and see what's happening.

    yea sure ur free to do that, and beziers never look simple lol, except the basic ones, theyre a good example of a fractal actually

  • im a lefty

    at least im outta school for some time, and yea it hurts like ****

  • If anyone else would like to add to the concept, feel free.

    There will also be other simple things like standard spikes, and bottomless pits etc...


    my impression of what kayin has to say:

    falling apples, andd umm, mike tyson, and umm, falling moons, oh yea and nes zelda would be nice too

  • well i broke a tendon on my left ring finger last monday and i got surgery on wednesday, and now well,i have plasic button comming out of my finger nail holding my tendon in place, its nasty to say the least, i was wondering if any of you ever got "jersey finger" and im just telling everyone so they know i cant make my games with WASD at the moment lol, (i have a full cast on my left arm)

  • yep me 3, so many failures this way lol

  • srry for double post but if u mean use the game engine, or the character thats a no. you can use the effect used to draw blobs but you cant use my character or engine that would be cheap, i posted it so that people can see how it works, not change stuff around to make their own game, plz respect that, because i myself plan on reusing this engine, you can use the blob effect freely as you wish,ive said that when i first released it OS. but dont take the engine for use in your own projects plz, look at how it works and make something on your own.

  • cubic and you can use the effect, just try not to make seem like a ripoff off my game.

    and guys, im not putting wasd cause my entire left hand is in a cast right now,:lol: , theyll be a choice anyway, thank you every1 for the feedback

  • oh yea, im planning on adding a C-shaped gear somwhere in the game, would make for a nice lil easter egg lol

  • btw why are you changing layout to tell some1 "not enough cash" you could just make a big sprite which is always sent to front (or a top layer) and make that visible when you need it

    ( this will prevent the app from having to load the original layout which may take some time)

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  • i have nothing good too say ****

    EDIT (this should be): quazi-existing state.


  • + img points

  • thank you gettin surgery tmmrw

  • lamborghini_kevin009(a)hothmail(dot)com

    lol hoth mail, starwars pun