QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • that barf looks like a sheet lol

  • <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/blobberbackground.png">

    it had to be done

    here's a direct link since i already know it wont fit.

    http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm24 ... ground.png

  • how bout a part where you need to crawl through a low ceilinged passage, and a big blade slowly follows you faster than you can crawl, but you can finish while the saw is between your legs, if you went as fast as possible

  • you cant regrapple because i gave up on this, good luck getting your head wrapped around its an old uncommented thing from months ago

    shift is to release from the pendulum

    http://willhostforfood.com/?Action=down ... leid=40759

  • srry my brother posted this

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  • midnight, download audacity, and set up your microphone so it records off of your sound card

    search "stereo mix"

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    <= (tut)

    when your in audacity, press record then play your midi, stop it when its done and then save it as mp3. or OGG or wav

  • make sure you put little secrets like walkicks AND SUPER JUMP IN THERE!!!! oops pressed caps lock, oh yah dont forget the etecoons!!!

  • upon creating another sprite with a physics behavior, the runtime crashes for no apparent reason.

    with some expimentation ive found that removing the "solid" checkbox on the wooden object fixes the bug and im able to create one more object with physics behavior without a crash. there seems to be a link with the solid checkbox and physics behavior????? try it and see; create a sprite and give it a new physics behavior. run it and BOOM crash. uncheck the solid checkbox on the wooden object and for some reason the crash disappears. this is a serious bug in the physics engine and/or behavior system and should be addressed asap.


  • u shouldnt use the server for processing collisions,and also an array would cause severe lag, just the matter of writing in everythings position each frame is a lag machine, take that "fluid sim cap (it was sand)" that i made a while ago as an example, at over around 2000 pixels it started to kill the cpu, and thats barely anything, its a 50x40 sprite and an mmo has lots of sprites. . what i would do is is write each players progress, items, xp ect. to the server and actually handle the matter of collisions using parties and hosts, parties of 10-20 per host could probably work

    the person with the best connection in the party would be chosen as the host automatically for his party and when you break from a party you become your own host, i dont know excactly what u need to do in your mmo, but id use parties and hosts, instead of one huge server which is guarenteed to lag, servers could be used to hold stats, things that dont need to be constantly acsessed, and with clever script you could make things work very nicely

  • >

    > > I wish politics in the UK was as interesting and inspirational as in America!

    > >

    > yeah its Exciting , but vary little ever gets done. we just seem to move left and right, hardly ever forward.


    Yeah, this right here pretty much sums up American politics.

    yup, im canaidian, under 18 and i understand this, america has HUGE campaigns, that go on till people get sick of them, no one remembers what obama said on the 3rd week 2nd day 8th hour of his campaign, what a waste of money. most uneducated americans dont even care to listen to what they have to say, all they do is vote based on what their friends/family are saying and want a democrat cause they blame everything on bush right now (ALOT of whats happening was congresses fault, they passed no laws to control the banks lending in any way.)

    anyways, what america needs is a reform, not a freaking president, i doubt much will change, infact i think with obamas poor track record, well see that he wont live up to what people thought about him, and then people will get mad. obama will be in worse position than bush is, because america is in a worse position than it was then.

    america should stop wasting so much time and money on things like elections, here in canada we take about a month to elect our prime-minister. and we are in a very good position economically, with no debt. he does a good job and well, we didnt waste years and 10s of millions of dollars on the campaign.

    link man speaks the truth, or at least thats IMO

  • lol

  • sol you dont know what svn is????

    its a network

    used so that every lil change can be seen on everyones computer, even lets say moving an action point of tweaking a single action

    or at least thats what i understand of it

  • sol you *********

    how i long for a tablet,how big is it

    12x12 cm or inches?

    or pixels?!

  • gah pcs are better than macs even with BSOD

    i hate macs, overpriced gimmiky P'sOS which arent better in anyway and cant run EXEs natively

  • i dont feel like using the delta!!!!!!!

    im against the man

    no kidding ashley, im just lazy to insert that thingy everywhere

    edit:well i actually read your post now and i must say, you are alot like me, **** wise lol. i too try really hard to get things perfect, always thinking it should run perfectly how i invisioned it, and never do something i didnt intend, but after a while you realise that everything doesnt have to be perfect, infact every shouldnt be perfect or else youll spend way to much time trying to keep things perfect while you should be working on the game. games arent good because they have beautiful programming, i cry because of this but its the truth, just like how animators in 3d movies get no props, yet the actors who voice a character get emmys or wtv ugh

    you gotta realise that good games are good cause their fun, not cause everthings perfect, world of goo is super fun, but it has lotsa problems and things i would never let fly, but the thing is, thats not what makes it bad or good. a slight animation bump and things like that are annonying to us, but to a player they dont really care, its only the experience which is returned to them which matters. i love over complicating things so their perfect but it always ends up making something fruitless cause it takes to long. i do like how you made this problem simple tho, i would like to see a tut