QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • This makes me feel sooooo young! 21, 22 in January. Cheers guys!

    your tellin me xD

  • well, this advice is all good!

    my advice is make little tests, look at games you like (2d games), little programs you like ect. and think about how they did something, then try to replicate it on your own, this is what i do! if u see something you like on the forums and its open source, dont look at the source, first try to make it yourself, and if you get stuck then look at the source. this will help you look at problems in a different way than you normally would. there are no tell all good tuts, its just practice, and develloping your own techniques.

    dont try to optimise things too much at first. what i do is make a "rough draft" then look at what can be optimised and make a new draft with more optimisation.

    learn what SIN and COS can do (if you dont know), it will help you enormously! learn how to make beziers also, they are pretty useful, even in their simplest form! ive only been using construct since (Aug 02, 2008 2:26 am lol) and i can already say my computer is clogged with cap files i made all over the place.

    also, im just curious to know? how old r u? i think i may be the youngest at 14 but i was always curious how old some other members are?

    dont worry about not being able to do things at first, you will always get the hang of them sooner of later!

  • why dont you just use 3d box?, it would run faster, be less buggy, and require almost no code, anyways,id like to see an exe or cap of what youre doing, i think it would help tell people exactly what youre going for

    those pics are rendered 3d stuff right, or are they you're game?

  • ive started making a 3d mario test using this. pretty sweet

    david i have one question?

    for the events setting x and z of each wall3d, did you find those multipliers like and adders like this (sin(Wall('angle')) * Wall('distance') * 64 + 320) through trial and error, or is their some kind of logic behind them?

    and how are "Wall" picked for those action pertaining to wall3d in an always

  • man this thing was hell to program, i forgot about it lol

  • i cant test your thing right now because im using an older version, i usually wait a week or 2 before upgrading, but anyway, making an animation would be easy, you just use 3ds or something and render a 360 spin at an iso angle, using a non perspective camera, any iso unit has 2 be done this way, i believe the angles would match up, although im unsure.

    it prolly would because at an angle of 45 your tank would be facing in a slope of +0.7 for y, and +1.4 for x, meaning youd move in the direction that matches that animation angle, if u rendered your sprites correctly of course.

    and about the bumper cars-ness, i mean vehicles should stop,and then rotate on place, like a real tank also does, if youve ever played tiberium sun or red alert 2 youd know what i mean.

  • well isometric doesnt rotate in a circle (like 8 directions), its an oval with a width its height. so the current rts movement wouldnt work out too well, in iso if you want a tank to move foward, scale to the view angle (2x=1y right?) you need to do

    set position

    set X to

    - RTStank.x+((cos(RTStank.angle))*2)*('speed')

    set Y to

    - RTStank.y+(sin(RTStank.angle))*('speed')

    this moves you in an oval, meaning youll move twice as fast X wise as you would Y wise.

    its not right for a tank to move in 8 directions, since that uses a circular method of rotation where (1x=1y)

    i think the best way to make an iso rts would be to have an actual setting in the rts movement, or 2 code your own speed limiter based on angle,

    8 directions is not the way to go

    i never actually tried the rts behaviour but its pretty good now that i looked at it, my only problem is

    units shouldnt be able to rotate while moving, it makes it look like they're bumper cars, and they run into obstacles because of this

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  • how am i supposed to know that????


    thanks rojohound

  • i remember seeing something like this over here


    couldnt you make plugins have no licensing terms? allowing the developper to apply their own terms and distribute them however they please.

  • right now you can add to strings with +"blabla" or +str(value.x) wtv, but you cant subract characters for things like lets say, a backspace function, or if u saved str(object.name)+str(.animframe) and then wanted to create the object soley by its name so you needed to put str(str(wtv it was))- 1 character(s).

  • BUMP: did you forget about this?

  • i must say thats actually pretty cool, might use it myself sometime

  • work on something smaller before you start anything big, and that "old man" looks like a smiley taking a dump.

    btw the last graphic on your page has green lines

  • im not sure how to say this.

    i want to let go of the edit box object after i type something, but i dont know how, if i click outside the edit box area i dont get anything, and the flashing type text line stays there. i cant register clicks inside my game while it flashes, which is very annoying, and stops me from actually being able to register any keyboard object input, i need to know how to get out of this plz

  • i use FL studio, and its not at all midi, you get pretty much everything you do in reason, all the eq's multiband compressors all that ***** ive used reason and logic but i prefer FL studio. its nice and shnazzy.

    and fl studio can do percisely this