QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • i guess that would work for a rope, but for a cicullarly wrapped tread, it'd be a different story

  • im not sure of a good way too make a hinged rope, using only one instance of an object. id just like to be able to create a line of objects in the correct order in the layout editor and let them auto find the correct object that they should hinge 2. i need to know this because im trying to make a tank tread, and the way im trying to do it, (see my soft bodied object in uploads) doesnt seem too work if i add more objects too the chain, i dont understand why

    anyone have a way to fix whats happening or a different way completely

  • tieing up can happen in a spring system 2 though, just depends on what youre doing to it

  • well, i figured out a simple way to make a soft bodied object, using only hinges and set force. it works pretty damn well and it reminds me of loco roco very much ^_^

  • i need some help with distortion, i have no idea how to make something like your fish, and i would really apreciate some help

  • i dunno, i just wanna see if any of you have made any major pixel art pieces, i had started one for a game, but the dithering on it took pretty much a whole week of man hours since i restarted it quite a few times, also it was for a game which ive put on hold for now, as its way to epic for me to get into during the school year.

    heres the wip, up to what ive done

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/shinyeye.png">

    the powerpoint vector lines

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/headtoplayeraa.jpg">

    and the actual drawing

    <img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm245/QuaziGnrlNose/mandiblesmonstr.jpg">

  • look at my blober cap, the arm on him should help you make a dynamic arm on your char, you gotta realise, when your character changes direction, you need to set up another animation which is the same sprite, but mirrored then you set up a new set of rules for that direction in the events, that way your arm will be properly oriented relative to your character

  • the physics object is very useful, but sometimes it limits us, its fine for simulations of falling boxes, and balls, and things like that, but sometimes i notice little things which should be there

    first off if you have used "phun" you'll know what im suggesting would be a great addition.

    i think we should be able to place hinges, and the upcoming springs, on objects, in the layout editor., this would greatly reduce the complexity of making some systems, also "fixtates" would be a great addition, so that we can stick one pysical object to another one, and they'll recieve all the movement and angular force of the parent object

    the way all this could work in the layout editor would be; you click on any object with the physics behaviour, then you press a little hyperlink like edit custom collision mask, but it says, "add springs fixtates and hinges" and when you press that you get a window where you can see all the objects with the physics behaviour, in which you could add delete, hinges, fixtates, and springs., maybe even set hinges to be motors, just like in phun

    I also believe there should be an even faster collision detecting method, for use in dynamic fluid systems, my experience making them shows that in a fluid simulation, especially using quazi blobs, you dont care about the individual particles, but more about the mass. the collision masks can be a triangle, a square, a circle, but it all looks pretty much the same (circle is the best method, doesnt crash as much) that means that using the current lowest setting of friction finding and such is even too high! in a fluid, the thing which causes lag, is when lots of objects are colliding, but more importantly intersecting, and every tick, the engine has to move every things so tha any 2 balls that are colliding will try to force apart from each other, this is unacceptable, there should be a collision finding method, which only moves objects if there is a space too fill, and doesnt care 2 much about being overlapped with another object, it just waits and moves trying to fill spaces which it sees, instead of trying to make a space for itself constantly, that way, objects on the top will settle and then the layer below them will settle and so forth, which i believe would make a faster simulation, the only thing slowing down the system is objects trying to force every single thing around them out of the way, and this is happening for each one, causing lots of cpu drain.

    only objects which can move, should move, this is usefull for anything that needs physics, but in large numbers, and the accuracy of each objects outcome doesnt matter as much as the outcome of all the objects as a system.

    i know of course that all these features are not essential, but they would greatly enhance the things you can do with the engine, things you wouldnt normally do because they are too difficult, or just impossible to do via events. setting up some big systems using events would be a pain.

  • i think there should be a "zoom" effect, that just zooms whats behind based on its colours(black=none,white=max) it instead of what the magnify effect does,in which it zooms as if the zoom area were a bulbuos lens, which looks a tad strange

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  • use particles, and give them a cool looking smoke puff. then build from there,anyway, making explosions is a pretty advanced technique, start playing around with making smoke and rocket trails first

  • i remember that game, oh god that game was drole, rather drole indeed,id always get the worst doctors and play around with those big head guys,

    i thhink i got it in a game pack, never played it much, since it came with redalert and the redalert series is my fav RTSs of all time 'specially RA2YR, if anyone plays it tell me!!!

  • the only construct smileys which dont really make sense are the smiley, it looks like his mouth is open, and the lol smiley, he looks like a spaz

  • couldnt you just put the key is pressed event below the event which selects the sub menu item? that way on that frame update only the selection of that frame will be made, then you could just put a new one before the event which says key is pressed and sub menu is open,

    order is everything, thats why lots of stuff made in mmf2 gets screwed up easily, those damn checks!!!

  • my explosion already shows, this effect can be used for alot more than just water, any system can use it, and ive already started experimenting with multi coloured and different shaped blobs

  • im not sure on what there is 2 comment on tho. its a special effect, not something event based. ill probably just make it like the physics example. simple and to the point