QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • you guys wont understand why it will become cliche if i dont show it, you actually need to see how it works, the method is better for alotmore than just explosions, ill tell you that much.

    oh yah, it doesnt use plasma.

  • well, i cant do it at all, so you cant be that bad, this effect is pretty good, the only slight problem is its not recolouring the colour, its tinting that ceratain colour, but you could always make youre recolourable sprites out of grey if u wanted 2 to counteract this problem, it just doesnt recolour coloured sprites perfectly, but its still quite usefull

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  • wow, linkman is amazing, i see him becoming one of the ig extension maker fors construct, kinda like LIJI

  • dave ill PM you a cap, i really dont want this method getting out yet, because im using it for a game, and i wanna be recognised for it, when i release the game, or when my intrest in making it dies, ill show everyone who doesnt know how its done.

  • i think there should be a REALLY inacurate mode on colision finding, im not sure if his is possible, but sometimes you just want objects to know their colliding,but not do anything until they can, instead of affect objects alot, so that if the "tubes" intersect, its not at the high priority or even medium for them to move and push everything out of the way to make a space, only things which can easily move will move,but not have to be 2 percise about what theyre hitting or not, i think there should be an option for such a thing, like "dumb collision" finding. it would make fluid simulations (which i reallly need for a project) easier.

  • this also happens when 2 many objects are intersecting, and the cpu cant perform the resulting calculations, then it just lags out and freezes.

    as you said ellipse helps fix this very well, as when you have a lot of objects,boxes tend to create very little spaces, like bricks, vs ellipse that when stacked still have space (like stacked tubes) that something can move into and fill, this is why a stack of tubes can roll off itself easily, but a stack of bircks cant.

    imagine this stackability as, the harder it is for a shape to roll off itself, the harder it is on the cpu.

  • this would be pretty useful for sprite recolours, basically, you give it a hue,sat,lum value that you would like too recolor, and then you give it another HSL color that youd like it too recolor too. (rgb could work 2)

    then theres extra parameters like hue tolerance, saturation tolerance, and lum tolerance, these values tell the effect to recolor color A's h,s,l, values neighbors (lets say same hue but diff lum or sat colored pixels would be a hue tolerance of 0, and sat/lum tols of 255 ) to the resulting transformation from color A to color B.

    bassically the tolerance allows the effect to change the colours which are in the range of the tolerances, these must be HSL to allow for easy recoloring. giving a tolerance of 0 would make the effect only change that resulting parameters (H,S or L) of color A. giving a value of lets say 255 would make the effect change any hue,sat or lum in the resulting parameters hsl.

    its hard to explain but i think you get the point. this effect would be usefull for anything pixel art, or with a unified color scheme, but mostly PA.

  • i think it was over the size limit anyways, and its about 16 events, but thats just cause of the way they spawn particles, the bouncing ball movement is quite useful for making trailers, like the ones seen here

  • im not gonna upload the cap for this because im using it in a serious project and i dont want other ppl using it, and it becoming cliche. its pretty simple to make and I KNOW ppl who want quick good looking explosions will use it (see metal slug explosion lol), use it as inspiration. its pretty complicated in some respects and im not sure how much of a gpu ***** it is, doesnt seem too bad atm. click to create explosions.

    its meant for 60 htz screens, so it might looks weird on anything else, as the timing is non delta.

    http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=0aa4 ... b9ebfa7050

  • i know mmf2 had this, and it was usefull for making 320x240 type games, since you could make the window double size 3ple size ect. basically it would be an application properties type thing, called (window rezizing) or stretch to fit display window, which you could control by events and such.

  • i agree with deadeye somewhat, you cant believe alot of the thing the bible says, infact i think the whole point of religion is to set rules, whats good and bad, its stupid to think a book written some 2000 years+ ago is true, if youve ever played the telephone gmae youd know why, couple with that the fact that the church was a kniving ******* in medieval times, who knows what they did to the bible to cull sience and make their views seem absoluteley right. the ideas layed in the bible are good, but its dumb to believe that a large man in the sky made the earth in 7 days, and the stars, when they give no mention of the other things ever made. its all so vague it cant be proven. i dont know how ppl can deny some things, and darwin is pretty right, you cant believe that there wasnt 50 different types of human ranging from human to monkey, adapted for their enviroment (iceage letsay) discovered and dated throughout the history of our existance, and this goes for every single animal and plant on earth. you cant deny science, science is proven, and if its wrong it changes for the better, but some things are absolute. darwins theory may be slightly off who knows, but there IS proof to support it, and a hellofalot of it to say the least. i doubt god would even give a **** about the evil humans who kill each other over land they should be sharing when he has a whole damn universe of things to watch over. i believe, god was the one who lit the match, and started it all, because something had to be there before anything was there. but since weve seen so much around the universe thinking the bible is right is sorta insane. maybe there was a man named jesus, and he did things which the ppl interepreted as they did, he was no doubt a great man, i as a christian, believe in all this, but denying the proven things is stupid, imagine a world where we deny proof that a man was a murderer, and let him live free, chaos. i think of god, as the things we cant prove. he put those there to assure us of a higher power, so sit tight, and instead of wasting your life going into a church so that you can be told excactly what god probably doesnt want you to believe, you should be doing something like enjoying what gods given us, and trying to figure out what he put here, so that we could figure out him, religion is a quest for god, god is the "proof". science is a quest for proof, so science should be part of religion anyways. if god cares about you, god would want yoto live life to the fullest, thats what he intended, for everything, religion is a technology itself, so not believing science is the excact opposite of what god wants

  • can you possibly repost it , your host has deleted it

  • if construct goes commercial i am sooooo holding on to the oldest free version i have, cause im a poor *** ******** plz give a free copy to your loyal supporters of the here and now!, were basically the beta testers,reporting and suggesting, thats what makes construct so good, i love the community although small!, i really hope Construct kicks gamemakers **** stupid thing catches all the google ppls attention and makes itself seems so good when it basically a pos which is harder to use than construct and creates far worse results. construct needs to get seen, and it will. im really happy i found it (through all the hate a TDC i wondered what it was)

  • i dint know UK had a great northland!

  • as i said, its just a demo really, its an efficient method, just not well used through events.


    this shows the power of the method through java, or even better C++, and my events are a tad messy, i could only account for the grains outside of the main area, but i dint set that up.

    if it can run through and ipod touch thats pretty fast compared to a "real" simulator, although it would be cool to see some GPU powered effects like in that nvidia demo