puzzele's Forum Posts

  • Yes. I ran into the same snag but figured it was just something I did wrong...

    I have a single sprite on the screen which is a picture of a car. I added the physics behavior to it. I wanted the car to go from the right side of the screen, and then wrap back in from the left side of the screen. Once the car leaves the screen on the right, it totally flips out -- sometimes you could very briefly see the car appear on the left side of the screen but it is totally flipping out (i.e. spinning, not useable, etc).. then you have to restart the level all over again.

    If there is a simple solution to all a car with the physics behavior wrap from one side of the screen to the other, I'd love to hear it because I'm once again stumped. Thanks.

  • RamPackWobble: Tooooooooooo funny. And NOW you see how much of a novice I am, how bad I am at math, and how confusing I find these friggin' degrees.

    I updated my brilliant chart -- since I'm obviously clueless on the issue.... I THINK I got it right this time. If I goofed again, just let me know.. I did check online for clipart having a similar chart -- I figured it MUST be common... but oddly enough, I didn't find one that matched.. most of the charts I see online have the '90' at 12 o'clock. I dunno why... but whatever.. whatever make C2 happy is what I will use.

    Thanks again.

  • RamPackWobble: Thanks VERY much for your patience and in answering even more of my questions. That certainly helped a LOT. In fact, the ONLY way I could put my brain around the concept of 0 degrees being on the right is to write down your great example of a clock.

    Here is a crappy little diagram I made. Perhaps it will help other novices like me to understand where the heck the stuff is on the screen. If somebody said '720 degrees', I wouldn't have a clue where that is on the screen.

    I will certainly keep fiddling with Construct 2... so thanks in advance for your ongoing help. Very much appreciated.

  • Doh! I thought I was going NUTS because I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to create the spinning effect from scratch... I could NOT get it to work... this is what I did:

    System -- EVERY TICK -- axe -- pin pin to sprite <-- this did NOT work

    Instead, out of desperation since the above didn't work, I had to change it to:

    Start of layout -- axe -- pin pin to sprite <-- this worked.

    How come the pin doesn't work for every tick? Just curious... because now I'm stuck using 'on start of layout' and so now I'm forced to re-do the 'pin pin to sprite' every time the sprite dies and is thereafter spawned again. What am I missing?

    PS: Here is a video on youtube. this shows that it SHOULD work with every tick.. but it didn't work for me and I watched this video a gazillion times:

    https: //

  • RamPackWobble: Doh! I have no idea how I missed your posting the first time. I didn't even see it until you posted your follow-up message. I am definitely going to download it later when I get home so I can take a closer look at it. For example, I'm still not sure what the 'mirrored' thingy does and the "90 and 270 degree" distinctions confuse me. Is there perhaps a chart somewhere that displays the different degrees? For example, if I want a graphic to go from the bottom of the screen to the top, I sit there and say, "Is that 90 degrees? 180 degrees???"

    Also, I have to ask, what is a good way for a novice like me to become better with C2? I could have sat there forever and starred at the screen and I NEVER would have figured out the 'pin' feature that you guys are using. Geesh.. I was sitting there with animated .gifs because I was so desperate.

    I did look at the manual but that is a quick summary and definitely not good for a novice like me. I also floated around on youtube and pretty much watched all the tutorials I could find. I prefer video tutorials better. Some of the tutorials were really good, but others confused the heck out of me. For example, there was a tutorial about a card matching game. Well, the tutorial spent sooooooo much time using math just to figure out the right number of cards to display on the screen that I gave up... and never made it to the actual tutorial. I used less math throughout my education than this person used in this tutorial just to display the right number of cards.

    I similarly looked at the samples in c2.. such as the 'angry birds' clone example... but I just don't get how the mouse mechanism works in the game -- where you launch the stuff to the right...

    So if you have any recommendations about a good way for a novice, make that a sloooooooooooooooow learning novice like me, to learn C2, that would be great.. I've got some of the basic stuff down (i.e. making breakout, pong, asteroids, flappy bird) thanks to some GREAT tutorials on this website... but I'm not sure where to go from here.. again.. I NEVER would have figured out the 'pin' solution.. so perhaps there are more tutorial resources available that I'm not seeing? Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thanks again for everyone's help. Really is appreciated.

  • blackhornet: You did it! Thanks soooooooooooooooo much. NOW I understand what everybody was trying to explain to me when they mentioned pin.... I never used the 'pin' before.. but now I FINALLY understand. MUCH appreciated. Thank you everybody that helped.

  • I can't thank you guys enough for your patience.. and I know you are going to definitely roll your eyes and hate me, but I still do NOT get it.. the examples above do successfully make the axe spin, but it is NOT going towards the wood.

    Here is a link to my capx file. PLEASE see if you can modify this capx file so that the axe spins. In my capx file, the axe does follow the moving 'wood', but I can't figure out how to get the axe to spin.

    Once again, thanks soooooooooooooooooooo much for your ongoing patience. I honestly don't know what else to try to get the hang of this. Here is the link:

    https: // <--- I put spaces by the // because this website doesn't let me include links.

  • You guys are going to HATE me, but I'm STILL confused... for example, I looooooooooove the spinning effect that you made with the Axe. HOWEVER, if I move the log (sprite4) to a different location, the axe does NOT spin while going towards the log... the axe only spins while going across the screen... I want the axe to spin while going towards the log (wherever the log is -- which eventually will be moving).

    I TRIED to add the bullet behavior to the axe, and I TRIED to say:

    System - Every Tick - axe - set angle toward (wood.x,wood.y) -- but this stuff didn't work.

    .. But again.. I could NOT get the axe to spin around while going TOWARDS the wood. I'm sooooooo sorry to be slow with this, but I just don't get it.

    PS: It also seems like a LOT of work in the worksheet.. I would have hoped for something like, "spawn axe", then aim at the axe at the wood.. but I'm stumped.


  • Sorry guys... I'm still confused. The ONLY way I could figure out how to get the axe to be shot towards a moving target is:

    In the bullet properties, I MUST do the following:

    Set Angle = YES

    In the Event Worksheet, I MUST do the following:

    System - Every Tick - sprite1 - set angle toward (sprite2.x,sprite2.y)

    PS: Sprite 1 = is the axe picture & Sprite 2 = a picture that I want the axe to hit which is moving.

    The above is the ONLY way I could figure out how to get the axe to be shot towards a moving target... but I still CANNOT figure out how to get the axe to spin around while it is being shot. I even tried:

    System - Every Tick - Sprite1 - Rotate 5 degrees

    Any ideas? Sorry... I'm a novice and am really struggling trying to understand this mumbo jumbo but your efforts are GREATLY appreciated.

    Unless I do this, the axe will not shoot towards another object

  • Doh! My bad... I should have explained better.. The thing is... I have the axe going 'towards' another object... so once I apply the rotate behavior, the axe no longer follows the same path. Hopefully that makes sense in the way I explained it.. that is why I've used animated gifs...

    Is there some way to apply an 'effect' to make it 'appear' like is rotating? I tried fiddling with the 'sine' behavior but that didn't do it... and once I start using the 'rotate' behavior, I notice that my axe no longer is going towards another object like I want.

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  • I'm struggling with this so perhaps its easier if I just ask:

    I have a character throwing an axe. The axe has the 'bullet' behavior. It works fine. However, I would like the axe to 'appear' like it is spinning as it is moving/following the path of the bullet behavior. Is there an easy way to do this?

    The way I have done it successfully is I create an animated .gif with another program... and I basically create an animated gif of the axe picture spinning around (the animated gif was created basically by sitting there are rotating the axe picture about 10 times and then the 10 pictures are played in order making it look like the axe is spinning)... and then in Construct 2, I tell it to play the animated gif of it spinning while it is moving..... but I'm hoping I don't have to create animated gifs everytime I want to make a spinning effect.

    Is there an easy way to create this spinning picture effect this inside construct 2 without having to use animated gifs/animations? Thanks in advance.

  • I made another game with a different sound file and tried to loop it and the same EXACT thing happened.. the sound does NOT loop in Internet Explorer.

    Personally... I have a hunch this is a BUG in the program.. I was going to post this on the bug message board, but since I'm such a novice, I'm thinking perhaps I missed something? However, I suspect not.. I don't think the looping sound function works in IE... You are stuck telling Construct to merely play the sound every couple of seconds to get the looping effect. Bummer.

  • It seems that there is a way to incorporate ads into games on Amazon using their sdk file. Here is a video on Amazon that 'supposedly' explains it. However, I couldn't understand most of it:Could somebody possibly explain how to do this using Construct 2? I see on Amazon where to download the sdk file. But once I download it, there are lots of files/folders that I downloaded, but I'm not sure what the heck to do from there.

    It seems that there is a way to incorporate ads into games on Amazon using their sdk file. Here is a video on Amazon that 'supposedly' explains it. However, I couldn't understand most of it:

    https: // developer.amazon.com/appsandservices/apis/earn/mobile-ads <--- I put spaces in the address since this newsgroup doesn't allow me to provide links.

    Could somebody possibly explain how to do this using Construct 2? I see on Amazon where to download the sdk file. But once I download it, there are lots of files/folders that I downloaded, but I'm not sure what the heck to do from there.

    Any info would be great appreciated. I've watched the above video from Amazon, but it really doesn't explain much how to do it -- or least -- I certainly couldn't understand what the heck they were talking about.

    Note: You can start watching the video at around 4:30... that is when they 'supposedly' explain how to do it.. but I couldn't follow it at all.. they don't even tell me what file to start with after I download their sdk file that has LOTS of files in it.

    Any info would be great appreciated. I've watched the above video from Amazon, but it really doesn't explain much how to do it -- or least -- I certainly couldn't understand what the heck they were talking about.

    Note: You can start watching the video at around 4:30... that is when they 'supposedly' explain how to do it.. but I couldn't follow it at all.. they don't even tell me what file to start with after I download their sdk file that has LOTS of files in it.

  • I've got an idea.. would somebody out there mind downloading/trying out the 4 looping sound files I'm having trouble with.. maybe I somehow didn't convert the files properly or something silly like that. The 4 sound files are:





    Here are the links on dropbox for you to download:

    https: // dropbox.com/s/y8hfyfcd5c6oex5/heartbeat1.wav

    https: // dropbox.com/s/2fcvgyxl5lt1321/heatbeat2.wav

    https: // dropbox.com/s/4s8c290g5qo4ck1/heatbeat3.wav

    https: // dropbox.com/s/2he8aoa5kh4eyc2/heatbeat4.wav

    ** NOTE: I had to put a space between the above web address to allow it to be posted on this message board.

    Basically... I simply imported these 4 .wav files into construct 2. I'm using windows 7 and it looks like they properly converted in construct 2 to both file formats (ogg and m4a)... these sounds loop on firefox, and they also now loop on IE, but when I tried using it on android/amazon they don't loop -- or if they do, the sound is sooooooooooooo faint you have to put your ear to the speaker... they similarly don't loop on firefox when using the ubuntu operating systems.

    Thanks in advance.

    If I at least know the .wav files are correct, that is one less thing for me to try and troubleshoot.

  • Hmm... nope. it does NOT cause any problems crashing.. just doesn't play... I also tried it on an Amazon app and same problem... some sounds played fine, and others were soooooooooooooooo faint that I literally had to put my ear to the speaker to hear it... I'm stumped. It SEEMS like the ones that don't play very loud on amazon are the ones that I told it to loop the sound.... but that's probably just a coincidence.. the volume is fine on loops on firefox.. and now also on IE... I dunno.