puzzele's Forum Posts

  • Mostly good news... I used the freeware program 'audacity' and converted the files into wav. NOW most of the sounds work in Internet Explorer! I did hit one sound file that doesnt work.. even though Construct 2 said it converted it properly into both formats... I have no idea why.

    Worse yet, I tried the same web page using firefox on my laptop which uses the operating system called 'Ubuntu'. On that computer, once again, some of the sound files aren't working... and that computer does have firefox (and the sound files did work on firefox with a different operating system.. I dunno.

    Well.. it seems it ain't perfect, but its MUCH better now that I know that I must import them as .wav.

  • RamPackWobble: Thank you TREMENDOUSLY for pointing me to the manual. I'm embarrassed to say I didn't find it -- even after looking/spending hours trying to figure it out. I do have, however, one question. After reading the above link, I understand there are 2 format: ogg and m4a. But then I THINK it basically suggests just to import the sound files as .wav and it converts them automatically for me (in windows 7)?? Did I understand that correctly.

    At the moment, I'm not sure now if I should import them as .wav, OR ogg & m4a... plus, I'm not sure if I need to set up events for every single individual sound file. Could you possible just confirm which format I should use (I'm using windows 7):



    ogg AND m4a

    My worry is that if I start importing all these formats of all the same sounds and set up multiple events for the same sounds that it'll start playing it multiple times.. Thanks again for your help. At least I know I'm not nuts now.

  • My game plays fine in Firefox.. however, there is absolutely NO sound when I try and play it with Internet Explorer.

    I am using the latest version of Internet Explorer:

    Windows 7 Ultimate, Version 6.1

    Internet Explorer 11

    Anybody have any solutions? I also encountered a problem where certain 'loop' sounds did not work on Android (which I'm still trying to solve), but now I've just discovered there is absolutely no sound when somebody tries to play the game and uses the latest version of Internet Explorer.

    What am I missing?

  • Doh! Out of desperation, I put the speaker to my ear in android and I can very very very faintly hear the sound looping... so I guess it is looping correctly. HOWEVER, all of the other sounds that play once are MUCH louder in android (just the looping sounds have a much lower volume -- and all of the sounds have the same db setting in the game)... but when I play the game on the web all of the sound volumes are the same... Hmm... Any ideas?

    I guess I can try and increase the db level in the game.. but I fear that it may make the sounds toooooo loud on the web... am I missing something simple?

  • I'm stumped.. maybe I'm missing something. Basically, I have the game loop a sound file. It works PERFECT when exported to a webpage, but when I export it to android format, it does NOT play the looped sound. The other sounds (that only play once on specified events) work perfectly on both the web and android. What am I missing?

    Here is the command I used to have it loop the sound:

    System - on start of layout - Play "sound1" looping at volume 0 db (tag "sound1")

    Again.. it works perfect and loops on a webpage, but when I export it into android it does NOT play the sound at all. Here is the command I used to play a different sound when a particular event happens and NOT loop. This works perfect on both a website and android:

    Mouse - Cursor is over picture - Play sound2 not looping at volume 0 db (tag "sound2")

    Anybody have any ideas?

  • I managed to miss the last sale for Construct 2 by ONE single day in January... I sent an email to the company the very next day but understandably they couldn't extend the sale since they'd have to do it for everybody.

    I periodically check this site, but I was curious if anybody knows the next time it may go on sale and/or the easiest way to be notified when it does. I might as well hold off from buying it at the moment anyway since I'm such a novice.. but don't want to miss the next sale when it happens.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Sorry to be a bother.. but could you possibly give me an example and tell me EXACTLY how to do it? Basically, I want every level to start from a time of 0 and then just count normal. I do know how to create a global variable but I'm not sure how to have it deal with the time issue for each level. Sorry.


  • I first created a little game. I set up the game so that after certain amounts of time, specific things would happen. I called this layout page "game". For example, in the game:

    1. After 5 seconds, it will play sound1

    2. After 10 seconds, it will play sound2

    AFTER I set up the 'game' page, I then created the intro/title page... I set it up so that once they are on the title page, they hit a button and it brings them to 'game' page... but once they get there, all of the time is screwed up -- since the game already thinks certain time has already passed (while it was sitting on the title screen). Therefore...


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Doh! I FINALLY just figured it out. Although most of you likely already knew this, here is the answer in the event another novice (like me) has the same problem:

    When you first tell it to play the audio, and you pick which audio file to play,and decide whether to loop the sound or not, at the bottom of that menu it will say:

    Tag (optional): "" <-- What you need to do is NAME the sound file between the quotes. Even though the filename is "heartbeat1" you STILL need to 'tag' the filename (call it whatever you want -- but probably just easier to 'tag' it with the same filename.

    Then, when you tell the program to stop playing the sound, you type in between the quotes the name that you 'tagged' it. Therefore, every single time you add a sound to your game, I suppose your should also 'tag' it with a name.

    Hope that helps.

  • I'm embarrassed to say that I still have NOT figured out how to do this simple task. This is what I'm trying to do:

    1. After 1 seconds, play the sound "heartbeat1" and have it loop.

    2. After 5 seconds, STOP the sound "heartbeat1" and then have it start playing "heartbeat2" instead.

    However.. I CANNOT get it to STOP playing the first sound. Instead, the first sound ("heartbeat1") just keeps playing at the same time as the second sound ("heartbeat2").

    Anybody know how to simply make "sound1" STOP playing at the 5 second mark?

    This is what I tried:

  • Thanks everybody for your feedback... I'm STILL trying to wrap my brain around incorporating ads into the games with mopub/etc. I was hoping it would be as easy as using googlesense (where you basically just copy/paste a few lines to put advertisements on websites) but it definitely seems a LOT more involved than that when using Construct 2. I'm sorry.. I really am new at this stuff.

    However, I did come up with one idea that although, perhaps not perfect, is the EASIEST way I have been able to incorporate an ad into a game within seconds and with absolutely no headaches -- and theoretically make a few pennies while advertising your own product/website! Here is my idea:

    1. Create the game in Construct 2 as normal.

    2. In construct 2, create a button/picture like normal (i.e. make the button/picture have an advertisement to a particular website). Then place the button/picture in the game like you normally would.

    3. Tell Construct 2 when somebody clicks on the button/picture (of the above mentioned website advertisement) it simply brings them to the website. (just like your normally would)...

    ... SOoooooo... how do you make money with this? Simple. I signed up for Adfly -- which took 30 seconds to sign up and use. Basically, all you do is signup with Adfly. Then you tell Adfly what website YOU want to advertise. You do this by entering your website address on the top of the adfly website (when you log in). You click "shrink."

    NOTE: Use the 'framed banner' option and NOT Interstitial Advertisement option -- which is far less intrusive).

    Now Adfly gives you a shortened website... Use THIS shortened website that Adfly gave you in step #3 above -- then you put this shortened website address in your Construct 2 game (instead of your original website domain address). Basically, when in Construct 2, tell the game to bring to you the Adfly shortened website INSTEAD of the original website address. Now when a person clicks on the button/picture in your Construct 2 game, it will use this new Adfly web address. The ONLY thing this new web address does is it adds a banner to the top of the website screen... but it still brings the person to the website you wanted.

    Here is an example of it displaying: IdoNOTwantKids .com website (I HAD to add spaces to the website address so it would be displayed properly on this message board) but first using an Adfly link:

    http:// adf.ly/f4stn <-- I HAD to put a space in the web address since I'm new on the message board

    If you want to sign up with Adfly, here is the link to adfly to sign up:

    http:// adf.ly/?id=6457448 <-- I HAD to put a space in the web address since I'm new on the message board

    NOTE: Technically you can just go to adf.ly and not use the above link, but PLEASE use the above 'referral' link if you decide to use it. I think I get another penny or something via the referral if you use it.

    Anyway... when I figure out an easier solution to incorporate ads, I will let you know.. I tried to follow the tutorials on this website, but honestly, they are simply too advanced for me at the moment... or more likely, I'm toooooo dumb to understand them... but I figured this might be a good first step for novices like me.. Even better, now supposedly you can get paid to advertise -- and you can even advertise your OWN product/website which is probably better than advertising somebody elses.

    Hope that helps.

  • BluePhase: I'm sorry to bother you yet again but I'm stumped with another question:

    I am making progress submitting my game to Amazon. Thanks again for your help. However, I do NOT see how to incorporate ads into the game even after it is online with Amazon. Any idea how to do this? I see FREE games on Amazon but many do not have any ads displayed during game play. Again.. the idea is to have ads displayed in the game and THEORETICALLY make a few pennies.. but even after you submit it to Amazon, I still do NOT see how to incorporate ads.

    ANY help would be enormously appreciated on how to incorporate ads into the game -- so they you could theoretically make a few pennies when it is distributed by Amazon. Thanks again.

    PS: I THOUGHT that Amazon/etc puts ads on the apps automatically but maybe I am misunderstanding. Here is a tutorial which I THINK solves the problem... but there are so many different options. Any recommendations on this tutorial or can you recommend something better? Again.. I'm trying to figure out the EASIEST way to incorporate ads into the game so that theoretically you would make a few pennies:

    https:// scirra. com/ tutorials/ 740/ how-to-monetize-your-appgame

    NOTE: I put spaces in the above web address since this message board still won't let me include it.

  • BluePhase: Thanks GREATLY for your input.. You've certainly given me a great head start. Sincerely appreciated.

  • I hope somebody can help me out.. I attempted to submit my game to the Amazon App Store. However, once the game was reviewed, it said it had the following problem:

    Observation:- App is left top aligned :

    1. Install and launch the app

    2. The app is left top aligned

    Does anybody know how to fix this?? I'm stumped. Thanks greatly.

    Also, amazon says it failed because I did not "Integrate GameCircle APIs". Anybody know how to do this? I see where to download the 'gamecircle' zip file from Amazon but i have NO idea what to do with it.

  • BluePhaze... thanks for your response. I'm a complete novice and certainly don't mean to sound grumpy but I must tell you... suggesting to a complete novice like myself that they float around the internet and figure out which places charge, which ones don't, which ones have ads, which ones don't, etc, doesn't seem to be particularly helpful -- at least to me. OF COURSE I knew I could search the internet and re-invent the wheel myself. However, that is the hope of posting on a newsgroup and getting help -- to save time.

    Respectfully, I suspect there are LOTS of other complete novices on here like myself that are trying to make a FIRST game and really do NOT want to search indefinitely figuring out which site(s) allow them to upload their game without any cost or specific requirements.

    Perhaps somebody can suggest at least ONE place where I can upload my game for FREE and have ads generated on it automatically EASILY where I could theoretically make a few pennies from the advertisement. Then, AFTER, I get the first one in place, THEN sure, I can begin to worry about the countless others out there that have more stringent criteria.

    Anyway.. just my 2 cents... in the meantime, my search for ONE site where I can simply upload my crappy little game to try and make a few pennies from advertising continues. Here is what I've found so far -- for the convenience of others:

    Facebook: Yes, Facebook is free, but it evidently requires you to have your own SECURE hosting -- which I suspect most novices won't have. I certainly do not.

    Apple: You have to spend $$ to get the developers license.

    fgl: "Game developers use the site to showcase their games; game publishers can check out the games and make offers to buy or license any games that fit their needs."

    gamejolt: It says, "All content on this Site, including art work, graphics, images, screen shots, text, music, digitally downloadable files, trademarks, logos, product and character names, slogans, and the compilation of the foregoing (“Content”) is the property of Game Jolt and its licensors and is protected in the U.S. and internationally under trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property laws."

    mindjolt: "To install the API Library in your game, simply download and add one of the following MindJoltAPI.as files to your flash project." (My game isn't in flash and I couldn't even understand the rest of the instructions).

    Scirra arcade: Doesn't appear to have any monetization.

    ... and the search continues.