Pricing's Forum Posts

  • if he dies set your new highscore to webstorage and if it switch to another layout you load the highscore again over webstorage

  • you need at least android 4.0

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  • what in your game doesnt work?

  • "device" as a basic

    and this for admob: ... onstruct-2

  • thats not possible as far as i know.

    you need to choose one.

    If you can code javascript you can make 2 versions of your game one with letterbox scale and the other with letterbox integer scale and check the device before loading the game and set which version of the game should be load

  • you need to add the browser plugin to your game and make this:

    on button click -> broweser: close

  • set text to:

    int( time/60) &":"& time % 60

  • i never worked with websockets so i cant help, but i would suggest you to try IntelXDK.

    Maybe you have put the not put the permission for the game like internet connection etc.

  • put your touch events to a if event:

    if opacity 100% -> touch on tap blabla

    and while your game is doing something set opacity to 99% and when everything is finished you set opacity to 100% again.

    you dont need to use opacity if you dont want, a variable would do the job too.

  • hey,

    i make something like an rpg where you can upgrade you house.

    Lets say i am on lvl 1 and get a brown house and on lvl 2 a green house etc.

    Now what is the best option to change the image from one to another? since C2 doesnt support spawning objects by name, i thought of adding all the different images to a animation and just change the frame after every update, but would this dont take to much memory space because i think an animation sprite loads all the animationframes at once.

    I dont want to make a event for every lvl, i just want to make a function that goes to the other image by just looking to the number of the lvl.

    Other question:

    Is it possible to spawn an object A with the imagepoint 2 to the object B imagepoint 3?

    Because normaly the only thing you can make is to spawn object A's origin point to object B's imagepoint of choice.

  • push

  • you mean something like a main menu where i first load all my savegames and than start too playing?

  • hey,

    i just wont to know something very important about saveing over webstorage or the other one.

    My question is if my saveings get deleted if i make an update over google play to my game?

    Because this would freak a lot of people up if there game progress gets deleted after every update and makes C2 very useless for me

  • what about savegames now? do they get deleted if i make an update on android or will they stay there?

    If they get deleted than C2 is pretty much just useless.


  • for screen size: ... reen-sizes

    admob generates the size by it self so you dont need to worry about over sticking