Pricing's Forum Posts

  • your welcome

    I got a question: How do you build your game for android if you dont have buyed a C2 license?

  • this is the plugin section:

    your thread that you are searching:

    how to bump:

    make a new post in your existing thread and write something like "bump" and it will get on top again

  • i got school again after 7years in my life and its really boring (i mostly play quake all the time)

    I know that Construct 2 is portable, but my question is if its enough to copy my C2 folder (C:programm) to a usb stick and my project folder or does i really need to install it again on the usb stick?

    I dont got a second pc at home to test if it works or not, thats why i am asking

  • do you just use the "is touching" event or the <<<< "on touched" - "is in touch"-"on touch ended" >>>> combination?

    and do you use Touchid? Touch id is very important for multitouch, your touch controls can glitch around if you are not using it

    Or you really have a bug after building the game

  • Read this: ... ers/page-3

    the trick is the "on touched" - "is in touch"-"on touch ended" combination with using the TouchID

  • sry i dont want to be an asshole here but did you read any of the basic tutorials?

    If not than please do, its just for your own good and you will learn a lot of things to do with C2 ... onstruct-2 ... tform-game

    on this you will also learn how to use tiles

  • for enemies i would recommend useing a family and make all enemie style a own sprite.

    You can than make every option to the family and it will change for all enemies, you can set the strenght of an enemy just in it instances variables.

    adding a animation with different images just makes sense in my opinon if you have for an example the same rock with different colors from purple to yellow or something.

    Its very easy to work with but makes your sprite senseless big if you use 1 sprite for everything and will slow your game down.

    I used this methode in a game where something just change its skin if the player gets leveled up, so i packed every skin in 1 sprite and made "set frame to level", its very lazy and makes my code smaller. But i know that it wound effect a lot in my game that i am makeing right now because it has no moveing elements and will hopefully dont make any lags.

  • Works for me too, but if your project gets larger than it loading times change and you may will get a problem that you set the style of something that does not exist yet, thats why i sometimes have to use "wait 0sec".

    So its a more safer/cleaner way to use "on created"

  • dont use "on Start of layout",

    try it with "Button: on created"

  • now i understand your code, thanks

  • Try Construct 3

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  • works really nice, thank you

  • but that would be the taps calculated with a minute timer,

    i want to know like how fast is he tapping per second right now, if he stops tapping the counter should get to zero and if he starts tapping again it should show something like 10taps/sec

  • All of you should know the game "cookie clicker".

    How do i count the taps per second?

  • thatserafimkid nice solution its really awesome, but could you please explain what tokenat does?

    On the C2 manual i just found this:

    tokenat(src, index, separator)

    Return the Nth token from src, splitting the string by separator. For example, tokenat("apples|oranges|bananas", 1, "|") returns oranges.

    But i dont understand what that mean and how does it work (what means Nth and token)