Pricing's Forum Posts

  • maybe he already has it in his project.

    If this wasnt the problem try to reinstall C2 again (or just copy C2 from another computer to his computer, that will work to since C2 is portable)

  • look at my capx here:

  • what is alley brawlers?

  • it may take sometime before it connects to the server, you should also check for "is user logged in"

  • oh i was too slow, anyway here is another solution with the dictionary

  • bullet does not really use the physics object, its more like the custom movement behavior

  • i dont know much about life quest but as i seen so far it just look like an rpg game for me, so you need to work with a lot of variables and fancy images. should not be a big problem with C2 if you set up everything right.

    use the C2 free version and start doing your game and you will see what you can make or not.

    Somehelp full words for your project: "rpg game" "array" "dictionary" "variables" "time"

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • for android: boat browser, it has a fullscreen option

    for ios: i dont know

  • Here is the working Capx, i just added a Text instance to show the result:

    Update: if you want to get the numbers out of the dictionary you use this methode:

    Dictionaty.dwarf without the get. Dictionary.Get("") is for keys the Dictionary.dwarf would be a Instance Variable they are 2 different things, you must be carefull with that.

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  • jstar codahs methode dont work because you havent set a key for it. If you just want to call a instance variable you just type bunny,type and dont need a dictionary for that.


    look for "is on platform"

  • if you want to have the variable of an Instance than just type:


    If you want to store it in a Dictionary and get it out later, you need to create a key at first:

    Dictionary: Add key "thetypeofbunny" with value bunny.type (no quotes)

    If you want to call it you make:


  • click on your project tab and than the main folder of your game (has the name of your project)

    After that you can set on the left side of C2 your "Preview Browser"

  • Well looks like i have to try it.

    If it doesnt work i still can play quake at least