Pricing's Forum Posts

  • I was looking around at facebook and found this: ... cale=de_DE

    (look at the video or read changelog)

    Does construct 2 support this new api? Because there are some important changes that they make there

  • hi,

    Im new here and i like how easy and frustating construct 2 is.

    Hopefully i will learn everything from this forum and his useres

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I just tried to add a video and everything worked with no problem.

    I even made a test view on my phone too and got no problems (except the loading time over WLAN)

    Here is a example file for you too: ... .capx?dl=0

    (It's a royaltiy free video)


    Maybe you got the compatibility problem


    On Safari for iOS and Chrome for Android, video playback cannot begin unless triggered by a user input event. The Play action will work in a user input trigger like On touch start, but if done outside of that it cannot play right away. To work around this the video plugin will wait until the next touch event to start playing the video. This also applies to autoplaying videos: it will not start until the first touch.

    Safari on iOS does not currently support rendering video inside the game canvas itself. To work around this, the Video plugin creates a video element floating above the game, similar to a form control. This ensures the video can appear, but prevents other objects being displayed on top of it.

  • Answer: ... -in-events

    If you want it to be easier than that, please vote for this function to be implemented other whise you can play around like in the tutorial for the rest of your life <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


  • Go to your Project properties and set "Fullscreen in Browser" to "Letterbox Scale"

    It looks like "Scale Outer" makes some problems there.

    Read this: ... reen-sizes

    and then this: ... le-devices

  • you store the UID in the Blackbullet but you destroy it. So when its destroyed there i no variable too.

    You must store it some where else or first rotate the Blackshooter before you destroy the bullet if this works somehow for you

  • It actually takes place in the event sheet view - and you are looking to "replace object" first before any deletion.

    In conjunction with event search (Ribbon - Event view), you can find all instances of the use of the object in your event sheet, replace the object, than finally deleting it.

    It's mostly a matter of organisation as well, you shouldn't be going around and having to delete objects all that often.

    It cannot be an option to not delete the code lines, as otherwise it would mess with the current code completion, syntax detector and overall the way Construct 2 works.


    But thats not how i work, i like to first delete everything and then replace it, thats how every programming language works too.

    In many situations you are right that it doesnt make sense to keep the code, but in most places it does.

    there should be a something like a short key CTRL+DEL that deletes the object but not the code and everyone would have then flexablity to choose

    how he would like to delete his object.

  • i make a classic pong game for getting skills etc.

    Now i would like the pong sticks to follow my finger while im touching the screen.

    I simply made something like:

    set Pong Y to touch.Y

    But the problem is that my top,bottom and pong sticks are made of solids and when my finger goes to up or to down the pong sticks crashes into the wall and moves his X axis because of that too.

    How can i prevent that crash?

  • i made an example for you:


  • wait 2.0 sec

    change angel towards player

  • it would be fine if there would be an option for this, sometimes i delet objects to replace them with something or i delete them but dont want to loose my code.

    I know that i can first replace the object and then delete it, but when i fortgot one object it would be deletet to.

  • try another video format like - Ogg Theora (.ogv)

  • Hey,

    How can i stop that my event sheet is automaticly deleting all lines of code when i delete the object that it marked marked on?

    It would be better if i would get red lines or something that would tell me that something is missing or wrong than deleting all my code and let me think again what i have write there. its really annoying.

  • thanks worked fine