I don't feel families would solve the fundamental issue.
For instance if I was using family 1 but need to use family 2 instead.
I'm wanting to know if there is a way to swap assets. Even for something simple, lets say I clone/copy a sprite and I want the copy to take the place of the original. Is this type of thing possible? Or do chunks of code/events have to be entirely re-written.
I am currently doing a project where my art, animations and sounds are not final. Importing new art that may need to replace old art would then be a problem. Some things serve a specific purpose and if there is only a single object...a family seems redundant, a potential work-around maybe, but I think it still shows a flaw or issue in workflow if the assets then evolve to no longer fit in the family, the issue comes back to how can I swap assets/events for other objects.