Potato's Forum Posts

  • On your Event 5 if you're using:

    SetSpriteDirection (ObjectsCreated.CurValue)

    It will works.

    Right now it's SetSpriteDirection (Sprite.UID)

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  • Also, make sure your MARKER and your "newly created" SNAIL is on the same layer (the one with PARALLAX set to 100,100) not in Background / UI layer.

    You can specify the layer when you create the new object (using layer index or "layer name")

  • I have few questions for those who have experience building level using TiledBackground.

    1. Is it ok to use only one huge TiledBackground object (Tile size is 32x32) to cover the whole layout,

    or do i need to split it into smaller chunks ?

    For example using only 1 TiledBackground object (tile size 32x32) to cover 2400 x 640 Layout,

    instead of several small chunks, let say 10 TiledBackground object each with 480 x 320 in size.

    I read somewhere (forgot where it is) that it's better to split bigger objects,

    so I wonder if the rules still applied to TiledBackground.

    2. Which method do you guys think is better practice to build level from Tiled Background,

    something like this: (a simplified example, the real thing will be hundreds of tiles with different types)

    <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/2070r9g.png" border="0" />

    METHOD 1

    1. Less object, but some overlap happens:

    <img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/169oy00.png" border="0" />

    Only 3 objects (2 type of TiledBackground)

    METHOD 2

    2. More objects but no overlap happens:

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/21b2i6c.png" border="0" />

    7 objects (2 type of TiledBackground)

    METHOD 1 definitely is faster and easier to build

    (however I wonder if those overlaps will cost a rendering time in the long run ?)

    Thanks in advance

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    <img src="http://i49.tinypic.com/othifo.png" border="0">

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Walk to the edge, under the YELLOW brick (either left / right side)

    2. Press UP first to jump, then press LEFT / RIGHT when you're right in front of the YELLOW brick

    3. Sometimes HAS / BY WALL will miss detection

    4. Also try moving backward 1 grid, then press UP+LEFT / UP+RIGHT at the same time

    <img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/30de0kl.png" border="0">

    Observed result:

    Sometimes HAS / BY WALL condition will miss detection

    Expected result:

    HAS / BY WALL always detected correctly

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: n/a

    Internet Explorer: n/a

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 x64

    Construct 2 version:


  • using my 100th post to say you're the best dev ever Ashley,

    Thanks for listening <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks guys, I'll do that for now.

    Still this stuff is kinda weird though,

    Because when you're reading those simple event, it logically looks correct.

    Adding "Wait" or any other trickery to make it works seem to be against common sense (And IMO will add more quirk to how C2 works).

    Maybe my suggestion for this case is:

    • On finished is triggered at the end of the tick, instead of at the start of the tick.

    This way whatever applied to the "On finished trigger" will be applied at the start of next tick right away.

    However I don't understand the implication that may caused by the change,

    so I guess for now I'll just have to live with this.

    Just FYI, another thing that I thought is a C2 quirk is this one:


    The fact that an event is triggered on a newly created object when you haven't done anything to that new object really confuse me.

    (maybe not for those who already use C2 for a while, but for new user this stuff is confusing)

    Keep piling this little quirk and it will be harder and harder to track a mistakes on bigger project.

  • I'm not sure if this could be consider as a bug, since this probably just how C2 works.

    But I thought this is a little bit quirky, at a glance everything seems to be correct.

    On a bigger project, stuff like this sometimes hard to track.

    <img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/24wsx1i.jpg" border="0">

    Link to .capx file:


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open & run the capx

    Observed result:

    • yellow box stay at (250,250), when it supposed to move to (0,0) after GREEN animation finish playing

    Expected result:

    • yellow box should be moving to (0,0) after GREEN animation finished playing

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7, SP 1

    Construct 2 version:


  • Tell them to be more active on this forum <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 20 images of a full color 1024 x 768 will use around 60MB of texture memory (CMIIW), I wonder if you will "run out" of texture memory when you're using cocoonjs.

    C2 support the layout-by-layout loading, but I heard cocoonjs doesn't support that feature yet.

    Here's more reading for you about someone else trying to make interactive book:


  • maybe try creating a new user on the computer, and reinstall Construct as the new user.

  • In 2013 they will charge something like 250$/month for a serious project.

    $250 ? per month ? seriously ? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Time like this I wish again and again that Construct 2 doesn't have to rely so much on 3rd party software to do its exporter.

    While the progress of C2 itself is really fast (new feature & bug fix almost every 2 weeks), 3rd party exporter seems to take their own sweet time (which understandably because they have their own priority).

    Look at how many times Ashley said to get in touch with Appmobi / Ludei / Awesomium team because a certain feature isn't yet implemented / not working correctly.

    Also don't forget that each exporter will have their own pricing,

    which probably in some kind of monthly/annually subscription plan instead of a one time pricing like Construct 2.

    oh well... let's just wait another year and hope things will change for the better for us <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • This is almost similar to another case in here:


    A trigger is called on an object that is "newly created" on the same frame when the click happens.

    I thought this is kinda weird too,

    but I guess when you read above thread the conclusion is, don't depend on this kind of behaviour.

  • Not sure if this is a bug or not implemented yet,

    I'll post it here just for the heck of it.

    1. Action/Condition that involved layer, doesn't do a double check whether the layer exist on the layout

    (except "Layer is Visible" Condition)



    To repro, use "MyNewLayer" or layer 30:

    • On Event 2 Create these Conditions:

         System->Compare opacity -> "MyNewLayer" / 30

         Mysprite->Is on Layer "MyNewLayer" / 30

         etc... try other conditions that involved Layer


    • On Event 2 create these Actions:

         System->Set layer "MyNewLayer" / 30 opacity to 0

         System->Create object MySprite on layer "MyNewLayer" / 30

         MySprite->Move to layer "MyNewLayer" / 30

         etc... try other actions that involved Layer

    Expected result:

    • User should not be allowed to use layer name/index that is not exist anywhere on the layout.

    (System -> Layer is Visible seems to work correctly.)

    2. Renaming Layer / Group doesn't update all the reference

    Casually renaming one of the Layer/Group can break your project without you realizing it. (until it's too late).

    This happens to me quite often recently and it's a pain to search for the mistake.

    • especially if you have lots of events spread across more than one sheet with "include" (so you have to double check every included sheet).
    • moreover when you forget what the old layer/group name is.
    • also renaming all the reference manually one by one really adding it to the strain.



    To Repro:


    • Rename layer "SpriteLayer" to "AwesomeLayer" and the sprite will no longer created on screen


    • Rename group "CREATE OBJECT" to "MY GROUP" and the project preview won't do anything after you click the button

    Expected result:

    • When renaming layer/group, all the reference to the layer/group should be magically renamed too.
    • "Or" at least when you preview the project, it will throw some error in the browser/console something like:

    Event 2: Layer "SpriteLayer" doesn't exist

    Event 3: Group "MY GROUP" doesn't exist

  • maybe try to make debugText bigger/wider/taller so it will fit the long text.

  • krish

    It's "probably" not a bug

    Your DROID collide twice with the JETPACK when it runs into it:

    • 1st collision is with the original JETPACK
    • 2nd collision is with the JETPACK after you scale it up to 1.25 at jetpack.X+100, jetpack.Y+100

    Try to remove these 3 lines (from Event 26):

    Jetpack -> Set Scale  to 1.25
    Jetpack -> Set position to (jetpack.X + 100, jetpack.Y+100)
    Wait 0.5 second

    and it should fix the problem.