Pode's Forum Posts

  • Arima : in fact, WebGL shouldn't be faster with Ejecta, it should just be the same speed as canvas2d.

    What Ejecta does is translating javascript calls into OpenGL (ES) calls.

    So, in the end, the canvas2d code is translated to OpenGL, and the WebGL code is also translated to OpenGL. The fact is that vikerman started to work on the WebGL portion of code way after the work was started on canvas2d, so the difference of semantics between canvas2d and WebGL explain the difference of translation (meaning their speed of execution) when they run with Ejecta.

    That also means that using WebGL in your Construct2 code won't be faster than using just canvas2d (it's different than running in the browser). The only thing that won't work is WebGL shaders.

  • Spider_hip : yes, you need to add a mapping per frame.

  • Joannesalfa : spending money in antipiracy measure isn't very wise, but you need to have a "minimum of antipiracy" baked in, to aovid losing all customers.

    The thing is that people always go for the route that is less costly. If you use a simple technique that needs an hour of online search to crack, "regular" customer are going to buy your game instead of losing one hour, and typical crackers are going to crack it anyway.

    Think about the 80/20 rule : 80% of the money comes from 20% of the customers. So make it hard for those 20% of customer to have a cracked version. And only for them, no more, because what is invested on top of those 20% is lost money.

    that means very simple trick like : CRC check of the binary file size, serial key (meaning having a server to check that, or a keycheck injected inside the binary), or demo/complete versions of the game. Nothing fancy, everything already invented, but that's sufficient to dether piracy from the "mom's and dad's" (what a clich� ! ;)) playing your game (and after all, they have the money anyway to pay, not the youngsters).

  • The idea is good, albeit not new (thin computers from the '90s).

    What could help Construct is the possibility to use their I-frame/P-frame encoding for some kind of "video" plugin, that would be different from the 'real' video plugin, for different use case.

  • rexrainbow mrcgkh : in HTML5 video, you can seek by time. So if you want the last frame, you need to get the duration of the video and seek at that time position to get the frame.

  • The good thing is that the shaders are going to be supported out of the box !

  • Faithtoken : the icons are good !

    As rexrainbow said, if you can add an outline around them with a different color, new users won't mistake them for official plugins, but apart from that, they are gorgeous. If you don't mind, I can add them to the next release, packaged with the archive.

  • imothep85 : I don't know. If you can extract a frame from the Webcam object, and inject it in a Sprite, you can recognize the face in it. The speed at which the recognition will occur is depending on your browser/machine hardware.

  • imothep85 : all "video system" use the same technique, extracing a frame, running the face detection on it and doing the same for the next frame.

  • imothep85 : you need to extract a frame of the video for it to work.

  • zyblade : in essence, the plugin is a "baked-in" normal map effect. Both work the same way, in fact.

  • jomo : I don't have any machine with IE10 on it, so I can't test it.

    The best thing would e for Ashley to add the possibility to inject base64 audio inside the Audio object, like he has done for the Sprite object.

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  • ashesh : those levels determine the amount of damage that the code can handle (badly printed, scratched, or something else). The higher the correction level, the higher the robustness to damage, but the less data you can embed in the code.

  • On a tablet, the only solution to access the video feed as you want in JS is to use a wrapper like PhoneGap, Titanium and the like...

  • Zharzew : it's not going to work like that on CocoonJS, since all the calculation are DOM/JS-based.