Po10c's Forum Posts

  • You should just change the touch event. The on tap event is more useful for buttons, as it has a time delay before being able to tap again. It also does not register as a tap when the player doesnt lift his finger exactly where he touched first and quickly. You may want to add a timer variable to ensure the player does not spam the teleport function.

  • Kakoups You could use a sprite attached to the enemy kinda like a nose, that when it overlaps the obstacles the enemy should turn in a direction - overriding the normal chase behavior until it gets around the obstacle.

    Don't know if it will actually work, as I haven't tried it myself, but it works in theory.

  • I think you're doing an excellent job for your fist game bro.

    Thoughts -

    Tighten up the player movement controls a bit, feels too slippery imo. Add WASD movement plz

    Fix the cross-hair image point - it is rotating around one of its edges which really annoys me.

    Some destructible terrain would be cool I think, just something here and there every time the level rearranges itself.

    With a tiny bit more polish this will be good enough to put on a lot of sites.

  • Hey guys,

    We just released a new version of Brood.

    -Fixed an embarrassing amount of bugs

    -New ui

    -Added music and some sound

    -General gameplay improvements

    We would really love it if we could get some feedback on this game. We know the last version had a lot of game breaking bugs, but we believe most of them have now been fixed.

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  • A0Nasser , EXPFall

    Added tutorial in first post. We are going to do an in-game tut once we sorted the UI to our liking

  • I just watched a JimSterling vid on youtube about this game. Was good to watch and he didnt say too many negative things about it unlike many unity games that he just rips apart. I think its great that you actually got on steam and made a full game, quite an achievement!

  • Brood: a Breeding sim - Currently in playable alpha

  • Unfortunately, there is no bread, just like there is no spoon. But there is kibble! And lots and lots of yummy worms:-)

    I know Brood does mean bread in quite a few languages hehe, still fitting in a way.

  • [quote:3tlzsxvd]Become an expert breeder of exotic and interesting creatures in -=Brood=-.

    Manipulate your creatures' genes to breed the ultimate cute little monster.

    A variety of environments to breed and feed your little monsters in.

    Over 400,000 possible visual combinations of creatures available!

    Please excuse us using a new thread for this. This post is for an actual playable version of -=Brood=-

    Play in your browser or phone here: Version 0.5.5 -updated 5 May 2015 - 14.5mb

    Please play and let us know what you think. We would like to release on mobile platform, but there is still a lot of work ahead of us.

    Amazing art is done by Sandybee

    A nice little mosaic of what you can expect in this version of brood:

  • Here is another design/feature explanation for you guys

    We decided early on to use composite objects to make up the monsters in the game. This makes the game extremely scalable, as after the first batch of "parts" were completed there were 9000+ possible combinations, and after the latest batch we have over 430 000!

    We will have to see how visually distinct these monsters would be if you compare a few hundred, but hopefully the art style will properly set these monsters apart from each other due to the high level of detail each contains. Now, the fact that we have so many combinations available and that the variations can be controlled by the player allows us to drive gameplay using a mission system that requests certain features in the monsters to complete for a coin or item reward.

    This is an emergent property we found in the game and intend to utilize to its fullest. We end up with a cycle of ever increasing complexity, which negates the need for a "difficulty curve" as the player controls the complexity. Failing to preserve genes will result in less complexity, and adding to the gene pool buy purchasing genes/eggs in the shop will increase complexity. The player will also be able to select from a set of tasks to accept ranging in difficulty.

    This is still theoretical data and we will be able to determine how complex to make the tasks and balance the game once we've had a good round of beta testing.

  • I updated our request for Beta testers, and would really like for people to give me a buzz. Also, Alpha test date has been moved to 2 Jan for hangover reasons

    The next few posts, I want to go into detail on some of the features posted earlier and go over some design decisions we have made along the way.

    First, monetization. We don't expect any major bucks from this game, but we feel it does deserve the chance to shine. We really hope to generate enough to help Sandy get a construct license. We decided on a very easygoing free to play model, that will allow players to access everything the game has to offer while not paying a cent. Players that really like the game and want to progress faster can buy coins, the only currency used in the game.

    Coins are earned by selling monsters, and get multipliers for specific things like similar colors of features. Basically "pure bred" are worth way more than random colored and textured monsters.

    Certain high level items and end game genes or eggs will cost a lot of coin, but skilled and dedicated players should have no problem making enough to keep them entertained with new gene varieties without shelling out for coins. We really want this to be a fair free to play game by not extorting players to continue playing like most other f2p models. We take inspiration from Hill Climb Racing, a very successfully monetized game, that I myself am a big fan of.

    In addition, we want to make coin purchases very affordable in the sense that a player who pays what would have been enough for a full market price game would indeed get enough coin to validate that purchase, and not keep milking players.

    Thanks for reading what turned out to be a rant on monetization. And I realize I am taking a very idealized view, but as a first commercial publish I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

  • Well now, certainly a valiant effort. What if I told you there is already such a program?

    Feel free to continue work on this project if you want to be able to generate textures in game, that would be awesome.

    But I'm going to let you in on a secret I've been keeping for a long time, a I am using it in one of my games thats currently on the back burner so to speak.

    The program is called Genetica Viewer, and its free. It does exactly what you describe and more. I made Tileable textures for metal plate, moon surface, alien terrain. There is a random texture for literally anything you can imagine.

    But it would be cool to do this kind of thing on the fly as I said. Good luck

  • Brilliant!, I also had the idea to make a trailer using construct for our upcoming game Brood, and you've just proved it isn't just possible, it's great!

    I agree with Burvey, you could cut down on that last long bit of gameplay or change it up a bit, but its still a good video and you got my "like"

  • Nice work! I had a particularly fun time trying to mount an enemy to get over the big gap. Then I saw the post about getting out of the vehicle, went back and discovered the hover upgrade, which is very well done indeed.

    I must say, it should be possible to optimize events to get you back below 100. Go back and see what events you can combine into single parts or replace with some behavior, also, try using invisible colliders instead of your terrain to detect collisions, saving much needed events. I may be wrong though. Hoping you get your license soon:)

  • Fellow Construct enthusiasts, we have determined what our projected release schedule is and are working furiously to be able to stick to it.

    Brood will be released as follows:

    2 Jan 2015 - Open alpha on web browser, some features limited, most gameplay mechanics implemented, missions and achievements not implemented. Should be available until or even well after release on mobile.

    15 Jan 2015 - Selective Beta, mostly feature complete. We would like people that are really interested to request access, and we will provide them links to the game on web, or installer for android. We ask that those who wish to help us beta test make use of the Facebook integration we want in the game for achievements and sharing "Breeds"

    1 Feb 2015 - Release on Play store if possible

    Game features include:

    • Completely free to play. Ad free as well - hopefully, we hate ads. (Considered monetization by optional coin purchases)
    • Over 443 thousand possible visual combinations of creatures (Calculated from current number of assets)
    • Breed new monsters by mating two monsters, whose genes will carry on to the next generation.
    • Mutate and manipulate genes to create brand new breeds
    • Feed and keep your monsters happy using items bought in the shop.
    • Make coin by selling "Pure-Bred" monsters, or completing requests for specific monsters.
    • 5 different "Biomes" to unlock and play in
    • Monsters act organically, roaming around and falling into water, and sometimes getting into fights.
    • Achievements to unlock and brag about
    • Sharing your unique breeds on Facebook/twitter or whatever social media we can integrate

    Possible future feature could be Trading your monsters with friends.

    Please follow this topic so you can get the links as soon as we publish for testing

    PM me Po10c to request Beta access, or pre-alpha if you feel you can give us real constructive criticism and advice, and would like access to the Beta version of the actual app. Entering Beta will give you access to loads of coin for free, and we will also award good beta testers with coin in the release version. Thank you all!