Hi, all. I constantly find myself needing seamless textures and yet taking existing images or trying to draw your own mostly results in crappy results with visible patterns, etc. Random generation to the rescue!
It's super-terrible coding wise for now so hopefully together we can shape it into something usable and useful to the community here. Check out the current version:
Button controls from left to right:
Add single item
Add items continuously
Delete single item (doesn't work yet)
Delete all items
Save state (doesn't work yet)
Load state (doesn't work yet)
Export PNG
So the basic idea is to have a decently sized library of different base items - then you set parameters for them, such as min and max size, angle randomness, color adjustments and off we go:
Doesn't look like much so far, but with more variety for elements and some UI changes it could be rather neat.
Known issues (I might need help with):
Export exports the current canvas size, but if I try to change the canvas size beforehand it still exports the whole thing. Is there a way to export just the square part?
There are no other elements to pick with the buttons at the top for now.
The color variety buttons need to become dual just like size - this is coming in the next version.
The way the sliders create values is terrible - is there a better way?
Ideas for things to add:
Item families - like rocks with different shapes, metal plates with different looks, etc. And then those get picked randomly.
Ability to load your own base image - can C2 do this?
Open to your suggestions as well, of course.