Paradox's Forum Posts

  • Oh, I see. Justifun's suggestion is what I would have offered for that. Or even set an extra image point below the sprite, and check that point for overlap.

  • It's affecting the Collision poly? It looks like it's just the screen showing a bit low res.

    The poly is supposed to be just that, a polygon, meaning it only has corners, the lines are virtually draw between those corners.

    Did you turn on "Show Collision Polys" in the View tab?

    (or is it on, and hard to see the red line on red?)

    You might try increasing your Window size in your project properties.

  • There is also the event condition under System "Object UID exists" so you can check if an object currently using that UID currently exists.

  • I tried Chrome IE11 and Firefox. I moved the two bottom buttons to the bottom corners and they showed. hmm

    <img src="" border="0">

    Does this one I exported do the same thing in your browser?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • When you are replying there is a little icon of a tree above the reply window? It lets you add a URL Image.

    Really it just puts [ IMG] and [ /IMG] with the image URL in the middle, you can type that manually.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You do however need Dropbox or something to hold the image.

  • Actually the Comment lines are quite robust for what they are.

    To enter multiple lines in a Remark line, Shift Enter. Previous lines disappear temporarily, but show when you finish. If you open it again to edit, you can edit the whole multi-line passage.

    I usually put my notes in my Global variable Event sheet, it's never that full. And always the same place when I look for them. But you could make your own event sheet.

    I always have at least one "To Do" list, and 1 Error list.

    I cut and paste old basic source code into them for reference when converting old games.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    (my comments have been always been green, hard habit to break)

  • It does that so Spammers that make an account just to post ads, at least can't make links, discouraging them a bit.

    You will be able to add links when you have 500 rep, I believe.

    The buttons don't disappear for me. Did you perhaps already fix them?

    Or do you mean after exporting?

    I've never liked the browser buttons. I use sprites instead, so I don't know if they have any current quirks.

  • I'm going on a Month for Pucked, It's was approved and in the store when Cannonball Bash was paid via paypal.

    It was submitted a couple days after Cannonball bash. (Mid November) But the names both changed to "Construct2" when uploaded, and they asked me to clarify which was which, so it sounds like they were processed together.

  • (actually, you would also check to see if the computer player has two in a row, and fill that one as well, and win. possibly using the same "check for two" routine.)

  • Another thing to remember is to use a good blending color behind the tiles, so that when it does show through it isn't as noticeable.

    Design you background graphic with mid-range tones, not to bright or dark. or have the sky fade darker and less saturated down near the majority of ground.

    Watch your game, see where the seams show the least, and do whatever works there more often.

  • You do know it asks if you want to uninstall the old one when you install right? You at least don't have to do that yourself.

    Edit: oh, and I am the type to download immediately, trying for the quickdraw. But If I have a project going, I'll wait a day or two before installing. I check the bug forum first.

  • You can post the link, just not a hyperlink. Leave the slashes off the http and it should work. (to use it we put them back.)


  • retrodude


    That is weird, I have 3 $250 winners, one of which they paid me December 22, and none appear in that list. (Cannonball Bash was paid, 5 others not yet.)

    I'm a tad bit concerned, if you got $1000+ and I got $1000 and there is only $6000 in prizes...

    Great, flipping through their submission page, I just found "image-rotator" and that icon is stolen from my website

  • This is one of those cases where people who come from other coding backgrounds don't even think about features like that. I've been manipulating text strings since 1982.

    I had a moment of "Gee, what if there was a different way."

  • I've noticed that with some devices. Mostly Android. It scales up great, but a few refuse to scale down. (not all Android)

    I've take to making the games smaller, usually 800x450. (16x9)

    It's the full size graphics scaled down, so when displayed at 1920x1080 they appear full quality.

    Plus since the games are smaller than 800, they can be uploaded to the Scirra arcade.

    After it's already built however, can be difficult. I re-scaled 3 games like that, some more difficult than others.

    Someone was working on a scaling Program to assist doing a lot of it for you, but I lost track of that thread.