Paradox's Forum Posts

  • I do it all the time. I don't think there's much difference between separate sprite animations and animations under one name.

    It used to be the only way before we had families in Constuct2.

    Heh, ninja'd again.

  • Families should work, but it may be even easier for you to use one sprite with multiple animations inside it. All your character animations.

    Which animation is playing is determined by which character was chosen. It sets the animation to that character, and all the events still work because they all look at the same sprite. It just has a different animation playing.

    If you have something that changes the sprite's animation, it would check what sprite was chosen before setting which other animation to switch to. Walk1 or Walk2 which can be set like

    [Set Animation to "Walk" & CurrentCharacter]

    which would assemble the name of the animation with that chosen variable as part of the name.

    oops, Guizmus beat me to it.

  • I make an event that looks for any smoke that is not pinned, and destroy it.

    That way when the object it was attached to is destroyed, the orphaned smoke is taken care of.

  • You can "compare two values" at the top of the list in "System" You can then put two formulas in the fields like that.

    Or if one is a global variable, you can compare variable. If it's an instance variable in a sprite, then you will find that option under the object, rather than in System.

    That's how I do the levels, I've even use the same names.

  • Once you add one of the global type behaviors, like mouse, they disappear from the list, because they can't be added twice.

    Some behaviors have to be added for specific objects and will always show in the list. But Mouse, once added is available to all the event sheets and layouts.

    Which means when you add an Event or action, the lists now have choices for the mouse added to the lists.

  • Funny you brought that back up, I just used that very thing for my isometric map yesterday. I place the building at the already present map tile, and it appears behind the closer tiles.

    However when this post originally appeared, it might have been before that Z option was available. This may be one of the posts that prompted it's addition.

    Before it was available, I made sure my tiles were all there already in their Z positions, and I just set the animations to the building.

  • Or if your want it to work in the current Scirra Arcade, 800x450.

  • People who host their own servers are usually the biggest cheats.

    Could do like Minecraft servers and charge a fee to let people cheat.

  • I've been here long enough to see the waves of concern, and how it focuses on a weakness until the weakness changes, and people get concerned too much time is spent on it.

    When I bought my license sound was a major hold up. If sound keeps improving as much as it did the past 20 months, we should be able to write apps to re-dub Surround sound movies on Iphone with synthesized celebrity voices in a couple years.

    Another complaint was lack of exporters. That's what's it like riding this wave. Build a stable of games, and as these doors open, you will be ready.

  • Use compare two values instead of compare Global Variable. You can enter the variable there with the function and parentheses around it.

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  • Enclose it in ABS(variable)

    from the manual:

    abs(x) Absolute value of x e.g. abs(-5) = 5

    Or you might want Clamp(), or Max()

    Clamp locks it to a range, CLAMP(variable,0,200)

    or Max picks the highest number, MAX(Variable,0)

  • The non-backup save is fine though?

    I'm not seeing that with my current project. I'm still using 152.8 because it's been running since the update came out.

  • My last one never did count. So it doesn't appear in the arcade because it doesn't even have 1 view. It does have decent reviews though.

  • Does Ashley's tutorial help? (he put it up on Jan 14th, Intel probably doesn't know about it.)

  • I moved them horizontal so that they were even further down.

    You have to have 500 rep I believe. You can get rep by reading 50 & 100 pages in the manual, posting, commenting, thumb up comments, vote on games in the arcade, etc. the first 500 can be done in a day.