Presently, with the Text and Sprite Font objects, you can append the end of the text string with additional characters. That's how I understand it.
But I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature to both objects where you could do just as you can in Arrays, where you can insert content in the middle or beginning of a value.
Say you have a Text value of "I Scirra."
Asside from being grammatically incorrect, say you want to amend this text. You'd need a condition that could isolate a position in the string and then insert the text " love" in between the two. It would essentially look like this...
"I" --> " love" <-- " Scirra." [The --> and <-- is mean to identify the insertion of an existing text as opposed to current procedures where you can combine text strings and variables like this Variable + "Text".]
Basically, if we could take those certain events and actions that can be applied to text values within an Array and use them with the Text and Sprite Fonts, that would be so helpful.
Please let me know if I need to clarify this more. Thanks, Scirra Bros!