Ocsid's Forum Posts

  • I use a global layer included on all layouts containing a transparent debug "console box" (sprite) with dragdrop behavious that has various "godmode" buttons and text about what is going on behind the curtains (ex. "looping through inventory").

    Keep it in "is in preview" and set text to "right(textobj.text,100)" to prevent memory leak, be aware of any debug related code that may run even if its not in preview that could hog memory after hours of play.

  • I've just taken the project apart piece by piece until the bug revealed itself (Ockham's razor)

    In a double tap event, under a very uncommon condition, one frame in a 5fps animation caused an infinite loop where a function kept calling itself (collision not triggering).

    That caused the system not to recognize that the user ended the touch, and that touch index got frozen in place.

    Ashley the bad programming was mine to own, but perhaps this is something that can be avoided? Some sort of failsafe? (on the other hand... a failsafe would have kept me with bad code)

  • Hi guys I am using sale inner to fit all the screen size for iPhone and it works good with 2 small black bar on each side, but sometime the game load out with both black bar on the right side, so the game is all the way to left, not center, is it anyway to fix this issue, thanks so much .

    I had the same issue when I sent links to a friend for help with testing, turned out when she opened the links in messenger by clicking on them they opened in a messenger built in browser and the game was "pushed" all the way to the left, when she copied the link and pasted in safari it worked as expected.

  • I'm working on a game (tower defense type) using touch controls, it has plenty of touch tap and double tap (no multitouch required).

    After a while playing on an android device (samsung A5 2017 "SM-A520F" and Js Galaxy tab A "SM-T510") the touch index gets "stuck" as if the user suddenly kept its finger in exact same spot while continuing using an additional finger.

    This messed upp all "is touching" and set to position touch.X.

    Solution (work around):

    Create object called TouchPoint and variable TouchToUse.

    All touch X/Y replaced with XAt(TouchToUse)/YAt(TouchToUse)

    Any event previously asking: "is touching" replaced with "overlapping touchpoint"

    and so on.

    I've read lots of old threads regarding a similar problem to a device own built in 2+1 gesture, this bug behaves in the same way but the two mentioned devices in my test have no such feature.

    I've just thrown out my work-around here in case anyone else faces the same problem, perhaps someone else has a better solution and maybe construct dev team wants to look into the bug.

  • It would depend on what else it should be able to do, and if others are supposed to work in a similar way.

    A suggestion would be to add the object to a family called something like PointFollowers and add the behaviour moveto and a variable MovingTo to that family.

    Add another object called MovePoint and make it invisible, give it a variable called PointID and another one called MoveTo.

    Pointfollowers on collision with MovePoint -> set Pointfollowers.MovingTo = MovePoint.Moveto

    -subevent pick all MovePoint

    pick MovePoint where PointID = Pointfollowers.MovingTo

    action Pointfollowers.MoveTo MovePoint.X MovePoint.Y

    You could even experiment with using the same PointID and add pick random in multiple Movepoints to have the AI take random paths.

    Any object in that family will then follow movepoints as you have set them up.

  • I think the only way for iPhones is to publish an app. Apple don't allow Safari on iPhones to go fullscreen, and because Apple ban other browsers (no idea how they get away with that), other browsers are just skins over Safari and so have the same limitations. So if you try Chrome, Firefox, Edge or anything else on iPhone, you're still using Safari but just with different branding.

    Wow! that "skinned safari" was a bust, amazing they haven't been sued (yet).

    I'll just wait and see what the future brings then, and users will have to settle for a slightly smaller play-area.

  • Ashley thank you for your active involvement even on the forums =)

    A friend of mine kindly installed chrome browser on his iphone to try my game and got an error message that the page could not be loaded, while I could load it fine on my android.

    I don't have enough data to file a bug-report, I can just carry the info that, that particular work-around does not seem to work.

    At this moment I think there is no solution on how to serve a html (https) site exported in construct to be viewed on an iphone at fullscreen (or at least with minimal browser ui).

    Is that correct?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It's on iphone, not sure which one that is then, guess ios.

    Anything that can increase the play area would be helpful, hiding tabs, using some html element or browser js command perhaps?

    I've reached the limits in my knowledge in this area now.

  • I have a game that will be hosted as html on a secure server (https).

    The browser object calls fullscreen on user input (touch), and there are no other actions taken within that event.

    Project settings:

    * Viewport fit-> Auto (tried both)

    * Fullscreen mode->Letterbox scale

    * Fullscreen quality->High

    * Orientation->Landscape

    Full screen is not properly called (or ignored) by safari and I have switched my focus to "tidy things up" around the problem to make it less of a pain for iphone users.

    Text and buttons are slightly bigger to compensate for the smaller play area and there is a message at startup stating fullscreen could not be initiated and directions to using chrome browser for a better play experience.

    Is there any great solution I've missed or is this the sad truth about safari?

  • That would be a feature request.

    Thanx newt, I seem to find those things that require extra features before I ask for help... perhaps it's a good thing, it should mean I have tried enough before posting.

    Guess I have to dedicate a level editor to the matter.

    ** If ashley is sneaking around in here... **

    The desired feature should not be a too complicated thing to implement in construct tilemap interface since the code to load json into the tilemap at runtime already exists.


    (Ocsid too tired to post formal feature request..)

    *wink wink* zzzz

    thanx again

  • Look into replace() function.

    Something like:

    InputText1 set text ->


  • I have a single layout, 3 layers of tilemaps, one array storing 3x json tilemap data for each level.

    I want an easy way to load those json tilemap layouts in editor to be able to make changes to the levels.

    I have found some json -> tmx converters, but something seems off.

    Is there really no "load tile-data from json-string" available in the editor?

    I'd rather not create a full lvl editor just for this.


  • Thank you for quick and clear response. It is entirely possible that the unwanted behavior in my game is due to unusual ways of utilizing constructs features.

    If I manage to break down the fault to identify what has gone wrong I will file a bug report.

    I have managed to install the former version so it will be easier to compare variables and behaviors. (will update original post with solution)

    The emerged problems relate to:

    * pinned objects on hierarchy that tweens size.

    [edit] fixed: released hierarchy between pinned object and the tween size object. [/edit]

    * picking objects in line of sight and calling function with .UID attached.

    [edit] fixed: deleted object at start of layout that became picked instead of the newly created object.

    (The irregularities emerged from r293.3 to 294)[/edit]

  • Solved the access problem...

    * press the small "i" next to adress bar.

    * click cookies

    * select construct cookie

    * press delete

    * reload page

    I am now trying to "install as app".

    Tried to uninstall construct using uninstall button, the icon is gone but no option to "install as app" appears and the "open in construct" context menu is still available, currently I can not find anywhere how to uninstall construct 3 to make the "install as app" appear in r293.3