I need that the player could not enter the character "_". What if there is at least one character "_" in the text, then it was either not written or the input field became empty. I watched "regex match" but did not understand
Look into replace() function.
Something like:
InputText1 set text ->
If the input using keyboard you can use to limit (allow-dissalow) character key codes
A key codes reference: cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes
Following crossword example prohibits numeric input: construct.net/out
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
If the input using keyboard you can use to limit (allow-dissalow) character key codes A key codes reference: cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes Following crossword example prohibits numeric input: construct.net/out
I already know this. But how to understand that the player clicked on "_" if he focused in the textbox and writes text there. I tried it. To fix the keystroke, you need not enter text anywhere. will be
Look into replace() function. Something like: InputText1 set text -> replace(InputText1.text,"_","")
Thank you very much. You helped me a lot