Noga's Forum Posts

  • I like it, hope you'll continue improving it. To create water, there is good R0J0hound's example

  • Ups, thanks that was like two clicks away

  • I take it as a creation, because the guy must've spent some time creating it, so I think it's in the correct section. On the other hand it's much better now, when it's all in one post as it's not "real" game.

  • Thanks for the links, do you know any tutorials in downloadable form like .pdf?

  • Thank you, now let me take day off to figure out what's going on .

  • I've tried to make a small space shooter game, but now I'm going back to a different project. Still, there was one problem I couldn't solve. I wanted to have the space ship moving slow from start and then during the game it's speed slowly increase by picking up bonuses. But I don't know how to make it follow the cursor with a lag. It has worked with sin and cos, but the ship always started to shake when it reached the cursor. I've made something like workaround, but shaking is still visible when switching to v-sync mode. It probably will be easy for you math guys and I can't wait to see how it's properly done.

    Wheel up/down - speed up/down

    LMB - shoot

    RMB - rocket - also, there I found this bug


    thanks in advance for any help

  • My workaround is "draw line".

    Ok, will try.

  • Who wants to add it to the bugtracker?

    Could you do that for me? I don't know,(=lazy to learn to ) how to do that.

  • I've downloaded the plugin and started to playing with it and THIS happend

    It's very slow so I don't think there is any use for that. I have one problem, when a map gets generated I have white horizontal and vertical lines on my screen. I think it's a driver problem, but can you guys confirm it? I've tested it on 3 computers and 2 have lines.

  • Play with a multiplier to change the speed of the zoom. Tell me when you got the file, so I can erase it from my Dropbox account

    LINK - link deleted

  • Whenever I create a particle object there is a split second trace of particles in direction to the first object. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?


  • I've had similar problem

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  • I see you're still using old version of the avanced camera plugin. Check out the new version

    I can't open the .cap as I don't have yours plugin version, but it should be easy with the recent version. There is a zoom action, so just set the zoom to the car's speed

  • Here is a great tool to create music for games. It includes a .pdf manual which is also great. I haven't read it all, but if you scroll down to the end of the manual, you'll find links with short description for various old school games, beautiful!


    Yea, and its freeware!

  • I like the graphics and match3 games, but I couldn't play it for more than a minute. I'm missing music or sounds. It's usually ok with action games, like platformer or shooters, but here it's just clicking blocks and there's not much going on the screen, some background ambient music would keep me in. And I would get rid of the animated cursor, it's distracting.