Rip .py's from EXE's and/or Pre-compile?

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  • Is it possible to rip the python code from a .cap/.exe made from construct, or will I have to do stuff from scratch?

    I want to do this because it makes making my game modifiable far easier then rewriting every event in python. That and I don't know python, and I hope that I can learn from reading the events in python.

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  • [quote:jccb6cdu]Is it possible to rip the python code from a .cap/.exe made from construct, or will I have to do stuff from scratch?

    If you have the cap you can just copy and paste the python scripts.

    [quote:jccb6cdu]I want to do this because it makes making my game modifiable far easier then rewriting every event in python. That and I don't know python, and I hope that I can learn from reading the events in python.

    Construct doesn't convert events into python, you would have to rewrite your events into python manually.

    For learning python in general I've found these two links to be useful:

    If I misunderstood your question please clarify.

  • Thanks for the links, do you know any tutorials in downloadable form like .pdf?

  • [quote:1bd7dz9x]Thanks for the links, do you know any tutorials in downloadable form like .pdf?

  • Ups, thanks that was like two clicks away

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  • [quote:vywpsd2b]Is it possible to rip the python code from a .cap/.exe made from construct, or will I have to do stuff from scratch?

    If you have the cap you can just copy and paste the python scripts.

    [quote:vywpsd2b]I want to do this because it makes making my game modifiable far easier then rewriting every event in python. That and I don't know python, and I hope that I can learn from reading the events in python.

    Construct doesn't convert events into python, you would have to rewrite your events into python manually.

    For learning python in general I've found these two links to be useful:

    If I misunderstood your question please clarify.

    Thanks a bunch! I wish we could rip out python code from Construct though. Maybe I could ask in the suggestions thread so it can be added in Construct 1?

  • [quote:wck4e4pj]I wish we could rip out python code from Construct though. Maybe I could ask in the suggestions thread so it can be added in Construct 1?

    There would be nothing to rip as events are not written in python internally. Python is merely an extension that can be added in addition to events. Unless you put python scripts in your game, python isn't utilized at all.

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