Noga's Forum Posts

  • Basically what i think is happening is that if you move your mouse over them fast enough, the cursor can hit more than one of them in a single tick, so then on the next tick, it checks to see if your mouse is over "Sprite" which is true, so the else condition doesn't get called, hence why they stay highlighted.

    So lets say i quickly move my cursor from the first sprite to the second in a single tick, then on the next tick it says 'Is mouse over sprite?" which will come out as true, since my mouse is on the second sprite, so it won't call the else condition.

    This could explain it, still I thought that cursor position is refreshed every tick so on next tick it should be changed, but it probably keeps the cursor's coordinates until the next mouse move.

    Edit to answer your edit: As far as i know, your not meant to make else events sub events, an else event will always attach itself to the condition directly above it.

    How come I've never tried that . I've always used that dumb paste new event, than erase method.

  • That works, thanks. Do you know why my example doesn't work? When I look at it, it tells me it should work, so why..

    edit: one more thing - when I want to use else, I always add always event, than subevent with condition and else subevent to join them. Than I delete always to keep it nice Do you know how could I create it without creating always(or whatever event) and then deleting it?

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  • I'm making a menu into a game and a have this problem with it. When I move the cursor over sprites faster, sometimes two or more sprites stays highlighted. It's same if I use change opacity instead of color filter. Move the cursor from first to last sprite and back. - FILE

    <img src="">

  • As Animmaniac said, it's polished and everything works well together. Now I remember, I've had 3 things on my mind and one slipped out...but it's back

    -How to jump into menu. Esc key didn't work, I've tried it only in the 1st level, all control keys are commented except this one.

    -I've played first version and I had to quit in the second level, because I couldn't find way out. I didn't want to quit in beta so I've circled the level 3 times, before I noticed the clue. It could be more visible or started to glow a little after some time to give slower players a hint(hopefully I'm not the only one who had problems finding it ). In all other levels everything else is commented with signs, but this one is first in the game and there is no sign to it. This "problem" could be related to the third.

    -Everything looks very tiny on 1920x1200(this could've caused that I missed the clue), but in credits there is that full game should support fullscreen, so it'll be obsolete then.

    It's the first pro looking game made in construct. Can't wait the full release. ps. I really liked that piano play in I think 4th level, that level with the well

  • Quad 2.4GHz, 4GB RAM, 8800GT 512MB

    smooth, no problem

    Duo 2GHz, 3GB ram, 9300M 256MB

    slower, it's still playable as fps is constant, but it looks slower to me then on the computer above

  • Agree with deadeye, can't think of anything else to add. It looks like you've made a concept and now you'll add game elements. It's pity, because the music with graphics gives it good feel.

  • Amazing what you can do with a dick and one ball in two hours.

    Played it two times, I think because of the music, liked it.

  • I've found that it causes a crash when too many physics objects are placed overlapping each other. Your cap can be fixed by removing this action from event 3 of "Layout 3 Events":

    -> CloudsPlatform: Set position to Present.X, Present.Y + 25

    I don't remember why I left it there, it has no logic, thanks

  • When I change layout size and click "Change layout size" the screen goes black

  • If I remove the MagiCam, the same error continues to appear, now with the XAudio plugin.

    Same has happend to me.Link to the topic

  • I like it, last level is fun when chasing the button. If you get rid of the mentioned design "problems", it could be good game.

  • -Most importantly, some of your levels rely on you finding secret passages. While this is a good idea in and of itself, I think there is a serious design flaw in play when the player is completely and utterly clueless on how to proceed, relying on trial and error.

    Take for instance, the "that spike looks weird" level. I had no clue what that meant, so I repeatedly rammed into every available spike until I found the solution. I think there should be a graphical cue to nudge the player in the right direction: maybe a slightly different appearance or some off-coloring, or something. I mean, the text itself wasn't even close to the spike in question; I kept on experimenting on the wrong set of spikes till I finally gave up and tried EVERY one of them till I found the one.

    So mainly, I think that graphical cues are important to find out secret passages and what-not, because without out it, it turns into "let's ram into every tile to see if it works this time" which is anything but fun.

    Exactly, I've tried only first 4 levels, so I'll comment it later.

  • Is this an issue with the number of text objects (600+) in the game I am creating or is it a problem I should report?

    Post it in the Help section first.

    The game looks complex and... complicated, but I like it. I remember playing a racing game (I think the game is 20+yrs old), nascar racing, where I've had one car and raced it for 100+ rounds. I've had to avoid other cars and use pit stop to change tires, refuel etc. at the right time. I've liked that bit of strategy whether to go refuel or wait one more round and risk it to go dry (especially after 1/2h playing and 80 rounds finished ).

    In your game, can a player control a car or races will be simulated, or both?

  • When you have For each... you are testing this loop's object, so where is For Each Rider, there should be On collision between Rider and Bullet - not Bullet and Rider. I've changed bullets speed to 500, it was to fast to check collision. If you want it back you'd have to make better collision check


  • Should I always use AppPath? Because when I use relative path like "folder\file.txt" it still works with or without it.