I have a strange problem with the collision detection. I use a simple bounding box detection. It works but not really good.
If the bullet shot from the players gun hits the enemy it should die after 5 or 10 hits, depending on the enemy. Unfortunately it rather die immediately or it detects no collision.
In "per pixel detection" the enemy dies after the right amount of hits, but in this collision mode it is very hard to hit something cause it is quite unaccurate.
I'am sure i missed again something important in my event code so if someone has a minute too look at my cap and show me my mistake, i would be glad.
Here is the cap:
And the ini:
You need the ini, cause i load the weopon information from this file. To pick up a weaopon just walk over one of the green or red sprite boxes. Moving with butten "w", aiming is done with the mouse and shooting with the left mouse button.