Noga's Forum Posts

  • I should be posting both a new C2 build and new 0.x build in the next couple of weeks as well. Watch this space!

    Thats great, can't wait.

  • Hi, I wanted to ask you if I could translate the tutorial for a fan site, but after watching the video, I decided not to. I couldn't probably use it as an educational video, but it made me laugh.

    No offence, anyway, if you ever reupload or make a new one, I'd be glad to translate it and spread it to other people.

  • It seems to me that there are more bots(not spambots) lately. Is it because the forum is slowly getting bigger? I remember only one Google bot for a long time, now there are always 5+ bots logged.

  • How easy , thanks

  • Is there a way how to get For Each Object loop's name?

    + System: For each Sprite

    + System: LoopIndex Equal to LoopLength("LoopsName") -> Do something

  • Yes, it works. After C2 is ready, will future updates work as patches, update latest build without deleting it?

  • That's so funny, it's almost sad, I pity the guy

  • Am I only one with this problem? I've searched the forum and there is only one topic like 3 years old, and last post seys that it's been fixed.

  • Thanks, I do exactly same when making trees, do they teach it in schools or is it like mostly used method. I've learned in from zooming a graphic background from a game... maybe your game? (don't remember the name, but it was point&click adventure).

    Could next tut be about colours? I can draw "ok" shapes, but I always choose bad colors and a picture looks better before colouring then after.

  • Thank you, it's well commented. I'll read it when I get home.

  • Here are screenshots

    Before saving

    <img src="">

    After reloading the program

    <img src="">

  • Yes, you'll need to add or substract from a value every time an enemy dies, but for that I'd need to see the .cap or part of the code, where an enemy dies. How you've done it? On collision with something?

    Enemy collides with a bullet - destroy enemy, add one to a global "enemiesdead"

    enemiesdead = 100 - start new wave, enemiesdead set to 0

    I'd do something like that, but without seeing your code, it's just guessing.

    Construct lately , no time to play "normal" games. Last good game I remember playing was CoD:MW2.

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  • 1.Dune 2 - I've spent countless hours playing it, also this game made me to like red color, Harkonnens were my favourites.

    2.Operation Flashpoint - haven't tried the sequel yet, still waiting for better comp.

    3.Dungeon Master 2 - can't forget killing monsters and changing their meat for money.

    4.GTA - all - classic, from 1 till last part, constant superb quality.

    5.Cool Boarders - Tony Hawk on snow, pity there is no similar game to this one nowdays.

    Not sure about their placing, but all five would be near the top everytime. Dune2 probably always first.

  • Don't know if it's known bug, I have 9 layouts and 13 event sheets. When I change the order of the event sheets, save, quit and open again, all sheets are mixed, they don't keep their position in the project bar. Layouts are ok, they stay the same. It's annoying, because I have sheets like "Level 1", "Level 2" and so on and when I click last one "Level 7" after while I realize I'm actually editing sheet "Level 5" or whatever. It's relatively ok for now, but I want to add 13 more levels and probably couple more event sheets.