Noga's Forum Posts

  • That looks great, wish you good luck with your game.

  • For now, I'm trying to avoid it by making only top view games, there is little to non animation

  • I'd love to see users game ratings and reviews and if it's possible, to use only one account for all, chat, forum, wiki, page etc.

    One idea I had people might like, is allowing users to pick subdomains. So for example, will point directly to your profile which eventually will be extensive and link to all your games and websites etc. It could be optional, you don't have to have one, but generally do people like this idea?

    I like this, there could be a "cooperation" status button that could be turned red for busy or green for open, and maybe a rank which could be raised by helping the community - writing game reviews, tutorials, wiki entries, posts on the forum..

  • I'd keep it as it is. Attributes have only two states, on and off, without any more options to change like behaviors speed, acceleration etc., so I think checkbox is enough.

    On the other hand, if it's easier for you to make and probably in the future easier to add/remove, and enabling/disabling at runtime sounds great.

    I voted "maybe" for now...

  • It's working fine, glitches are gone, only snapped mode scrolling isn't usable, it hurts eyes.

  • Round(value)

    Rounds value to its nearest whole number, eg. Round(6.9) gives 7

    ...from Construct Manual, which some good man put together

  • >

    > Are you sure the puzzlecube objects reach the correct positions? I mean maybe they end up being at 552.3467 instead of simply 552?


    ...and, I think it is difficult for a player to pixel precise position those blocks, you could add a range. If a block is between i.e. 550-554, it'd snap to the right position.

  • Now, after 3yrs of making the engine, you have to make a game using it! It looks pretty finished to me, I've noticed only little sprites overlaping when moving under that gate in the example while in snapped mode. Compliments to you for all that time you must've spent on it.

  • I'd use sprite, tiles are usualy used only as static images. Just click on lydia, than animator tab and in the top window (there is probably the Default animation with 9 frames) right click to add another animation - name it "Image 2" (or whatever) and add 9 frames of the new picture. After, you can add "Image 3" animation for the next picture and so on. Than you can call correct frame with "Set animation" and "Set animation frame" actions.

  • On Layout 3

    • double-click Sprite2 to open it in the editor, press 5 on the numpad to center hotspot, close - click yes to save changes
    • repeat for Sprite3 and 4
    • click on Sprite3, in the left properties window - in physics behavior - change collision mask to bounding box
  • Looks nice, original graphics style. Will you make a playable demo before the release? I'm bit afraid if I could run it on stable 60fps. Core2Duo 2GHz, 9300M 256MB

  • Pity you can't continue, your tutorials are fun to learn and that's a big plus.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • C.x is like 4 years old? and C2 - 3 months? I think we'll have to just wait for C2 to get to the same and then higher level, probably much less then 4 years after C2 goes commercial.

  • Beautiful, I like how foreground and background colors blend nicely together. May I ask, how water splashes are made, particle generator?

  • I think, like 2 months ago, on the forum's front page there were almost 2500 total members. Now its 2283. Is it possible all that were spammers? I'm not sure about numbers, but I remember it jumping up and down like crazy, moderators must've had hard time deleting accounts.