Hey thanks everyone for the replies.
Lots of good ideas for me to think about. Bone movement, collaborating, top down, practice, hard work. That truth hurts Davioware.
Its hard to practice something when you only care about the finished product and not the process.
I do have trouble with the drawing. Even though i have ideas and enough knowledge of the applications i just cant draw. Especially trying to achieve stuff like a realistic 8bit look.
Tablet could help but my desk is so crowded already. I have always wanted one too. I know a few people who have them as paperweights, which is a bit off putting.
I don't know much about construct as i haven't used it for a while and forget apps quite quickly.
Thinking about making a Super Smash TV clone, its much like the Ghost hunter tut style of game.
I understand what you mean by 'the other guy dumping it' Its hard because the more people involved less creative freedom. Less people is bigger chance of fail.
My games seem to have a healthy percentage of fail already.
Cheers everyone.