newt's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, I would say that ours is a pretty good representation.

    Just without all the built in extras. Not sure about the texturemap, some fx might work, some might not.

    Then again if you were to remove all the black from your sprites, you wouldn't need the additive fx anyway.

  • Here's a list of "southern" names.

    I tried to do a copypasta from some list I found on the net, but I left too many spaces... and well Im tired.

    Anybody that wants to format it correctly can have full credit for the "Redneck Names" list.


    Looks like simply posting the list fixed the format issue.

  • Don't think so unless you use a non power of 2 image.

    Why cant you use multiple frames from a sprite?

  • Try custom movement "restrain distance from object" when distance greater.

  • [quote:2eu3i45n]What that actually is is a numeric seed for a type of data, but to make it easier to understand I had it accept strings. The string is then hashed and the hash is used to seed the data type.

    Wow, had no idea it could be that flexible.

    So are those values generated when the seed is named, or is that also generated from the root seed?

  • [quote:3p51esxy]the main reason is that war is extremely good for the economy.

    Sorry I cant agree with that. I takes workers from their jobs, wastes resources, disrupts surrounding economy's, and there's no "spoils" potential.

    It can however boost scientific research, but mainly those categories related to killing people better.

    Sure there will always be people involved with ulterior motives, but blaming an entire country for those few greedy individuals, is akin to racism.

    The vast majority of American's aren't interested in forcing their will on others. We are willing to fight for our freedom, and the freedom of those who cant defend themselves.

    If you choose to believe the conspiracy theory's, that's your choice, if not your right, but please keep in mind the fact that most of that will be coming from additional people with their own ulterior motives.

  • GridTree.PollGrid(Name, X, Y, Data Type, Max)

    Sorry, but I'm somewhat confused at whats going on with the expression.

    I get name, and x,y... although an x,y for every x,y is blowing my mind, but Data Type needs a bit more of an explanation.

    The Data Types "BubbleX", and "ColorR", etc, are um, I dunno...

    Are they labels you made up, or are they undocumented system expressions?

    If they're plugin specific, that's fine, but users need some sort of reference to all of them.

    Thats kind of like loumu's dungeon plug using keywords like wall, and rock without an indication of of value.

    Also, on "BubbleX", isn't that a reference to an object being created within the same action?


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  • MMMM fractals

    The original Perlin plug made it possible to create clouds, or even a nebula effect. This on the other hand should make it possible to make stuff like those magnificent images taken from the Hubble telescope.

    Cant wait to figure it out!

  • Yeah, Rojo beat me to it.

    Looks cool btw.

  • Hate to be the troll here... eh who am I kidding, but any way you might want to be real careful to see what your actually contributing to.

    From the Scirra Twitter page:

    [quote:n2v5tyqp]@Scirra Any Construct pros who would like to contribute their skill by writing a book on construct? Contact:

  • Hate to say it, but this issue will probably happen more often now, and that's not necessarily, a bad thing. It is a test build after all.

    We just need to have changes to plugs done separately.

    It's time for a compiled plugin repository.

    I don't know how hard it would be to add an updater to Construct Classic itself, but a tool made in CC that would do it for you should be pretty straight forward.

  • Hey, you would happen to have one with out the boxes, would you? Like something you can drag around. Like a trail.

    You mean this?


    + System: For "i" from 0 to 20
    + System: For "j" from 0 to 1
    -> Sprite: Set absolute displacement at (LoopIndex("i"), LoopIndex("j")) to XYZ(Ribbon.DistortX(LoopIndex("i"), LoopIndex("j")), Ribbon.DistortY(LoopIndex("i"), LoopIndex("j")), 0) UV(0, 0) 100 % [/code:3eumo2rf]
    Two loops in the same conditional, never even thought about that one.
  • Oh wow, was using windows calc, but I see now that Construct wont accept floats with %.

    n-360*floor(n/360) will do the same thing as "%" but preserve floating point numbers.

    If you want only a positive angle as a answer:

    n-360*floor(n/360) +360*(n<0)

    heh figured Rojo, or one of the other brains would figure it out.

    Guess you could also use int() there too.


  • your.angle % 360 should do that.

  • That sort of works...

    If I set an object's angle to 1000, I need to know what angle (0-360) that would be.

    So if the number happens to be 450.33 then the object would be pointing at 90.33 degrees.

    This way gives me an approximate but only in whole numbers.

    Not sure what you mean.

    360 degrees is one revolution, so 0.25 of one revolution would be?