Number is large, but if you make some sort of datasets, generate huge object maps and don't want them to impact overall game, then they still do, because engine does not offer ways to separate/disable object, layer... from rest of them
And a data type object that's not a world object wouldn't work better?
You do know that they can have instances right?
I mean you can make the argument that the system has better features for dealing with world objects,(pick closest, compare xy, etc.) but the argument then becomes one for features to better deal with data in data type objects. Don't get me wrong I'll be the first to tout the benefits of using world objects as a way to deal with data(match three strikes gain), but a million is a bit much even for a high end system.
Or just better freaking data type objects.
You know ones that can actually store x and y positions like an index. Like a stack.
Just like objects.