Nevesbr's Forum Posts

  • Hello, I realized that it is only possible to associate one object and the rest must be in a container or be associated with a variable and destroyed on each side accordingly...

    I opened the REAL TIME multiplayer example...

    In addition to the peer, I associated 2 different squares...

    When peer logged out of the room, these 2 squares did not leave...

    So I had to create a "peerid" variable so that when the peer is destroyed it takes objects with the same peerid with it...

  • Hello, thank you in advance for the information that always helps me, this time I have a question related to the bandwidth consumption of synchronized variables.

    Direct question:

    Does the synchronized variable save bandwidth when not modified?

    For example, if I have a variable: UID_PEER-HOST

    Which I use for the host to give its UID to the object created on all screens... Since this synchronized variable only changes at the beginning when the object is created, am I not wasting bandwidth with it? This way, if I create some variables that are LITTLE USED, I will also be optimizing them as skins that only update at the beginning... Type of weapon that would be every 5 minutes as a weapon respawns...?!

  • Multiplayer game is still an interesting challenge, I believe it is one of those that explored the soul of the multiplayer object the most, you need to study and understand the logic behind it using the manual.

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  • I'm testing the following...

    Do not synchronize the bullet

    And do the damage only to the host.

    So each peer destroys its bullet. However, I want to test it thoroughly and find out if strange things will happen, like some bullets passing directly through the peer but colliding with the host, making it look like "using a hack".

  • Ashley Do you have a solution to amenize this ?


    In this project I explored the use of synchronization of animations and features in order to save bandwidth as much as possible.

    Everything is done with messages and Set/getbit.

    You can exchange short messages and walk around the laboratory.


  • What is your movement system? Pathfinder?

    Because a quick reaction would be to continue using 8 directions via the set and get bit method.

  • I made a game where peers can move objects... I used it as you thought... Send X and y and id.

    Using tokenat you can handle this.

  • Now if what you want is to tell the host what "your local UID" is, even if other objects other than the host are created, just send a message with the UID in string form.

  • Hello, explain your needs better...

    Do you want to know the UID of a peer?

    If so, just create a variable for example "UID_PEER"

    and on the host screen you put the peer's uid in this variable...

  • Firstly, we know that treating shots in the C3 is proving to be a challenge and I deeply believe that there is a way to get around this problem below... I have some ideas but I haven't been able to re-sign the C3 yet.

    I think that with detection rays and letting the bullets be local solves this... However, some players can see the bullet catching while others won't... Generating the assumption of using a hack.

    I'm sure I'll overcome this challenge... But I still can't think of a way...

  • Guys, I face problems when the host blurs the game window... Peers lose access...

    I had to for a while to detect the afk host to then give victory to the peer... Like an end to game time... Loco this works if it's a 2vs2 game but if it's something like realtime shooter it's still a problem...

    Even with the box checked "Continue running in the background" the host does not play the role of transmission.