Construct 3 still doesn't import 3d models?

From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    I noticed that C3's direct competitor, Gdevelop, has examples that use external 3d objects and treats it as if it were a normal sprite with its appropriate conditions, why doesn't construct 3 still treat some 3d extension to be used together with the 3d blocks?


    After Ashley's response:

    I'm sad that my post caused some kind of controversy, since I've been a fan of Scirra since 2011. In fact, the post was more to get feedback from a potential developer who might offer the feature... Even so, I apologize and the intention was never to criticize the program! I just didn't understand the need to close the topic in response to a participant who may have disobeyed some rule.

    That would be a very timely development and would greatly increase the potential of Construct 3

    "If you know you'll eventually have to do something, do it soon before others get ahead of you."

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    That would be a very timely development and would greatly increase the potential of Construct 3

    "If you know you'll eventually have to do something, do it soon before others get ahead of you."

    Like most claims made around the capabilities of Construct, the marketing is somewhat misleading - it can't really do 3D on its own out of the box.

    However, there is a free/donationware third-party addon here to load and control 3D models:

    Hopefully Scirra makes the decision to not purposely break addons such as this, though SDK v2 seems to be going that way for petty, childish reasons.

    digitalsoapbox please note from the Forum & Community guidelines:

    Be polite, respectful and welcoming

    Be supportive of the products we all use and the team behind it, and make sure feedback is constructive (no pun intended.)

    Having a persistently antagonistic, cynical, combative, sceptical or complaining attitude. For example, no software is perfect, but if you continuously claim that our products are absolutely terrible in every way, you may quickly wear out your welcome.

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