NetOne's Forum Posts

  • A video pitch of my latest construct developed game KlangM. It's designed to run well on mobile.

    Ashley Here's a treat for you showing what can be accomplished with the engine. It runs real smooth this time I promise! ;)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Super inspiring man. Thanks for posting

  • Right so further investigation puts the Construct ident colour at 40, 230, 210 rgb

    firmly in the lovely turquise / blue range.

    a cool website that will tell you complimentary contrast ect.

    i think the construct / forum website would look really good with this colour against a black/dark background and using the other "square" colours where needed why heck am I seeing it as green on newer supposedly calibrated monitors??????

    this is rather worrying.


  • Doooooood!

  • So I notice some users reporting the corporate colour as Blue / turquoise

    and other users referring to it as green.

    On my new home gaming monitor on standard settings and on my surface pro (lauded by artists for its sRGB colour accuracy and supposedly individually calibrated by miscrosoft during manufacture ) and on my work monitor (on sRGB setting)

    the construct corporate colour /website theme appears very much a strong minty green.

    But on my rather old and well used work laptop and my very old fading samsung lcd tv

    the colour appears a more attractive cyan blue

    Tom ive never realised that colours could be so different across devices, actually a good lesson to learn when game making. So it seems that this color is paritcularly tricky to render consistently.

    just wondering what the indended colour is supposed to be ?

  • Guys, I love the new clean layout, and yes I see there are few issues with formatting and links and searching. Im sure you will sort out.

    I know it has been mentioned a few times but the colour scheme is making me feel very uncomfortable being in the forum.

    I dont profess to know much about making colours work together

    ...(in fact last year I was pulled up at work in the middle of a presentation , not for the technical content of the presentation but for the colours I had used in the spread sheet on the screen) ....

    but this red and green is literally making me feel sick. I think it is mainly all the red. But I feel like I need to get the hell ouda here quick before my brain explodes.

    ps: I was messing around with HSV on the red . and found that your corporate green colour isnt the easiest to find something to match with. I can see why you went with the red but it only works for a few minutes before it becomes very disturbing. (for me)

    Also the main body text is a appears a bit thin, again it looks kinda cool but is very tiresome to read after a few minutes even on big screens.

    Sorry , I love you guys, but I have to say it.

  • I get the arguments here and I get what you are asking for.

    But it totally goes against the way construct works.

    Events, regardless if functions or not , need to be on an event sheet somewhere.

    And If you want those specific events in event loop for a specific layout you need to include the relevant event sheet in the relevant layout.

    But essentially.

    1) you are asking to call a function from an event sheet that is not included in the current event loop

    2) and you don’t want to move that function to a “globally included” sheet because it breaks code organisation.


    A function should constructed like a black box

    you should be able move it anywhere you like. (it should not need to be close/under to anything to work)

    and if your function needs to be called from multiple sources then

    Then place it on a globally included functions/events event sheet

    Problem solved.

    And better organised.

    ps .also, if your functions depend on close by local events and variables as you suggest then you are not just talking about calling functions but you are requiring to loop through other events as well thus you need to include those events, vairables and need to include those sheets etc to they are in the event loop. then you should probably group to modularise these and or global them as well.

    basically what you are asking for already exists.

    you just need to organise your events better.

    this is not meant as a troll, I don’t have the time, just my 10cents on the matter

  • There is an audio analyser "effect" you can use to check the peaks around whatever frequency range would be applicable for the music you are trying to get the bpm for. if it was straight 4.4 dance music then 100-1000hz for the kick or around there would be easy. It would get a little more difficult for complex beats though you would have to work out some fancy algorithm (math ust be on line somewhere though. But yea audio analyser is where to start

  • That would literally be just LCD trailbacks.

    Which you can mimick exactly by getting your main sprites to continualy spawn copies of them selves that very quickly fade and destroy themselves. Use the fade behaviour, no effects needed.

  • Carl.D

    my last input on the subject would be.

    Using construct engine directly

    The ideal solution is

    Viewport your 480x270 or similar

    Full Screen Scaling High

    Letterbox scaling

    linier sampling on

    this will give you linier sampling into whatever size the user makes the game window and will look super clean. However using fullscreen scaling high comes with a performance hit depending on the target screen / window pixel density. But it is not that much. If you can use this then do it.

    What is your performance if you do this?

    However, this subject was raised regarding to you porting your game to Switch.

    Which as far as i understand presently is not possible directly and would involve a compile/rewrite of your construct events and the engine rutime code into C++ or whatever the switch needs. In this case, the antialiasing is no longer a Construct engine problem as whoever is doing the porting for you will have full access to whatever graphics the switch uses and so will be able to add whatever AA you like.

  • It's been asked a few times. Do a quick search and u should see. Not gonna happen right now according to devs will have to rely on third party plugin. However I'm not entirely sure if there has been a feature request raised for it. Maybe u could do the honours if not....

  • I'm on the train to London doing this on mobile and a few beers in so may be a bit rough. But it works.

    T in the lerp is linear so start stop with constant speed but as it is using lerp you can drop in a smoother line formula for t to make it ease in and out.

    arrows or hold/double tap move left right

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yea . That looks pro.

    Definitely the way to go.

    But I understand that is no option for a finished game.

    The only other things I can think of is

    What about using the webgl blur effects very slightly

    Or investigate if there is webgl AA effect/shader that you could get someone to program as an add-on.

    Anyway keep us posted on that game it looks awesome.

  • in this case what I would do Is....

    • set my viewport resolution to 1080p (1920x1080)
    • Produce my pixel art assets at their base resolution ignoring viewport size *eg main dude is 32x32 so make at 32x32
    • Scale the assets in layout to my desired size
    • switch to liner sampling in project properties (will give slight anti aliasing into 1080p)
    • (probably would also set rounding to off (for smooth 1080p movement)
    • select scale inner in project properties


    I now have game that is a pixel art game that...

    • scales to all widescreens
    • that has a little antialiasing so dosent look too jaggy on big screens
    • and has smooth (up to 1080p) movement
    • allows higher resolution sprites for lighting effects.

    The only thing you would need to take care of is rotating objects as they will rotate into 1080p. This might be ok for lasers bullets etc. but would look odd for key player or enemy sprites etc. in this case you will have to fully animate rotations.

  • From my experience even huge text files load from project files in milliseconds on all browsers. However if you are displaying that text in a text field then that takes forever to load into the field in chrome compared to other browsers.

  • I was just messing around to see what can be done without families containers or for-each loops.

    Here is 1000 transparent boxes rotating and individually moving in X and Y.

    60FPS on my surface pro 4 with its crappy integrated graphics. ... sp=sharing

    not a fair test but interesting.

    I think most of these "how many objects" performance tests so pointless.

    1) because how many objects to you really need?

    2) add all the game logic behind the scenes in the form of events to make an actual game and that is where you see the real performance hit.

    From my experience with C2/3 it is how all those events compile into JS when you have that whole game engine running is where you get the hit.

    And that appears to be where Ashley is making the optimizations for C3.

    Which is awesome.

    Anyway I am rambling and a little sozzled so I will shut up.

    Chowdren tho !

    construct games on PS4 tho.... OMG !

    Now If I could only make a game good enough.....