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  • also asked here


    could I ask.... What is the possibility of a C3 port ?

  • Ashley

    I know there was a C2 discussion on this.

    I didn't really understand what Mouse Lock or Pointer Lock was at the time I read it but now that I am trying to implement KB&M control on my game I have come to the conclusion that access to this API is essential for many modern 2D games

    and I would very much like access to the mouse lock / pointer lock API for my game.

    My in work game is a twin stick shooter. The primary method of control is dual analogue joypad Secondary method would be dual touch

    However I would also like to implement mouse keyboard control, as although it would be preferable for player to use one of the other methods it is likely that most will first come across my game by way of PC with only KB&M access.

    But I do not want the gun angle to follow a crosshair mouse cursor on screen.

    Although this control method is common in many games it is super lame for what is intended as dual analogue control. (as it essentially allows KB&M players to just rest cursor over intended target and move ship with wasd/udlr keys while cursor will remain on target always so gun angle will always point to target. (i.e. there is no aiming skill requirement)

    what I want is the player to be able to make circles with the mouse that dictate the gun angle

    I have already made this work without mouse lock (by dragging an invisible pivot point around close behind the invisible mouse position. and using the angle between mouse position to pivot point position to set gun angle.)

    however this falls flat on its *** as soon as the mouse position hits the edge of the screen. full screen or not.

    As you can see in this case it would be real beneficial to have mouse lock / pointer lock


    in fact any dual analogue type shooter would benefit from mouse / pointer lock.

    there is also another alternative and preferable control scenario that does have a crosshair on screen dictated by mouse movement but the crosshair also moves in line with player. This also requires mouse / pointer lock

    mouse/pointer lock would clearly be turned off on any menu or on escape etc to avoid annoying player.

  • I tried to enable bullet on both object without any , result

    No it is not as simple as that, read the link above properly, especially the bit about stepping.

    You need to enable stepping and then use the On Step Is Overlapping

    there is even an example,

    it is all done for you, just read the manual and look at the example

    if you are trying to hit something with a sprite at mouse position then i dont know if this will work but maybe only the falling object needs it

    post a c3p

  • You should post a basic c3p file so it will be easier to help.

    But it sounds like you should be using the bullet stepping feature. ... nce/bullet

  • Guys

    Im trying to implement full screen on joypad button press but not getting it

    For me fullscreen wont work on joypad button press

    (xbox controller) (on chrome browser / not tried nwjs)

    is this a thing ????

  • So i looked into it a bit more

    it looks like browsers have to use the web standard Gamepad API.

    Gamepad api default mapping is standard xinput mapping.

    However the Gamepad API has the funcionality to recognise different controller types from different manufacurers throuh a controller ID and automatically remap them to a "Standard" (xinput slyle) mapping. But the browser developers have to make the effort to include this with a list of controller IDs.

    It seems firefox keeps a list of popular direct input joypad ids and automatically remaps them to standard. Where as chrome possibly dosent and just goes with standard or it dosent recognise your joypad id. ... amepad_API

  • i was reading on steam forums they have same issues because rumble pad 2 is pretty old and uses outmoded direct input api rather than modern standard x input api. i assume that xinput is default expectation for construct joypad plug in. for gamers to use these older pads they have to use bridging software called x360ce ... put-games/

    edit i was also reading that htm5 accepts both dinput and xinput so you should get readings using raw data. however you would have to manage compatibility.

    its funny though that firefox can figure it out and not chrome.

    looks like joypads are a bit of a minefield

  • Try a few different numbers for the y axis ... eg dual shock has a 5 for the right y axis if I remember.

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  • are you using windows/xbox controller ?

    I have dual analog working perfectly for windows/xbox controller but I am using raw data (you cant use the built in dead-zone and other features using raw but I hope to include compatibility with dual shock and other in future so setting up with raw instead)

    for example right joy pad weapon angle code as below.

    (this bit is just checking a deadzone)

    + System: distance(0,0,Gamepad.RawAxis(0, 2),Gamepad.RawAxis(0, 3)) = JOY_RIGHT_DEADZONE

    (and this bit set angle)

    -> System: Set WEAPON_ANGLE to angle(0,0,Gamepad.RawAxis(0, 2),Gamepad.RawAxis(0, 3))

    ( edit ) just to note that if you are not using xbox or windows/xbox controller then the button and axis numbers can be different you have to play around to find the numbers

  • OK man I can see you are making a infinite runner with random platforms but there are a lot of issues with your events

    for a start you are calling F1 from inside itself, which you can do at a more advanced level, but this is not what you want to do here

    you need to at least call it once from outside

    so move

    platforms x < 128 call "F1" outside the function

    however this causes another issue that as long as platforms x less than 128 it will keep calling the function to make more map every tick for ever as platforms x is gone off screen for ever.

    you could set platforms x back to 0 or whatever it was at the start but you have just created more platforms with the F1 function so now the old and new platforms will overlap

    so.... yea. i dont no how to make infinite runner but there are lots of template and examples here and on youtube and possibly in your C2 examples folder. Have a look at those for ideas.

  • You need to make a variable called "Letter_Number" or something

    then add 1 to the variable every time button is pressed

    then have event when Letter_Number greater than 3 make Letter_Number = 1

    then when

    Letter_Number = 1 make text "A"

    Letter_Number = 2 make text "B"

    Letter_Number = 3 make text "C"

  • you really need to give us a capx c3p but

    1) you have x less than 128 will keep calling gen map not more than 128

    2) i dont see x being set or added to anywhere

  • john Cutter yea i had an identical issue with my game when loading big arrays.

    i figured that probably because the first function dosent finish before the tick cycle the second function just gets forgotten. im not sure if right but as Asmodean said it was easily solved with a Boolean true on completion and just use that as the trigger for the debug message or the next function.

  • Wow, brilliant game brilliant graphics.

    Plays fine on my Moto G4 which is a pretty crap phone by all accounts.

    I was thinking you should really implement a swipe to go forward as well as the tap and you should also allow a tap left third right third screen to go left right as well as the swipe RL. This would cover all intuitive actions. Also sometimes my swipe registered as a tap to go forward killing me. Also sometimes there appears ton of difficult traffic where previously at the same point it wasn't so bad not sure if that's deliberate

    anyway , yes

    horribly addictive and inspiring.

    Nice one.

  • So.. the sun finally came out here in the UK after another never-ending winter..

    ..So Im feeling positive and am positing a vid. This is where I am at...

    Ive gone back to a pixel art style. changed the aspect ratio slightly so its a bit higher. will I stick with it?... I dont know. Also trying to make this 3D scaling work, just about got it but all the waypoints Ive put in by hand on the constuct 3 array editors just to test so still need to build that functionality into my editor so I can make a lot of them quickly for the game. Other than that Im trying to put the lives system in , the menu system in and level change and reset ect. The usual things in a game that you never think about but they sure are PITA to get right. Cos Im such a damn noob and this game is essentially just continually building on "my first game" I never used different layouts to for different levels. Im thinking this is going to be a bit of an issue going forward but we'll see. Also the framerate tanks when a lot of enemies overlap so that will need to be sorted. Oh yea and there is a really annoying bug where 1 in 30 games some of the enemies decide to wandering off the screen so you cant kill them. This may be a show stopper as I haven't been able to figure out why they are doing this. Or maybe Ill just have to hack in a backup plan so when it happens i direct them back. So yes currently its in a pretty mess but Im chipping away slowly.

    As usual all graphics are placeholder.

    I think I will post the next vid in the C3 forum as Ive been using C3 for a couple of months now. So bye bye C2 its been an awesome and enlightening trip.