I get the arguments here and I get what you are asking for.
But it totally goes against the way construct works.
Events, regardless if functions or not , need to be on an event sheet somewhere.
And If you want those specific events in event loop for a specific layout you need to include the relevant event sheet in the relevant layout.
But essentially.
1) you are asking to call a function from an event sheet that is not included in the current event loop
2) and you don’t want to move that function to a “globally included” sheet because it breaks code organisation.
A function should constructed like a black box
you should be able move it anywhere you like. (it should not need to be close/under to anything to work)
and if your function needs to be called from multiple sources then
Then place it on a globally included functions/events event sheet
Problem solved.
And better organised.
ps .also, if your functions depend on close by local events and variables as you suggest then you are not just talking about calling functions but you are requiring to loop through other events as well thus you need to include those events, vairables and need to include those sheets etc to they are in the event loop. then you should probably group to modularise these and or global them as well.
basically what you are asking for already exists.
you just need to organise your events better.
this is not meant as a troll, I don’t have the time, just my 10cents on the matter