NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Brilliant brilliant brilliant you even have the match three bonus in. Super.

    But you cant finish yet.......just one more update.....

    The collision in your game is too harsh, in the original you could cross over the enemy by about 1/3 and still not get killed. This made some very tense chases and escapes.

    In your version any visual collision is a death. Change this and will be pretty much spot on . Playing makes me miss the 80s..... We had real game-play then.... would love to see a whole arcade collection of your creations.

  • I only kinda follow.

    ...I've created an instance variable for my object in question (GhostHunter).

    So far I have a no-condition event line with the two actions:

    (1) GhostHunter set instance variable ZOrder to round(Self.Y)

    (2) System Sort GhostHunter Z Order by GhostHunter.ZOrder

    that sounds like it should work the only thing I can think of is maybe you need a "for each" ghost hunter at (1)

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    WackyToaster Wow very interesting, thanks for the link, that is exactly the sort of thing that I am talking about. Sounds like the very fabric of the internet could be at risk there……!

    Elliott Yes of course Scirra have the right to deny / remove access to their platforms but this is a huge power that was never present with standalone apps. As a company grows to have enough influence this sort of power can be used to subvert, silence, and control the user base if Scirra so desire or if gov so desire of Scirra. **** is an extreme case and an easy target but if you are true advocate of free speech then there can be no compromise. Scirra must not be banning on the basis of ideological differences no matter how despicable those opposing ideals are. **** must have as much right to spout their ideology as I must have to criticise it. This is what free speech is about. You can start with banning **** but where does it end and how to you police it.

    Ashley think I had little too much coffee today morning have been running aorund all day like 1000mph at work but also has made me a bit para' thus the post, thanks for your response, that is reassuring. Im still grinding my teeth.... man I need to quit coffee......

  • Try Construct 3

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    Hi Ashley

    thanks for your response, What I’m asking has nothing much to do with Privacy. It is the concern that, if, in the future, Scirra become overtly socially politically active as a company, taking a particular, say hard left stance (as is the current trend with tech companies), then, if my (even non game dev related) activities or creations are found to be in conflict with that of Scirra, you have the absolute discretion to ban me from your service, for any reason you deem appropriate, without any recourse for me ever. The big tech and game companies are actively and overtly doing this now and many smaller companies have been following suit.

    It was just a wish that Scirra never bring social politics into the realm of Construct Game development and never try to start policing who can and cant use their service on this basis.

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    Just don't create spamming gambling **** bots with the software and you are all fine.

    ...... spamming gambling **** bots....

    hmmm what a fantastic idea.... why didnt I think of that.....

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    A very good example sir, eg, if article 13 which just got voted through EU parliament, gets implemented into law, which its looking like it will. then what you have just done, posting a meme containing copyrighted content, will become illegal. Both you , for posting, and Scirra, for hosting, become responsible for the illegal content and Scirra may be forced to take some sort of action against you to ensure the continuation of their service.

    Also if I personally found that meme offensive in any way then the (UK) 2003 communications act, which is increasingly being enforced on line, means that my, and the judge's, interpretation of what you meant by posting that meme, rather than your actual intent, is what is considered when deciding if you have committed that offence which can carry a custodial sentence.

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    Unless you have been living off the grid, it should have become clear to you that many tech, media and games companies are becoming, or are being forced to become, highly politicized, generally taking quite hard left stances which in turn influences company direction, selection bias, the development of restrictive terms and conditions and policy. The result is usually restriction or suspension of services for anyone who has even mildly differing views, or preferences, or who use said services to promote ideas that differ from those of the service platform owners. To add to this, as governments have, and continue to introduce laws restricting freedom of speech and expression, and are starting to police these laws online, and forcing service providers to police, and introduce policy, regarding content hosted on or created using, their services, (even extending simply to the views held by people using their services) , I can only see the issue becoming even more problematic in the future.

    Construct, as an online service, whether we like it or not, is now part of this Orwellian dystopia. The Construct team have the power to ban me from logging in to use the service for whatever reason. Maybe I posted something online on some dark part of the internet that Scirra didn’t like, maybe I made a game criticising some social, political or religious movement “made with construct 3” that caused someone to be offended or was promoting ideas that Scirra don’t subscribe to. And what if the police asked Scirra Construct to turn over all data on me and ordered them to ban me from using the service?

    I’m not interested in starting any political debates here, nor am I asking for any public statement from Scirra / Construct team.

    It is just a personal plea from me that Scirra never get wrapped up in all this social political bull***t and always remain apolitical and unbiased in terms of who is allowed to use the Construct game dev service, no matter who they are, no matter what they have said or done, and no matter what content they use Construct to produce.

  • Construct needs to have something to sort your sprites by .

    So you need to assign an instance variable to your sprites like "ZPosition"

    then you have other events that will assign values to the Zposition variables for those sprites based on whatever is determining your z position.

    Then at the end you call the Sort Z Order (by instance variable)

    ascending descending would be handy but you can just do this yourself easily when calling by multiplying the variable by -1 if you want to swap it around.

  • "...THIS TOPIC IS 371 DAYS OLD...."

    ehem...... must be finished then I assume ??

  • Cryptwalker


    Wadup?? :)

    Patience sir... the most awesome things come to those who wait...and potentially really crappy things as well..... Not quite sure at this point..... It could go either way. I will get you a demo once a have 1 complete level scripted. But bought a house and been getting into DIY so no decent dev time recently. But I battle on. I will finish day...

    However, as we might all be geriatric by that time and not able to aim any more I will put in a big bullet slow mo option.

  • there is an alpha threshold effect built into construct 3

  • It is funny you say that you have nothing you enjoy.

    A few guys I know have said similar to me and they have plenty of money, good jobs, big houses, nice cars, kids, and are in stable relationships.

    I never know what to say to these guys. But (and I know its such a cliché) for sure, having enough money and being in a decent relationship will not guarantee you the type of happiness you desire.

    Ive been homeless and Ive been well off, and for me, without getting too morbid on a games forum, it has always been the realisation that my time on this earth is finite, that drives me, at every moment, to chill a little and just savour and enjoy every little drop of it that I can, in that moment. …….Soooo, back to games, if you are adamant you want to make a game then you know the really cool thing about construct is it is so easy to get prototype ideas up and running in minutes so you can just mess around with ideas, new mechanics, different effects, I don’t think you have to have a world shattering new idea just start something and It will grow and direct you. I mean all platformers are essentially the same game, all Metroidvanias are the same, all shmups are the same , top down rpgs etc, they are all the same and People are still buying and playing the new ones. Just a little spin on a gameplay mechanic, a cool new character, an engrossing story, some awesome graphics and effects. Anyway you think your life is bad. While writing this I am actually stuck in a 5000 seat auditorium at a mandatory all-day coms by my company since 8 AM, listening to the higher levels up congratulating themselves and telling us, how well we’ve done this year but that we will have to do better next year for less money. This will go on till 6PM by which time I will surely have lost the will to live. Bar surfing the construct forum and writing this, I am finding it very hard to squeeze much joy out of this moment… good luck sir....

  • I do recall reading that there is an ongoing blurry html text font problem on some systems on some versions of chrome supposedly more aggressive in chrome 69. I would recommend swapping to unscaled Sprite fonts.

  • Dr NetOne here

    you talk about mental issues? I was wondering are u on any medication?

    From experience. If you are on prescription benzos or SRIs (or whatever else “they” are pushing to the kids these days to dull the nervous system), they totally destroy your capacity to feel good about anything, they destroy the imaginative process, the ability to feel inspired about anything, the ability to focus and care enough just to simply push forward when things are tough. Basically they totally rob you of all the mental tools you would need to start and complete , even a simple or mediocre game. First thing to do is get off anything that is dulling your nervous system. (ps don’t go cold turkey, that is a recipe for total insanity (trust me ive tried it! allways taper off slowly.)

    If you are not on meds (and assuming you are not battling any alcohol drug addicitons) then it sounds like you have simply lost your mojo. In that case drop everything you are doing right now, including your attempts at game-making, and go do other things (try to find things that dont involve screens) until you find something, or someone, that re-lights your fire. Then you will find that the creative ideas will start flowing naturally again like when you were younger.

    Good luck sir

    Dr NetOne

  • "/" means divided by.

    Where you put variables is something you will get if you just dig in and start using construct. The clue is mostly in the names but there is some flexibility in how to use them.

    Instance variables are variables related to object instances. Player health, enemy shield ect and much more.

    Globals are for things that are not related to object instances or are numbers that need to be allways available to the game. ( But as you can see there is nothing stopping you put things you might deem global into an object instance (or vice verser) but if that instance is destroyed then those variables won't be available. (and a global variable is no good if you want to have different values for different instances of an object).

    Locals are places to store for small sections of code under an event or function, maybe to hold values while other calculations are performed. Or just to provide values for that section of code. Once the code moves onto the next event these variables essentially do not exist and can't be used by other parts of code. They can be initially set and will retain their value for the next time if you make them static.

    You'll get it after a the end of the day variables are just places to hold numbers or letters,

    Although they each perform slightly different roles there are really no hard rules to observe (someone will probably kill me for saying this). but IMO, Its really about whatever works for your game.

    to make even more interesting you can store and retrieve variables to/from dictionaries and arrays and probably other things I havent discovered yet.