MrMiller's Forum Posts

  • I'm not 100% certain of how to get this to where you want it other than tinkering with the "Eye Distance" in the properties menu, and/or tinkering with the distance codes of the in event line 8. Messing around with those does in fact change the viewing distance.

    It should be noted that the .cap I posted was made by someone else, I just made a simple mod or two. I just snag good tech demos and put them on my hard drive when I see them pop up. Hope this helps!

  • You can have animated sprites with this. You don't need the 3D Box for those.

    Here is a great example:

  • Heck, I didn't even know you could use 'OR'. I thought I read that it was broken... but now that I think of it that was years ago and I guess I never looked into it again.

    Nice to know that it can be used. Now I don't have to keep grouping all of my controls. It was creating some really long event sheets.

  • ^Ah, gotcha. Works well. Thanks, Ashley!

  • The app I was thinking of doing wouldn't require sound or character animation, so I'd probably be able to skate around the current issues with the Wii U and HTML5 games.

    Any idea on how to make a C2 program detect a specific browser? I'm not well-versed in C2 yet, I'm looking at the demo. I see the Browser object, but I don't see any detection actions. Perhaps I'm missing something?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I was wondering; is there a way in C2 to make your HTML5 game detect what browser the user is playing your game on, and then only allow the game to play if the browser is correct? For example:

    Person is playing the Wii U with the Wii U's browser. Person goes to play your game. The game detects that the user is using the Wii U browser and the game boots.

    Another person attempts to access your game from another browser... the game automatically disables because it recognizes that it's not the Wii U browser and won't allow access.


  • Look'in good!

  • ^^^ Of course, that would only be useful if he intends to use the program only for himself. I believe he's looking for a way to have his program autostart on other people's PC's.

  • I have to say that after the day I just had your message really changed the whole mood of it to positive. I really needed that!

    Like I said from the beginning, I think you're onto something with this game. There is just something interesting about that wolf, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds.

  • Silver, I believe I've got it. Check this out:

    -I took a sprite and attached two platform objects to it.

    -For the first platform object I set the "Control" name as "Player 1". For the second platform object I set the "Control" name as "Player 2".

    -I then went into the Properties menu and went to the "Controls" sub menu and set the controls for Arrows keys for Player 1 (P1), and then set the controls for WASD for Player 2 (P2).

    -I then created a Global variable called "Controls"

    -I then went into the event sheet and created the following events in order to test it:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    .Cap =

    Press '0' for Arrow control. Press '1' for WASD control (I only put W, A, and D in, you can fill in the rest with what you need).

    It works.

  • If you try it and can get that to work, please post an example .cap, because I'm very interested in how well this would operate.

  • Well, with the platform movement object already attached, you can still set acceleration, deceleration, and jump sustain just like you normally would for the arrow keys, so that's no problem. It works easily because Construct is already set to have the platform movement work with the arrow keys by default.

    But I'm wondering if just switching player control commands might do the trick. Like, if the global global variable 0 it would activate player 1's controls that are WASD keys and disable player 2. And if the global variable is 1 it would activate player 2's controls that are Arrow keys and disable player 1. If it's a one-player game you'd be using the same keyboard for both player settings.

    ... I dunno just an idea, I've never actually tried it before.

  • Here is the .cap:

    I'm not sure of how you have your controls set up so I have it set for left and right movement. You'll have to add in the specifics of your setup, but the foundation of activating and deactivating control types at runtime based on a setting are in the .cap. The .cap has two control types (WASD and Arrows); "other" has no function, but it is already attached to a global variable so you can attach events for another control setting to it.

    To use: Run the "Control Settings" layout.

  • Oh, I see. I may have a .cap for you. I'll be back shortly to report whether I do or not.

  • Yes, this can be done. However, just a question; but would it clash with anything you're doing if you just had both controls activated? Then the user could just decide on the fly what controls he wants to use, and you wouldn't need to have a menu just for that.