MrMiller's Forum Posts

  • This event will make him run the fall animation:

    Event = MegaMan: is falling -> Action = MegaMan: Set animation to "fall"


    Some notes:

    -This .cap had two problems. The first one is that the character would jump while in idle position. The second is that the character would jump while shooting.

    -After examining the event code, there was no reason why the unwanted jumping was happening, and so I diagnosed it as a glitch.

    -The glitch appeared to be caused by the "idleNshoot" and the "jump" animation tier. So I removed those, and then put them back in fresh.

    -I took all of the event codes you had, and made some new ones, and compiled them all into one event sheet.

    -I then took all of the events and separated them into two groups: One group for the basic run/jump/idle animations, and the second group for shooting.

    -I saw what you were trying to do with the wait object, but the input method was ineffective because it wasn't attached to another event. So, in order to get the 'idleNshoot' animation tier to play when you press the 'control' key and hold itself for a period, I used the function of enabling/disabling groups. When you press 'control' it will stop the run/jump/idle group animations and commands from playing, and the wait object will cause things to delay for 500ms and then 'run/jump/idle' group will be enabled. This happens very quickly. This also allowed me to get the shooting animation timing to be closer to what it looks like in MegaMan, but you'll have to tinker around with it to get it just right to how you want it.

    You might also consider using the Wait object to duplicate the MegaMan shooting limit (I believe you can only shoot 3 lazers shot for a period and then you have to wait for a short period before you can fire again, but I'm basing that on the NES version).

  • I've figured it out. Just give me a few moments to upload the .cap.

  • Okay, but what about the other question I was asking about the event sheet split up for one animated character? I'm just trying to understand what you're doing there.

  • You'll have to explain what's wrong with it exactly, i.e. what it's doing or not doing that you want it to do or not do. I know it probably seems like it should be obvious, and yes I can see a strange thing occurring, but we have to be sure of what you're wanting.

    Just a question; but is it really necessary to split an animation for one character up into two different event sheets? I know that some people use include event sheet for a number of different purposes (and many of them seem unnecessarily over-complicating to be honest), but I'm not sure I understand why you'd do that for this? Can you explain? I ask because I'm not sure what direction you're going in with your event method in this .cap.

  • Good one, Gelidaer.

    geniusrko, I'd like to add on a few things:

    1. You might consider upgrading to CC r2. It's stable now.

    2. The following events will allow you to do two things;

    *It will allow you to change between left and right animation angles while in the air.

    *By using angles to handle right and left sprite positions, it will allow you to eliminate the extra animation tiers you have, thus allowing you to conserve some memory. This will leave you with just three animation tiers instead of six:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    3. I don't recall any of the MegaMan games on NES having bunny hop jumping but you'll have to correct me if I'm wrong. If that's correct, you'll want to uncheck the "Allow Bunny Hop" attribute under "Platform Behavior" in the properties column to the left of the screen.

    Here is a .cap of all of this. Keep in mind it's done in CC r2:

  • I also found some really cool resources and examples of various things on this forum, but they all seem to be in .capx format. I guess there's no way to open these and take a look at them huh? Construct seems to only open .cap files these days.

    .capx files are--and have always only been--compatible with Construct 2.

    Construct Classic only opens .cap files.

  • I figured it out. Once again I was overcomplicating things. All I had to do was:

    This for the Keyboard

    + MouseKeyboard: Key Right arrow is down

    Sub-Event = + MouseKeyboard: Key Down arrow is down

    Action to Sub-event = -> Sprite: Move 10*TimeDelta pixels at 45 degrees

    Action to Sub-event = -> Sprite: Set animation to "45 Down Right"

    And this for XBOX 360 Controller

    + Xbox360Controller: (1): Left Thumb - Right is down

    Sub-Event = + Xbox360Controller: (1): Left Thumb - Down is down

    Action to Sub-event = -> Sprite: Move 10*TimeDelta pixels at 45 degrees

    Action to Sub-event = -> Sprite: Set animation to "45 Down Right"

    And I just change the angle of degrees to match which of the 8 directions I want, and then connect the key presses to an animation I've set in the Animator interface. Works perfectly!

  • Hi Crowtongue,

    I must admit that I just type in terms without using the advanced search. For whatever reason it just never occured to me to use it here even though I use it all the time on other forums <img src="smileys/smiley26.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Anyway, it's not that complicated in terms of what I'm trying to do really. It's just 8-directional movement:

    ... but with each direction having its own animation group so that I can create different collision animations based on the direction. That would be one .cap

    The second .cap would just be for animations that mirror based on the direction you press the arrow keys or XBOX 360 left thumbstick. In simpler terms, it would be similar to what you see in a 2D overhead RPG.

    I've seen people use solutions where they separate the body and the feet and make the feet move based on 8 directional movement object, but that won't suffice for what I'm trying to do.

    If I could just figure out what the expression is for this and how to attach it to degrees of an angle that coincide with the arrow keys and also works with the XBOX 360 left thumbstick...

  • Ini bawdy? <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Don't you need the editor to set points and stuff though?

    Yep, image points, hotspots, etc.

    The best and most reliable way of working with CC's picture editor is to paint your sprite images including transparencies with your preferred external graphics application, save the results to disk as .png (incl. transparencies) and then import them in CC's picture editor (Second icon in the top row).

    I assume this is also what MrMiller meant.

    Yes sir <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 1. Make sure you've selected the Layout Editor tab at the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

    2. Look into the "Objects" column above that, and right-click the object you want to copy, and select "copy" from the right-click menu.

    3. Go into the layout you want to paste that object into, and then right-click and select "Paste" from the right-click menu

  • Just curious; why are you pasting images into the editor instead of just importing them through the file menu?

    Is if because you're combining images to create new images or something?

  • I tried to search for this in the search engine, but it's becoming difficult to use now since Construct 2 stuff is so heavily mixed into the search.

    I'm trying to do 2 things (2 separate .caps)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    1. With each angle playing a different set of animations in one .cap

    2. With each animation set having a mirror for it's opposite direction in the second .cap

    I'm trying to give both the ability to work with the XBOX 360 controller and the keyboard.